
Profitable business: how to open a marriage agency. Marriage Agency Business Plan

How to open a marriage agencyIndependently organize a marriage agency - this is perhaps one of the most extraordinary ways to generate income. What could be better than making people happy ?! It is you who will begin to search for people their soul mates, and they will be grateful to you for that. You will not only receive material benefits from what you are doing, but you will also be morally satisfied, since the mission you have chosen - “pushing the fate of people” - is considered to be noble and in demand. In just a few months of work, you can achieve tremendous success in this field.

However, one cannot do without competent organization of one’s own business. The question of how to open a marriage agency may be confusing for some. Of course, it requires the most detailed analysis. The following recommendation will be primarily useful to those who intend to engage in acquaintance of people on a professional basis.

Where to begin?

Before you open a marriage agency, you should study in detail the situation in this type of activity, at least at the scale of your locality. Read the print materials, announcements, advertising information regarding how to organize the business.

For example, analyze the price level in your city for the services of a “professional matchmaker.” Chat with your friends or acquaintances - it is possible that some of them have some experience in the field of activity that interests you. It will not be superfluous to schedule a consultation with specialists helping to find one's destiny as a client and research the material, so to speak, from the inside.

Prepare a business plan

Want to learn how to open a marriage agency? Do not hurry. First you should make a detailed business plan for the marriage agency. In this document you should thoroughly work out all the details and prospects of your future enterprise.

Marriage Agency Business Plan

For example, you must determine the specialization of your activity, namely: will you look for wives or husbands only among your compatriots or will foreign citizens also appear in your client base. Perhaps you want to open an international marriage agency.

That is why the services of a “professional matchmaker” are in high demand today: Russians dream of a foreigner husband, and a certain part of our representatives of the stronger sex prefers to marry girls from Europe, Africa and the USA. Also, in your business plan, you should detail the cost estimates (rental of premises, equipment, salaries for employees) and predict how long you will be able to recoup the investment.

How to open a marriage agency? This is nothing complicated. Remember that the main goal is to select the ideal candidate for the role of spouse or husband. The principle of the marriage agency is quite simple: the more you manage to “connect hearts”, the better. The popularity rating of your company will depend on this.

How to organize a marriage agency

At the same time, it’s difficult for your business to come up with better advertising than the words “let's get married” said by customers.

So, the business plan is developed and the goal is defined.

In the next step, you must register your company with the tax authority. As a rule, this procedure is done quickly enough (3-7 days).

As a result, you will have documents confirming the legality of your business. What's next? We turn to the practical side of the question of how to organize a marriage agency.

Choose a room

The location of your marriage agency should be approached responsibly and seriously. It is better to choose an area with developed infrastructure. The building in which you rent a room should be close to shopping centers, supermarkets, hotels, cafes and restaurants. Location must be respectable. One square meter of rent can cost you about 2000 rubles a month. Think about your office design in advance.

Provide an area in the room where the fairer sex over a cup of coffee could discuss with her friends the proposed candidates for the role of “life partner”. The interior of the office should be done in business style which, at the same time, would have the client in a trusting dialogue. It is optimal if the area of ​​the office you are renting does not exceed 50 square meters. To decorate the interior space and make repairs you will need approximately 200,000 rubles.

What is needed from the equipment?

You should be aware that each employee must be provided with a workplace and have the necessary set of office equipment: computer, scanner, printer, copier. Also in the room you will need upholstered furniture so that clients feel as comfortable as possible. As a result, your wallet will be empty for another 300,000 rubles.

We hire staff

Paradoxical as it sounds, but in the organization of a marriage agency, the ability to understand the psychology of personality is of paramount importance, while the financial side of the matter is secondary. And one of the main components of a successful business is the competent selection of personnel. You will need a couple of sensible specialists who can thoroughly understand the characteristics of interpersonal relationships. With their help, you will be able to find out as accurately as possible what qualities the chosen one or the chosen one of the client should have.

Many ask the elementary question: “Why can long-term relationships between people ultimately be doomed to failure?” The whole point is their psychological incompatibility. To minimize this risk, we need the help of experts.

How to open your marriage agency

With the help of consultations and tests, they will surely pick up the perfect pair for the client. Do not forget that you will pay for the work of specialists: one employee will cost you approximately 30,000 rubles a month. At a minimum, you will need two psychologists.

In addition to the psychologist, you will need the help of an experienced programmer or system administrator, since a huge mass of applications will be posted on your page on the Internet. Of course, the above specialists will also need to pay wages, the average size of which is 25,000 rubles.

Your staff should also include a makeup artist position. The lion's share of your profits will be finances from the wallets of male clients who may ask you to “show” the goods. And you must be prepared for this. Make-up artist will help emphasize the beauty of "potential" brides. His services will cost you about 30,000 rubles. As a result, you should lay about 115,000 thousand rubles per month for the payment of wages in the estimated costs.

Need an Internet resource

A marriage agency as a business cannot be imagined without official representation in RuNet.

At present, any organization that provides services for the selection of a spouse or wife has its own Internet resource.

Marriage Agency as a Business

With it, the process of selecting candidates for “life partners” for your customers will be greatly simplified. In addition, you can provide an option through which the help of a psychologist will be provided online.

On the Internet portal you can also keep track of those people who contacted your agency: it is likely that they will want to communicate independently through the World Wide Web with their potential “halves” from other cities and countries.And you have the right to provide them with such an opportunity. In this way you can be different from your competitors.

At the same time, the design of your portal should be bright and beautifully designed. It should be convenient for the user, namely: quickly load and open pages, have a clear menu.

In addition, make sure that your resource is hyped, that is, it should be in the top of all known search engines (for example, Yandex or Mail). It is possible that for this you will need the help of specialists who are engaged in "site building" on a professional basis.

Mode of operation

Think about the question of working hours and develop a clear schedule for employees. The question of how the marriage agency works is decided by its owner, guided by labor law. The rights of workers should not be infringed in any way.

What profit can you count on?

How the marriage agency worksBefore you open your marriage agency, calculate your potential profit.

Profits of a professional matchmaker are generated from several sources. Firstly, customers pay for the fact that their names are entered into the database. As a rule, this privilege costs them from 2000 to 5000 rubles. It all depends on the specific set of services.

The second opportunity to earn is the sale of updated databases, which contain the latest information about grooms and brides. One address can cost from 150,000 to 300,000 rubles. The third type of earnings is the organization of foreign tours for dating. The size of the commission for the client is 6500 rubles. You can also earn money by sending letters to a girl you like - the price of this service is 200 rubles.

Analyze cost estimates

Renting a room, advertising, purchasing equipment, Internet and telephone services, paying salaries and other expenses will require significant investments from you.

Despite the fact that expenses pay off quickly (in about 1.5 years), weigh the pros and cons before deciding to seriously engage in this business.

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