
Carrot. The secrets of growing. How many times in your life does a carrot bear fruit?

Beginning summer residents often need information about vegetable crops. They are interested in not only general information, but also some features of growing carrots. For example, how to sow root vegetables, how to properly prepare seeds, and how many times in a life does a carrot bear fruit?

how many times a carrot bears fruit in life

A culture that is rich in carotene, ether oils, and other nutrients is called carrots. It is actively used for cooking a variety of dishes and sauces.


Carrots are a fairly demanding plant. This is especially true for soil characteristics. She prefers fertile loose soil, which is cleared of weeds and other debris.

Therefore, it is recommended to prepare for landing in advance. Experts advise to make all kinds of fertilizers, the choice of which depends on the characteristics of the soil. For example, clay soil needs the addition of peat or humus.

It is worth considering that carrot seeds can withstand frost and drought. At the same time, the fertility of a plant that has undergone such an impact may decrease.


Carrot seeds are best prepared in advance. There are several training options. One of them is bubbling. The essence of the method is to place the seeds in a container of warm water and supply oxygen there using a special device. It is necessary for good aeration. The process lasts more than twenty hours. Then the seeds are placed in a cold place for several days. This method allows you to accelerate the growth of carrots.

sowing carrots

In addition, carry out pelleting. The bottom line is to create a nutritious shell around the seeds. The procedure is carried out within five days. Thanks to this, planting becomes much easier and the sowing rate per unit area is reduced.

Some gardeners place seeds in a nutrient mixture. A similar composition can be made independently in your garden. For example, mixing warm water and wood ash.


Sowing carrots should start with loosening and fertilizing the earth. There are several cultivation methods. The simplest is sowing dry seeds. However, in this case, the beds need to be thinned regularly. Otherwise, small and uneven seedlings will appear.

carrot seeds

Some gardeners use a mixture of sand and carrot seeds. In this case, thinning the beds is not necessary. It is recommended to fill the place of planting with earth and ensure high-quality watering. After ripening, the gardener will receive large and beautiful fruits.

How many times in your life does a carrot bear fruit?

Most of the population is confident that the root crop bears fruit no more than once. Is this statement true? How many times in life does a carrot actually bear fruit?

This crop belongs to two years, although the crop can be harvested only once. That is, after the first year after sowing, carrots form a root crop and several leaves. Only in the next season you can get fruits and seeds. To ensure a good harvest, the root crop is left in the soil for the winter. At the same time, it is mulched and watered with lime milk. Harvesting can begin at the end of July, when the umbrellas darken. It is very important for novice gardeners to know how many times a carrot bears fruit in life.


The best place for such a plant would be a container with sand and onion husks. Due to its bactericidal properties, onions prevent rapid decay and spoilage.

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