
The duties of the warehouse manager

The rights and obligations of the warehouse manager are set out in the relevant instructions. This employee is accepted and dismissed from work in the manner established by the Labor Code, by order of the head. The instructions may contain additional provisions, depending on the specifics of the enterprise. For example, the job responsibilities of a hospital warehouse manager prescribe the employee the need to possess certain knowledge regarding medical devices and materials, their storage features. warehouse manager responsibilities

Primary requirements

A citizen who has a secondary vocational or higher education is accepted for the position of manager. At the same time, his work experience in the specialty is at least a year. A person with full (secondary) education may be appointed to the position. In this case, his experience should be at least three years. The employee must know:

  1. Methodological and regulatory materials relating to the organization and management of storage facilities.
  2. Technical conditions and standards for storage of inventory items.
  3. Grades, grades, sizes, types and other material characteristics of warehouse facilities.
  4. The procedure and rules for storing inventory items, instructions and regulations for accounting.
  5. Basics of shopping mall.
  6. Terms of contracts for the transportation and storage of products, rental equipment and storage facilities.
  7. Settlement procedure for work performed and services rendered.
  8. Rules for the use of VT equipment, communications and communications.
  9. Fundamentals of management and labor, organization of production and the economy. rights and obligations of the warehouse manager

Functional responsibilities of the warehouse manager

This section may be supplemented and clarified in the preparation of instructions in accordance with specific circumstances. The duties of the warehouse manager include:

  1. Guidelines for the reception, maintenance and dispensing of stored inventory items, their placement based on the most rational use of space, speeding up and facilitating the search for necessary products, equipment, materials and other things.
  2. Ensuring the proper condition of the facilities. The duties of the head of the warehouse of the catering unit include, in particular, compliance with established storage conditions.
  3. Monitoring the availability and serviceability of extinguishing agents, the condition of inventory, equipment, facilities, ensuring timely repair.
  4. Organization of unloading and loading operations in accordance with the norms, rules and instructions on OT.
  5. Ensuring timely return, storage and collection of loading details to suppliers.
  6. Participation in the inventory of objects located in the warehouse. The duties of the manager of the catering warehouse

The duties of the warehouse manager in agriculture also include such items as:

  1. Keeping records of operations in accordance with established reporting.
  2. Participation in the development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the work, reducing the costs of maintaining and transporting inventory items.
  3. Implementation of modern means of communication, communications and computer technology.

The rights

The employee has the opportunity:

  1. To give instructions and tasks on issues related to his competence, subordinate services and employees.
  2. Request and receive the required documents and materials necessary for the implementation of activities included in the duties of the warehouse manager, units and services subordinate to him.
  3. To control the progress of execution and the timeliness of the implementation of production tasks and instructions given to them and management by employees or departments subordinate to him.
  4. To carry out, on behalf of the enterprise, interaction with relevant structures and employees for promptly resolving issues related to activities related to its competence.
  5. Represent, where necessary, the company in relations with other organizations.

duties of the hospital warehouse manager

A responsibility

For non-fulfillment of any points included in the duties of the warehouse manager, administrative and disciplinary sanctions may be imposed on the employee. The employee is responsible for:

  1. Efficiency and results of economic activity at the enterprise.
  2. Fulfillment of duties of both their own and those of departments and employees subordinate to him.
  3. Providing reliable information about the status of the execution of production tasks of subordinate units.
  4. Execution of orders, instructions, orders of the head of the enterprise.
  5. Timely adoption of measures to prevent detected violations of the fire safety regulations, fire regulations and other regulations that pose a threat to the safe operation of the organization and to the health and life of workers.
  6. Enforcement internal regulations employees of subordinate units and personnel subordinate to the head. functional responsibilities of the warehouse manager

Mode of operation

The duties of the warehouse manager include compliance with the established schedule at the enterprise. The mode of its work is established by the Rules approved by the head. In accordance with the specifics of the enterprise, the duties of the warehouse manager may include visits to company branches. In this regard, business trips may be included in the employee’s work schedule.

Special part

The job description sets out the conditions of activity directly at the workplace, additional factors that do not worsen the position of the manager in comparison with current regulations, including the Labor Code. The document should also contain explanations on the employee’s interaction with other structural units of the enterprise both in normal times and in emergency situations. The same paragraph sets out the duties of the warehouse manager in relation to specific subordinate units and persons. duties of the warehouse manager

Business Analysis

Evaluation criteria include:

  • Work experience by profession.
  • Qualification.
  • Professional competence, reflected in the best quality of work performed.
  • Level of discipline.
  • Ability to organize the effective work of subordinate units and employees.
  • Work intensity.
  • The ability to quickly master new technical means that contribute to improving the quality of activity and labor productivity.
  • Ability to work with documentation.
  • The ability to adequately evaluate yourself.
  • Production ethics, manner of communication.
  • Initiative in work, striving for improvement.
  • Ability to be creative.
  • Rationalization proposals.
  • Enterprise.
  • Ability to provide practical assistance to newly hired employees. duties of the warehouse manager in agriculture

Performance evaluation

Timeliness and results of work are analyzed according to criteria such as:

  • The nature of the results that were achieved by the head in the performance of his duties, which are established by the labor contract and job description.
  • The quality of the work.
  • Timeliness in the implementation of production tasks, orders and instructions of the head.
  • Performance level.
  • Inventory results in stock.
  • The state of the documentation.

A general assessment of the results of the work and analysis of the business qualities of the head are carried out on the basis of objective indicators. Of particular importance is the motivated opinion of his immediate superior, as well as colleagues, employees of repaired structural units.


The warehouse manager is one of the important figures in the enterprise.The quality of its work often depends on the course of production processes and operations, the effectiveness of the enterprise. The warehouse manager must not only ensure the safety of the facilities under his jurisdiction, but also timely and correctly draw up documentation, submit reports to management. The employee is financially responsible, in connection with which he needs to be careful with his work.

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