
How to open a center for early development of children. Where to start developing courses for children: search for a teacher, purchase of furniture and paperwork

Child Development Center is a pretty good profitable business. For children, everything must be done so that they have the opportunity to grow and study in harmonious conditions. I must say that you can open such an institution in private. For this you need to go through many stages.

The main differences between the development center and kindergarten

how to open a center for early childhood developmentThey really exist. For example, the level of teaching in such an institution is much higher, teachers use the latest methods of education and training.

The schedule in such an institution may be non-standard. In addition, the child has the opportunity to study the world in depth, attend additional classes.

I must say that, giving the baby to the development center, parents should be prepared for the fact that they will have to actively participate in children's life. In such an institution, there is the possibility of individual training, of course, for an additional fee.

It should be noted that developing centers for children can have a narrowly focused specificity of work, that is, an institution can provide only a few services: dancing, modeling, drawing, and in-depth study of foreign languages. In addition, you have the opportunity to start educating even the smallest kid (from a year).

What documents are needed to design a development center?

So, for starters, you will have to register as a private entrepreneur and legalize your activities. Next, you need to collect such a package of documents:

- Certificate of registration with the tax service.

- The contract of sale or rental of premises.

- The conclusion of the State Fire Service and the SES on the institution's compliance with all the necessary requirements of the law. An evacuation plan is also needed in case of unforeseen circumstances.

- Charter of a preschool institution.

- License to conduct educational activities. For its execution, you will need copies of all the above documents, as well as the program for which you will work, a certificate confirming the availability of the necessary material base.

Please note that you also need to provide staffing, information about teachers and pupils. Each specialist should also have a labor and sanitary books diploma of relevant education.

You will also need to open a bank account. Naturally, it would be desirable to conclude agreements with suppliers of products. An important point is also the receipt and payment of utilities.

What services can an institution provide?

So, before you open a center for early childhood development, decide what you can offer your customers. For example, among the services provided may include:

- Observation of babies from 7 am to 8 pm.

- Carrying out walks, observations, game and training sessions.

- Teaching children. Moreover, both general education and specialized classes can be held.

- Four meals a day for babies.

- Specialized educational courses for children: dancing, art school, vocal club, in-depth study of various sciences, sports training.

How to choose the right staff?

early childhood developmentThe first thing to learn is that all employees must be highly qualified.

The number of specialists depends on how many children will be raised in your institution. For example, if you count on 20-30 children, then you will need:

- 1-2 teachers who have the appropriate education, have the necessary personal and professional qualities, are able to establish contact with the children and their parents, cause respect.

If you decide to open children's centers for early development, then keep in mind that all specialists should be ready for the introduction of innovations and familiar with effective teaching methods for kids.

- Assistant educator.

- Head of the center.

- A methodologist who simply must be well-versed in modern education and be able to work with the team.

- The psychologist.

- Narrow specialists: music worker, teacher of physical education, visual arts, speech therapist and others (if necessary).

- Any child care institution should have a medical service. If it is small, then it is enough to hire 1 qualified nurse or pediatrician.

- The manager.

- Cooks and technical staff.

Of course, all specialists are taken for a probationary period, and only after its expiration the issue of accepting employees for a permanent job is decided. Keep in mind that all employees are required to periodically undergo a medical examination, to improve their skills.

Features of the choice of premises

Naturally, before opening a center for the early development of children, one should decide where the pedagogical process will be carried out. To rent a room you need to approach very responsibly. First of all, pay attention to its dimensions. The smallest area in this case should be approximately 100 square meters. m

As for the layout of the room, it will be necessary to place the manager’s office, a games room, a hall for events, a bedroom, a kitchen, a dressing room for children, a laundry room, a bathroom with a toilet, an office for staff. You may also need a warehouse to store equipment and products.

Another room must meet all safety standards: have 2 fire exits, an alarm system. In addition, the building must be safe from a sanitary point of view. Please note that a play area should be organized near it, equipped with all the necessary equipment: swings, slides, rockets and other objects.

It is advisable that the institution is away from manufacturing enterprises and active roads.

How to organize the material and technical equipment of the institution?

Before you open a center for the early development of children, you need to think about filling it with toys, teaching materials, manuals, games and equipment. Naturally, the obligatory part of the room is furniture. It must be of high quality, durable, safe and meet all state requirements. To purchase it you need to conclude an agreement with the supplier company.

The early development of children requires the acquisition of unusual games, books, toys. An important part of material equipment is also office equipment, room decor, supplies. The design of all rooms should correspond to their purpose. For example, children's rooms must be interesting, vibrant, evoking positive emotions.

In addition to the specified equipment, you will also need a TV with a player, a music center and other technical devices that will help in training and educational activities (computer, projector, printer).

All things should be as safe as possible for the health of children.

A brief business plan for organizing such an institution

Before you open a center for the early development of children, you need to carefully plan everything. So, for starters, you will need a minimum starting capital, which will be about 15-20 thousand dollars. The main expenses include renting a room, paying utility bills, taxes and salaries.

Here is an approximate calculation of the expenses and income of the institution:

- registration of entrepreneurship - 300 dollars;

child development center business plan- repair of premises and purchase of equipment - about 20,000 cu;

- building rental and utilities - about $ 15,000 per year;

- food for children and staff - about 50-100 thousand cu for the whole season;

- salary - up to $ 34,000 per month;

- promotion and advertising - approximately 3000 cu monthly.

As for income, they can be as follows:

- entrance payment - 2200 dollars;

- the monthly fee for 30-40 children for the working season (9-10 months) is up to 780,000 cu;

- additional income from individual lessons and short stay of children in the center - up to $ 15,000.

You can calculate the return on such an event yourself. However, it should be clarified that all the above calculations are approximate and serve only as an example. Naturally, the more children you bring up, the higher your expenses will be and the more expensive it will be to pay for visiting the center for parents.

How to attract customers?

To do this, you just need to correctly advertise. For example, you can order a site in the subway, public transport, hang posters in crowded places. In addition, the institution must constantly maintain its image.

For greater effect, arrange open house days in your institution, holidays. If necessary, you can contact the advertising agency.

Useful Tips

development centers for childrenBefore you open such an institution, consider all the risks and possible negative circumstances.

Please note that you will have to carry out timely repairs of the center so that it can function continuously throughout the season.

Constantly improve the professionalism of your employees. Conduct various activities that will help you earn popularity.

Naturally, perform the duties that you have undertaken in a quality manner. Only then can you earn a good reputation.

The Child Development Center, whose business plan is given only in rough figures, is a very necessary institution that contributes to the formation of a harmonious and educated personality.

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