
How to open a private speech therapy room: the cost of equipment and a list of necessary documents

How to open a speech therapy room? The basic procedure is almost no different from that when opening another type of business.

We collect a package of documents

The speech correction center (speech therapy room) is one of the varieties of private business, so the main package of documents will be the same as when opening any other own business. It will be required:

  • Documents confirming the registration of a legal entity.
  • Settlement account owned by a registered person.
  • Documents confirming that the business is accounted for in all necessary funds and the tax office.
  • Issued in accordance with all the rules and noted in the committee an agreement on the lease of premises.
  • Contracts with service organizations: for garbage removal, cleaning (if it is not possible to hire your own cleaner).
  • Permits SES and Fire supervision.

When thinking about how to open a private speech therapy room, remember: without fail, a license from the educational authorities will be required to organize a case. If the help of a speech therapist is supposed to be combined with the advice of a neurologist (and this is the most productive way of correcting speech), then a license for the provision of medical services will also be required.

We clarify the details

How to open a private speech therapy room? It is necessary to take into account all the nuances necessary for successful work. Correctly calculate the costs, make a list of the necessary furniture, equipment will help to calculate a competently drawn up business plan for a private speech therapist. It should have three main sections. The first will have to take into account the costs that will be required to collect documents. The second, most voluminous section, takes into account the size of the starter pack. Here's the count:

  • Amounts required to rent or purchase your own premises.
  • The money that you have to spend to buy furniture in the office of a speech therapist.
  • Means for the purchase of equipment, computer programs, manuals, educational toys. Naturally, to calculate how much furniture and equipment will cost, you can only make them a complete list.
  • Amounts required for advertising the new office.

In the third section, you need to take into account current expenses: utility bills, salaries, etc.

What is needed for an office?

How to open your speech therapy room and make it successful? First you need to choose the right place for him. Most often speech therapists work in schools or kindergartens. However, it will be convenient to place in a children's club, a large shopping center, clinic. Any other place is suitable where parents with children or independent students can easily reach. The size of the cabinet should be at least 30 meters. Several rooms are required:

  • Room for classes.
  • Waiting room for parents. It is in it that it is good to lay out the necessary manuals and literature for mothers and fathers. Here you can arrange some games or toys: if children come to classes earlier than the appointed time, they need something to entertain.
  • Technical room for storage of cleaning equipment.

If a private speech therapist's office will provide the services of a neurologist, then for him, too, he will need his own room, which is closed from prying eyes.

A few words about advertising

furniture for the office of a speech therapist

The more children attend a private speech therapy room, the faster the costs for opening it pay off, the more stable the entrepreneur’s income.That is why the broadest parent circles should learn about the new cabinet. What advertising will give the best results? How to open a private speech therapy room that can generate income for many years? Be very careful about advertising. Where to place it?

  • Ads in the media. It is necessary to use the maximum number of newspapers, magazines, television programs (in which there is a running advertising line). You may even have to shoot your own video: it will not only bring the necessary information, but also make it clear that the cabinet is owned by successful, wealthy people familiar with new technologies and economic laws.
  • Distribution of self-printed leaflets. They can be handed out at school parent meetings, in clinics, in the classes of various circles.
  • The services of speech therapists are also used by adults. For them, you need to make flyers with special text that emphasizes the confidentiality of classes. It is better to leave such information on your own site, on social networks or post on the Web using affiliate programs.

how to open a speech therapy room

When caring for advertising, do not forget about the length of the day for a speech therapist. One person per day can conduct no more than 6 individual lessons (an hour for each student, plus time for breaks between classes).

Furniture and equipment for an office

Private speech therapy room should have a cozy, attractive, soothing look. Do not hang pictures that are not related to training on the walls: they will distract the guys. A speech therapist can choose furniture to his taste, but at the same time remember that tables and chairs should correspond to the growth of children. That is why many experts prefer to buy transformers. The following must be in the cabinet:

  • Cooler with drinking water.
  • Washbasin.
  • Soap, towels, napkins.
  • Tables for classes, coffee tables for parents.
  • Chairs, sofas, armchairs.
  • A computer with installed programs (cost from 30 to 900 thousand, depending on quality and software).
  • Cases for manuals, toys and clothes. Their price starts from 2000 rubles.
  • Blackboard. The most inexpensive, tricuspid, costs about 5,000 rubles.
  • Wall mirror for classes. It costs no more than 1000 rubles.
  • Small mirrors for speech correction. Ordinary, in a plastic frame, cost about 150 rubles.
  • Screen for watching videos. The standard model 125x125 will cost 4,000 rubles.
  • Stopwatch. It can be purchased for 500 rubles.

Naturally, using his own experience, a speech therapist can equip the office with additional furniture and equipment.

What else can I buy?

It is good if the private speech therapy room is equipped with a game room or a corner: some lessons are held in an informal setting. There are few office desks for group classes. You can use a soft cozy carpet, play games in soft chairs.

Along with a computer, it is recommended to use filmstrips, projectors, etc. Some experts use puppet theaters, soft toys, and designers of different brands. It is important to remember one thing: an overly overloaded interior or a large number of foreign objects distract children from classes. Furniture for a speech therapist’s office should be functional.

All benefits needed, all benefits important

Manuals and all materials needed by a speech therapist can be divided into educational, visual and toolkits. For “mechanical” speech correction a set of probes will be required. To the main set, consisting of 8 probes, you can add the "Swan" and staged sliding devices recommended in the book by E.V. Novikova. For the disinfection of tools will require special tools, wipes, cotton wool, bandage.

Among the visual aids must be present:

  • Wall and split alphabets.
  • Speech examination materials arranged in phonetic and thematic groups.
  • Speech games.
  • Symbol cards.
  • Flanelegraf, sets of paintings, typesetting canvas.
  • Lotto, games for the development of speech.

Among the teaching aids should be colored pencils, pens and stands for them, sheets for drawing. All this will take 10-15 thousand.

how to open your speech therapy room

A few tips for beginners

  • Thinking about how to open a private speech therapy room, conduct a preliminary study: it is possible that there are already several similar institutions in the area, and it will not be easy to recruit the required number of students.
  • To predict work for the next year, a speech therapist can conduct a survey of parents, for example, primary or secondary schools. The questionnaire will not only help to calculate the number of planned students, but also correctly build activities with them and their moms and dads.
  • In the current expenses section of the business plan, it is recommended to take into account the subscription amount: a speech therapist is required to read everything that is relevant to his profession.
  • To provide effective assistance to children, you can think about expanding services, for example, the use of DENS-therapy. It will take money to purchase the device, and training will not be free. But using the latest developments will give impressive results. Both the speech therapist and a neurologist can work with the device.

A properly built and organized business for the provision of speech therapy services can pay off within 3-4 months of the office.

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