
Positions of the legal adviser of the enterprise

Legal Counsel is a full-time employee of a legal entity. This specialist ensures compliance with legal standards both by the company itself and by other entities entering into legal relations with it. Let us further consider the duties of the legal adviser of the enterprise. legal adviser duties

General characteristics of the profession

Among persons whose specialty is united by the term "lawyer", a legal consultant occupies a separate place. The work of a lawyer is considered closest to the activities of this specialist. Most legal advisers operate in private and government agencies. In the states of companies where there are more than 10 specialists in the legal department, they are assigned the appropriate categories.


Admission to the state and dismissal is carried out by the director of the company in the manner prescribed by law. Candidates to the head are presented by his deputy after agreement with the head of the legal department. Legal Counsel Responsibilities in budgetary institution formulated according to the standard model approved in the manner prescribed by law. Citizens with a high school by profession and at least 3 years of work experience are accepted for work.

Necessary knowledge

The duties of the legal adviser are determined in accordance with the specifics of the organization. Of no small importance in formulating the tasks of a specialist is his qualification. The duties of the lead legal adviser, for example, include the management of assistants. For the proper execution of tasks, the employee needs to know:

  1. Normative acts by which the economic activity of the company is regulated.
  2. Fundamentals of labor, land, civil, financial (including tax), environmental, administrative, forestry, water, criminal legislation.
  3. Standards of the agro-industrial complex, Code of Criminal Procedure, Code of Civil Procedure.
  4. The procedure in accordance with which the legal documentation is maintained using modern means of computer technology, communications, communications and information technology.
  5. Rules FROM.

official duties of a legal adviser in a budgetary institution

The knowledge of a specialist can be supplemented depending on the specifics of the organization. So, the duties of a legal adviser in housing and communal services imply that the employee is aware of the current standards of housing legislation, the rules of communal services, the procedure for concluding relevant agreements and the specifics of services.

Principal duties of a legal adviser

Typical tasks of a specialist include:

  1. Development of legal documentation of the organization.
  2. Implementation of the methodological guidance of legal work.
  3. Providing legal assistance to employees of structural divisions in the preparation and execution of various documents, to monitor the activities of personnel in these processes.
  4. Represent the interests of the organization in municipal and state bodies, the arbitration court.
  5. To prepare, together with other divisions, materials on violations damaging the company.
  6. To study, analyze, summarize the results of consideration of claims, disputes, practice of amending, concluding, executing, terminating contracts to develop proposals aimed at eliminating identified shortcomings and improving economic activity.
  7. To keep records and keep deposited arbitration and other court cases entrusted and pending (completed).
  8. Draw up and submit for signature to the head documents on attracting employees to the material or disciplinary liability.
  9. Ensure control over the timely provision by the company divisions of securities to respond to claims from counterparties.
  10. To monitor the norms of legislation in accordance with which the regulation of the company.
  11. By order of the direct supervisor, inform the organization’s employees about the existing legal acts and changes in them.

duties of the legal adviser of the enterprise

Additional activities

The duties of a legal adviser in legal advice include clarification and assistance to citizens on legal issues. These tasks can be performed by a full-time employee of the company. In particular, his tasks may include advising employees on legal issues, assistance in the preparation of various documents. The terms of reference of a specialist may also include the development of conditions for collective and labor contracts and agreements. The duties of the legal adviser of the Pension Fund include consideration of materials relating to the execution of contracts with the public, control of the completeness of information and the timeliness of their provision by citizens. The specialist checks the compliance of the activities of employees with the current legislation, identifies violations of the interests and rights of persons applying to the FIU. official duties of the leading legal adviser

Forms of implementation

The duties of a legal adviser are carried out by presenting:

  1. Conclusions.
  2. Acts.
  3. Reviews.
  4. Reports.
  5. Draft contracts.
  6. Statements of claim.
  7. Reporting and memos.
  8. Claims.
  9. Complaints
  10. Of orders.
  11. Orders.
  12. Other documents issued by the organization.

The rights

Their implementation is aimed at the implementation by a specialist of the tasks assigned to him by management. In the course of his work, a specialist has the right:

  1. To give their assistants instructions that fall within their terms of reference.
  2. Supervise the execution of tasks by subordinates.
  3. In agreement with the relevant bosses, give instructions to other employees of the company on issues related to legal activity.
  4. Initiate the encouragement of subordinates who conscientiously fulfill their tasks.
  5. Request the necessary information and documentation, materials related to the activities of the legal department. duties of the legal adviser of the pension fund

The rights and duties of a legal adviser include reporting to the immediate superior about violations committed by subordinates in the course of their professional activity.

Interaction with other employees

Performing official duties, the legal adviser, if necessary, contacts other departments of the company. Their staff should be assisted by the specialist in their activities. His requirements to provide him with materials and documents relating to the work of the legal department are fulfilled by all divisions. If it is impossible to fulfill the instructions of a specialist, employees should inform their immediate management about this. Deliberate failure to provide the necessary information acts as a disciplinary offense. duties of a legal adviser in housing and communal services

A responsibility

The duties of a legal adviser are related to the use of information that may constitute commercial or state secret. The specialist is responsible for storing data related to the indicated categories. In addition, a specialist may be held liable for:

  1. Failure or improper performance of their tasks.
  2. Ignoring the orders and orders of the management, the first deputy, as well as the head of the legal department.

The specialist is responsible for the effectiveness and performance of the company on legal issues.For violations of the Labor Code, an employee may be brought to disciplinary and administrative, as well as criminal liability. legal adviser job duties in legal advice


The job description is developed and approved in accordance with the employment contract, labor standards and other legal acts regulating the scope of labor relations. To quickly resolve issues, a specialist car can be allocated a specialist car. The provision of the vehicle is carried out by order of the head of the company.

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