
Social pension - what is it? Types of social pension and its size. Pension Act in Simple Words

In any society at all times there was a need to support its disabled citizens. In former times, charity organizations, the church, various mutual aid societies, etc.

A look into the past

A radical change occurred at the end of the 19th century. For the first time in Germany, a law was passed on compulsory insurance of employees by the state for sickness, disability, work-related injuries and simply old age. Then similar provisions were adopted in other European countries and in Russia.

Despite the narrow scope and meager amounts of payments, these laws laid the foundation for social security at the state level. Over the past decades, it has expanded - both the scope and benefits and pensions have increased, and new types have appeared.

What now?

Modern Russian reality throws up new circumstances in which people lose their sources of income, find themselves in difficult life circumstances and need state support.

If by law they do not take advantage of social insurance, they can receive help in the form of benefits, pensions, various compensations and free services.

It is for this category that Federal Law No. 166 of December 15, 2001, which is called “On State pension provision In Russian federation". Pension is social payment designed to support vulnerable groups.

social pension is

Social pension is ...

This term means, as already mentioned, one of the most important types of social assistance. The main difference between it and labor is that a social pension does not replace lost earnings, the right to it and the amount of payments are not connected in any way with seniority. A social pension is a certain fixed amount paid from public funds.

Thus, a social pension is understood as guaranteed minimum support from the authorities of unprotected categories of citizens, regardless of their seniority and the insurance premiums listed.

social pension in 2015

Who is its addressee?

The circle of such persons is not too wide. Section 11 of the above law establishes social pensions for citizens who belong to one of the following categories:

  • Persons with disabilities who do not receive a retirement pension, with a limited ability to work I, II and III degree.
  • Disabled children.
  • Children under 18 who have lost their parents or one of them, and children of a deceased single mother.
  • Representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North who do not receive a retirement pension under the law (men over 55, women over 50).
  • All other citizens (men and women 65 and 60 years old respectively) who also do not have a legal right to a retirement pension.

Moreover, a social pension is such assistance that is not paid to citizens during periods of paid work.

What is required for her appointment?

A citizen should file an application with the RF PF (its territorial authority) at the place of residence. Those who leave Russia for permanent residence submit it to the PF of Russia (and not territorially).

The application is submitted at any time after the onset of the pension right. If a citizen at this moment is in prison, then he has the right to submit it to the PF body through the administration of the institution.

The right to pension of a legally incompetent person or child is exercised by submitting an application by a parent, guardian or legal representative.Including the institution where the specified person resides.

Depending on the category of the applicant for social pension, certain documents are attached to the application. Consider the list.

social pension supplement

Documents needed:

  • those that prove their identity, date of birth, citizenship, place of residence;
  • evidence of belonging to a group of small peoples of the North;
  • establishing disability and its degree;
  • the death of the breadwinner;
  • that the deceased was a single mother.

In addition, in some cases, evidence is required. kinship with the deceased breadwinner; the identity of the guardian or trustee; about the place of actual stay of the applicant.

Confirmation of the connection of the onset of disability or the death of a breadwinner with a criminal offense of a citizen or intentional harm to his own health may also be requested.

Acceptance of the application is possible without a complete set of documents. Within three months, the citizen is obliged to collect and provide the missing certificates, and then the pension is assigned to him from the date of its filing.

Consider the main types of social pensions.

 pension is a social payment

Retirement pension

Only citizens living on the territory of the Russian Federation permanently have the right to it. Those who have left for permanent residence abroad are not entitled to a state social pension, and those already assigned are not paid for the entire time they live abroad.

Such a pension is awarded only if (Article 5 of the Federal Law No. 173), when a person is deprived of the right to a retirement pension for certain reasons.

Small peoples living in the North (these are peoples who have preserved the lifestyle of their ancestors, traditional resettlement, farming and crafts), numbering less than 50,000 people, are granted pensions according to the Unified List approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. In this case, a social pension is one of the attempts at the state level to solve the problem of maintaining the number of endangered nationalities.

Representation on it is conducted by the authority of the subject of the Russian Federation. Confirms that a passport (or other document) with an entered nationality belongs to the specified category. If there is no such record, it is replaced by a certificate issued by the community or local authority.

