
How to open a cat cattery: equipment and necessary documents to start

how to open a catteryCynology and felinology are incredibly fascinating areas. Those who once plunged into this special world will surely begin to consider it a vocation. Moreover, even unfamiliar breeders will become a spiritual family for them.

The desire to show the beloved breed to the whole Galaxy and to make happy at least a couple of hundred people in some appears almost from childhood, in others - already in quite an adult age. And almost everyone at least once thought about how to open a cattery of cats or dogs.

It really is not always easy, but those who wholeheartedly love their breed and strive to improve it are not afraid of difficulties. Read about how to open a nursery (or a breeding factory) and make a cherished dream a reality, in our article.

Weigh the solution again

Of course, you've already thought it over a thousand times. But before you open a nursery of cats (dogs), a number of important questions you need to ask not only yourself, but also relatives. Are you ready for big expenses, not only monetary but also temporary?

Can you leave your job to deal only with animals? Do your loved ones agree to help you? If you do not have a veterinary education, can you get the help of a knowledgeable veterinarian? Do you understand that a breeding factory does not guarantee profit? You need to think about this before opening a nursery for cats (dogs). Why? Let's consider in more detail.

Firstly, any nursery will require start-up capital, calculated in the thousands (or even tens of thousands) of conventional units. A good breeding animal costs money, and considerable. But you will not be able to manage one purchase. It is also necessary to provide living conditions (enclosures or rooms, sleeping places, decorations, etc.). Add to this the regular costs of good nutrition, cosmetics, care products, clinic examinations, vaccinations.

Secondly, the owner of the nursery (or breeder) must have really strong, steel nerves. Felinology with a cynology of helplessness will not be tolerated. Can you discard emotions, separate fighting animals or take birth? Can you calmly react to a torn sofa or broken wires?

Are you ready for sleepless nights if your animal suddenly gets sick? And can you feed babies every couple of hours if for some reason their mother cannot feed them? And how do you feel about endless washing and cleaning (and in the presence of puppies and kittens this is inevitable)?

Are you ready to look after the offspring for life, if you suddenly do not buy it? Do you agree to appear annually with your pets at shows? Please note that exhibitions are also paid and depending on the level cost from 100 euros and above, and without expert judgment you do not have the right to breed animals.

A breeding factory or a nursery?

Alas, thanks to the efforts of the amateur clubs, these concepts practically leveled off. However, serious organizations continue to keep their distance between nurseries and pedigree factories. This applies to both cynology and felinology. To register a nursery, several breeding animals and an appropriate education are required, confirming that you really understand such issues as biology and genetics.

You will be asked to provide a diploma from a veterinarian, doctor, dog handler or livestock specialist. If you don’t have one, you will have to take courses and pass exams. Training programs are usually carried out by club leaders.

The status of the nursery can be assigned without the presence of the listed documents, if the activity of the breeding plant (for registration of which only one thoroughbred animal is enough) has been impeccable (successful) for ten years. I must say that in different countries these rules may differ (or are amended), so check with the nearest official branches and clubs for details.

We determine the breed

The choice of breed is a personal matter. Here you can focus both on your own preferences and on the popularity of the breed. Although the latter factor is constantly changing, it is quite difficult to predict demand even in the next five years. To date, the most popular cat breeds are Siamese, Scottish folds, English Shorthair, Russian Blue, Canadian Sphynxes, Persian, Abyssinian, Siberian and Kuril Bobtail.

There are preferences in the field of cynology. The most bought are decorative breeds of predominantly small sizes and service dogs: Yorkshire Terrier, French and English Bulldogs, Pug, Siberian Husky, German Shepherd, Rottweiler.

We select breeding producers

how to successfully open a catteryThat's what animals are called that will become involved in breeding. It is advisable to acquire them in nurseries that have managed to prove themselves.

When choosing a kitten (puppy), think that he is the key to your reputation in the future. Be sure to take an interest in the achievements of his parents, littermates, relatives (aunts, uncles, grandparents, siblings).

All of them should have the highest possible expert ratings (the ones that they receive at exhibitions). The presence of titles, of course, is welcome. The more of them and the higher they are, the more expensive the kitten (puppy) will cost.

