
Equipment for the production of ondulin. Manufacturing technology

Ondulin is by far one of the most popular roofing materials. They make it in France, in Poland, in Germany, in Belgium, in Ukraine, in America. There are factories for its production in our country.

Benefits of Ondulin

equipment for the production of ondulin

Ondulin is distinguished by the following indisputable advantages:

  1. Water resistant. Ondulin production technology involves the impregnation of sheets with bituminous compositions.
  2. The ability, without harm to oneself, to withstand both very low and very high temperatures (from -50 to +50 aboutWITH).
  3. High durability. This material due to its waviness is able to withstand quite serious mechanical loads.
  4. Wind resistant. Sheets without any harm to themselves can withstand gusts of wind up to 192 m / s.
  5. The ability to protect the roof from lightning strikes. Unlike metal roofing materials, ondulin does not accumulate static electricity. Some owners of houses with an ondulin roof do not even install a lightning rod on the roof.
  6. Quite a high degree of sound insulation. Unlike metal roofing materials, ondulin does not rattle during rain.
  7. Safety for human health. Ondulin production is a process in which only environmentally friendly, non-hazardous materials are used.
  8. Longevity. Most manufacturers guarantee a life of at least 15 years.
  9. Resistant to acids, gasoline and industrial gases.
  10. Aesthetic appeal. Ondulin roofs look very impressive. In addition, the sheets do not fade during the entire period of operation.
  11. Easy installation. You can install ondulin sheets on the roof without the involvement of specialists - on your own. Installation can be made even in winter time. At minus temperatures, the sheets retain their flexibility.

Where can ondulin be used?

Most often, this material is used in private housing construction in the construction of low-rise buildings. The operational characteristics of ondulin, as you already understood, are simply excellent, but it is inexpensive. Many owners of country houses are attracted to ondulin and the fact that it can be mounted on top of the old coating.

This material is also used in capital construction - in the construction of schools, hospitals, administrative buildings, etc. In addition to everything else, this material can be mounted in an upright position, and therefore sometimes they even trim fences.

ondulin production

Ondulin. Production in Russia

Most of the Russian ondulin is produced at the Nizhny Novgorod Ondulin Plant. This factory produced its first products in spring 2008. Its total capacity is 7,500,000 sheets of ondulin per year. This almost completely satisfies the demand of the Russian consumer. $ 35 million was spent on the construction of this enterprise.

Materials used for the production of ondulin

Ondulin is made from bitumen cardboard. The latter is obtained by saturating the organic fiber at high temperatures with bitumen. The composition of the material also includes various kinds of mineral fillers, pigments and rubber. Dyes are used to give sheets an aesthetic appearance.

Equipment for the production of ondulin

Ondulin production in Russia

In the manufacture of this material uses such equipment as:

  1. Mixing chamber pulpator.
  2. Transporter and wavy shapes.
  3. Sprayers for paint.
  4. Drying oven.
  5. Guillotine for cutting long workpieces.
  6. Manipulators designed to capture sheets and immerse them in bitumen solution.
  7. Packaging equipment and loaders.

Russian and foreign enterprises use only modern innovative equipment for the production of ondulin. This to a large extent determines its high quality. If desired, you can purchase both imported and Russian ondulin. The quality of the latter is in no way inferior to foreign. Such a roof will become a real decoration of a country house, its reliable protection and will last as long as possible.

ondulin production technology

How is the material made?

Ondulin production is a process that includes several stages:

  1. Waste paper received at the plant is first cleaned of debris.
  2. Then it is crushed and soaked with water. The resulting pulp is passed through a filter system to remove harmful impurities from it.
  3. Next, water is removed from the mixture. The remaining pulp is passed through the shafts. The result is a flat, long blank.
  4. In the next step, the sheet is painted.
  5. Next, the workpiece is corrugated.
  6. After that, the sheet is placed in a drying chamber.
  7. Then it falls under the guillotine and cut into sheets of standard size.
  8. Then prepared in this way the workpiece is lowered into a heated bitumen solution.

The result is wonderful material that is great for protecting the roofs of country houses. Using it, you can not be afraid of leaks and for a long time forget about the need to repair the roof. The building itself, covered with ondulin, will look aesthetically pleasing, stylish and modern.

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I am also very interested in equipment for this production and production technology
please tell me where to buy equipment !!
Tell me where you can buy equipment for the production of ondulin
Karamurzaev Zulkainar
Please tell me where to buy equipment for the production of roofing sheet Ondulin. Addresses in Russia, contacts, price


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