
One-time childbirth allowance: amount received

Having a baby is always an exciting and memorable moment in the life of every family. For nine months, the mother carried the baby under her heart, protected it, gave her love, introduced her to the outside world, and now the baby was born.

lump-sum birth allowance

Now there will be even more pleasant hassle. And how many things, essential goods a child needs! Among them - a stroller, crib, clothes and more. To acquire the necessary items, a considerable amount is required, therefore, many states are developing special social programs aimed at providing material assistance to young parents. In Russia, for example, a one-time allowance is provided for the birth of a child. This is not the only social payment, but this article will focus on it.

Who is eligible for social benefits?

A father or mother, as well as a person replacing them, that is, a guardian, can receive a lump-sum benefit at the birth of a child. The payment does not affect the family in which the child was born (full, or one parent will be engaged in upbringing). The allowance is assigned to both working and unemployed (or unofficially working) citizens. Among them are students of Russian universities, full-time students. Correspondence students cannot apply for a payment to their university. It does not matter on what basis the student is trained, budgetary or commercial.

one-time birth allowance

Summarizing the foregoing, we can confidently say that the right to a lump sum payment at birth is all citizens of the Russian Federation. The only condition is the presence of Russian citizenship.

In order to apply for a one-time birth benefit, you need to know where to apply and which package of documents to collect. All this will be discussed below.

Where to apply for a social payment?

In this part, we distinguish between categories of citizens of the Russian Federation who are entitled to a lump sum payment. The name of the institution to which you will need to apply for payment depends on which category the parent belongs to.

Officially employed citizens for social benefits apply to the personnel department with an application and the necessary documents already filled out.

Persons who, at the time of the birth of a child, are studying in higher educational institutions or are serving in the Russian army, must submit an application at the place of stay.

Non-working citizens, as well as those who work informally, must contact the social security authorities at the place of residence. In this case, the application for the appointment and receipt of benefits is filled out directly in the office and transferred personally to the hands of the social worker.

Who is assigned the allowance - to mothers or father?

A husband is granted benefits at the birth of a child if he is officially employed, unlike his mother. There are also the following options: if the mother is a full-time student (!), And the father is unemployed, then the allowance is assigned to the woman, and she needs to submit documents. If both parents are students or working, then it does not matter to whom to submit the documents.

lump sum after birth

Contacting the social protection authorities is only necessary if none of the parents is working or studying. What documents are required to apply for benefits?

We collect paper!

You can find out or clarify the list of necessary documents at the social security authorities: they are obligatory posted on one of the stands.You can also call, but getting through, as a rule, is very difficult. Currently, an information technology development program is being actively implemented, thanks to which each municipal authority should have a website on the Internet. Unfortunately, the program is still far from perfect, so current information does not always appear on time. The list of documents that must be submitted to receive a one-time allowance at the birth of a child is indicated in this article. It is relevant only at the time of writing.

What do we need

  • Passports of the Russian Federation of both parents or only the mother, if the father is not indicated in the birth certificate.
  • Birth certificate of a child.
  • Birth certificate in the prescribed form.
  • Certificate that the second parent did not receive a lump-sum benefit at birth.
  • A savings book or personal account of the card to which funds will be transferred.
  • Benefit Assignment Statement

allowance for mothers or father to husband at birth

Be sure to have copies of all documents with you - this will allow you to significantly reduce the time spent.

Payment and filing deadlines

After all the documents along with the application have been submitted to the appropriate authority, the young parents will only have to wait for the transfer of funds. There are strict time limits during which parents can apply for the appointment and payment of benefits. In the Russian Federation, this period is six months. According to the law, a lump sum after the birth of a child in Russia must be transferred to the parent's account within 10 working days. However, this rule is not always respected.

Amounts of lump sum at birth

Each year, the amount of payment is subject to indexation. In 2015, it amounted to 14 thousand 497 rubles 80 kopecks. In some areas (for example, the Far North) there is a premium of 40 to 70 percent. The exact amount can be found in the social security authorities. At the birth of two or more children, a lump sum is paid for each child. It is important to know that if a baby is born dead, then the allowance is not paid.

lump sum allowance at birth in Russia

In addition to such financial support paid by the state, there are also other benefits that are provided by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Let's talk a little about them.

Regional Payments

They are also called gubernatorial. Such assistance is paid from the regional budget. The most popular, of course, are payments in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the capital there are so-called "Luzhkov" payments. They are appointed at the birth of a child to their parents, but only if they have a permanent place of registration in Moscow. In addition, both father and mother at the time of the appearance of the baby should not be more than thirty years old. The amount of "Luzhkov" payments is calculated in the amount of the subsistence minimum established in Moscow. So, for example, if the baby is the first in the family, then the amount of 5 living wages is paid to parents, seven for the second child, the social payment for the third and subsequent children born will be 10 (!) Living wages.

By the way, the cost of living in Moscow as of 2015 is 13 thousand 896 rubles. Agree that the final amount of "Luzhkov" payments is an order of magnitude greater than the lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child paid by the state. It is necessary to apply for payment in the capital within one year from the date of birth of the child. If the documents were not submitted within the specified period, it is practically impossible to receive the allowance.

receipt of a lump sum at birth

In St. Petersburg, at the birth of a child, compensation payments are assigned. For the first baby, the amount will be 24,000 rubles, for the second - 32 thousand, and for the third and subsequent children, parents will be paid 40 thousand rubles. A prerequisite for receiving compensation is the availability of a permanent residence permit in St. Petersburg.

Sample application for a one-time payment

This sample is valid for filing at the place of work. If the allowance is assigned by the social protection authorities, then the application is filled out directly in the office. Sample:

to CEO

LLC “Regional Communication” I. I. Petrov

chief accountant

T.V. Sidorova


Based on Art. 11, 12 of the Federal Law “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”, I ask you to assign and pay a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child in connection with the birth of a son (and / or daughter).

I enclose the following documents to the application:

1. Birth certificate.

2. A certificate from the second parent that he was not assigned benefits.

"___" ____________201_ year signature (T.V. Sidorova).

The birth certificate must be obtained from the registry office at the place of registration. A certificate of non-assignment of benefits to the second parent is issued either at the place of work / study, or at the social security authorities.

If you have the necessary information, find out in advance what time to approach to draw up the manual, then there will be no difficulties in this matter. Happy parents can spend a one-time allowance on those things that they consider necessary for the baby. The main thing is to have time to do this in a timely manner, so as not to regret the unpaid money subsequently.

lump-sum benefits at birth

A lump sum allowance at the birth of a child in Russia is not the only social payment. There is also a subsidy that is paid to a soldier’s wife. The amount is slightly different upwards. Knowing what kind of social benefits are due to young parents at birth is very important. If the state provides them, then it is necessary to use them.

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