The only document confirming pedigree is the pedigree. It is desirable that it be filled in completely (not only parents, but great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers are indicated. According to the pedigree, it is not difficult to “trace” all ancestors (find out their colors, expert ratings, etc.). This document is issued only in the relevant departments and clubs Remember that there are unofficial organizations that issue so-called "fake" genealogies.

Check the legality of the club is not difficult. It is enough to find out which international system it belongs to, then enter its name in the search engine and check if there is such a club in this system. If you are wondering about how to successfully open a cat cattery, try to feel the “fashion trend”. Try to predict which breeds will become the most popular in the coming years.


This issue should be considered after the acquisition of breeding producers. By the way, sometimes they can be bought in adulthood, reproductive age. Or rent by agreement. The head of the club in which you will be registered will do the paperwork (this must be done). Among the main documents that you will have to provide should be your passport and pedigree of the animal.

There is no need for licensing or state registration. In the application for registration of the nursery will appear three options for the name. The package of documents will be sent to the central office, where specialists will verify the uniqueness of the name of the nursery. If they have not previously been registered, your project will be given an official status.


How to open a nursery of cats (dogs), you already know. But after all, the "cat house" must also be given a name. It would seem that I executed the documents and - go ahead! But no! It turns out that the question “what is the name of the kennel of dogs (cats)” sometimes becomes a real stumbling block. The name should be loud, memorable, bright.

The sailors have an interesting proverb that entered the life of society as an unwritten rule: “As you name a ship, it will sail!” Practice shows that this is not far from the truth.It turns out that people who are looking for a kitten (or puppy) are attracted primarily by the name of the breeding farm (nursery).

And only secondarily they are interested in his reputation. The psychological factor is triggering. Do not forget: each kitten (puppy) will bear the name of your cattery in its full name. And this is an additional advertisement, which should be memorable.

It is better if the name reflects your occupation and is sufficiently sonorous. You can, for example, come up with a name in Russian, and then translate, using the dictionary, into any desired language (international pedigrees are filled out in English, but you can choose French, German, etc.). As examples, several names: “Le Chats” (cats, French), “Persian cat” (Persian cat, English), etc. You can come up with a melodic name that does not reflect the main essence. It is suitable if you plan to deal with several breeds. Possible costs can be determined, but income in the future is very difficult to calculate. That is why the business plan of the kennel for dogs is always considered conditional. Let's start with the costs:

  • two breeding individuals - 100,000 rubles .;
  • decoration, deck chairs, toys, ammunition - 80 000 rubles .;
  • food (medium quality food like "Bozita") - 53 000 rubles. in year;
  • veterinary services (examination, vaccinations) - 17 000 rubles. in year;
  • Exhibitions 10,000 (for two cats).

In total, you will spend 250,000 rubles. in the first year. In order to determine the costs for the next year, we subtract the cost of the breeding stock and get 150,000 per year. Approximately this amount will be spent by you on the maintenance of two breeding producers.

Now let's try to calculate income

how to open a nurseryLet's say you have two girls. You can get offspring from them no earlier than at the end of the second year of their life. In this case, you will have to pay for mating with a breeding producer.

If he is titled and has high-class offspring, focus on 20,000 rubles (or even more, although these issues are discussed, and bargaining is appropriate here). So, by the end of the second year, you can get offspring from two males.

On average, it can be 12 kittens (puppies). While your nursery is little known, the cost of babies will be much lower - say, 25,000 rubles. In total difficulties will amount to 300,000 rubles. Excluding mating, we get 260,000 rubles.

It turns out that your breeding producers can pay for themselves in two years, and from the third they will begin to make a profit. Of course, provided that they will only mate once a year (not more often !!!), the animals will not be sick, and the offspring will be healthy and meet the standard.

Two in one

Sometimes two types of business can be combined. Let's say you have a separate territory for the nursery - bright, with individual heating. Why not create there a kind of oasis that could be profitable and at the same time serve as decoration? But first, you will need to draw up another business plan - a plant nursery. You can calculate the costs and profits based on the above example.

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