The amount of social pension

It is equal to 100% of the amount of the base part of the labor (that is, an ordinary old-age pension).

An old-age social pension in Russia cannot be increased with a limited ability to work or with dependents. But for those living in areas of the North, an adjustment is made for the corresponding coefficient. Such an increase is valid only during the period of residence in places of severe climatic conditions, when moving the "northern" allowance is lost.

The size of the pension is indexed by the government according to inflation. During the period of fulfillment by senior citizens of labor duties, this pension is not paid to them.

raising social pensions

Social Pension for Disabled

It is assigned to people with disabilities living in the Russian Federation permanently if they do not receive a retirement pension (as well as for other reasons).

For example, there will be no retirement pension if the disabled person does not have any work experience. Another case is when a disability arose due to the commission of a criminal offense by himself (intentionally) or intentional harm to his own health. Moreover, this fact should be established in court.

The funded part of the pension of the disabled person (if any) will be added to the social pension. But you can count on this no earlier than the official retirement age.

Are all people with disabilities equal?

An exception is childhood invalids and some other categories. In particular, having a restriction of the II and III degree (the funded part is paid to them regardless of age) and suffering from pituitary dwarfism (that is, midgets).

The terms for granting pensions for these categories are as follows: men - not earlier than 45 years old, but with experience of 20 years, and women not earlier than 40 years old with experience of 15 years.

Another similar category is dwarfs and visually impaired group III. For them, the retirement age is 50 and 40 years old with experience of 15 and 10 years, respectively, for men and women.

survivor's social pension

Who does this

Obtaining disability status and determining the period and degree of disability located through medical and social examination. According to the law, a disabled person is:

  1. A citizen with persistent impairment of health due to illness, injury or defect.
  2. Having a limitation of life in the form of the loss of (full or partial) ability to self-care, movement, communication, control of behavior, work or training.
  3. In need of rehabilitation measures.

The presence of only one of the signs is not a basis for recognition as disabled.

Without a period of re-examination, a “disability” is issued if it is impossible to eliminate persistent irreversible defects and impaired body functions.

Its cause may be a disease, work injury, injury, disability from childhood and so on.

A social pension is granted to persons with disabilities in proportion to the size of the basic part of the labor.

Pension (social) for loss of breadwinner

Her addressees are children under 18 years of age who have lost their parents or one of them, as well as children of a single mother in the event of her death. They are entitled to a social pension if they do not have the right to work by loss of a breadwinner. Children under 18 years of age declared legally competent are required to prove their dependency in the family of the deceased.

The amount of such a pension is: in case of loss of one parent - as the basic amount of the old-age pension. Lost two parents (i.e., orphans) - in an amount equal to the basic part of the disability pension.

The social pension for the loss of the breadwinner when living in the Far North receives it increases by a special local coefficient.

It is indexed in the same order as labor.

social pension in Russia

The concept of social co-payment

The social supplement to the pension is “invented” so that the amount received by a non-working pensioner “reaches” the size of the subsistence level accepted for pensioners in this constituent entity of the Russian Federation. She appeared on 01.01.2010.

The purpose of such surcharges is to “raise” pension system providing a civilized level.

If the total amount received by a pensioner does not reach the required value in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, then a federal social supplement for pension is assigned to him. It may also be regional.

Social pension in 2015

This year, the government decided to raise pensions. It is planned to increase social pensions along with labor. Indexing is expected in 3 stages: 02/01/2015, 04/01/2015 and 12/01/2015

Social pension in 2015 will be increased from April 1. The size of the indexation will be about 12.3%. At the same time, those who receive it will most likely not notice the actual improvement in the standard of living. The reason for this is the difficult situation of the domestic economy due to Western sanctions, the federal budget deficit. Experts believe that the solution may be to freeze pensions, which, given inflation, means a reduction, or an increase in the retirement age.

In 2015, it is planned to reach the size of the lower threshold of the old-age pension in the amount of 11,582 rubles. The minimum social pension in the country is required to exceed the threshold of 7595 rubles.

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