
Pizza in a glass: from production to sale. Necessary equipment and list of documents

If you are going to do a business project “pizza in a glass”, then read this article to the end. It will give advice on how to start an entrepreneurial activity in this direction, what to buy equipment, and much more.

What is this product

This is a new trend in the fast food industry. Italians originally invented it. Reminds ice cream in a waffle cup. Only the horn is not sweet and not waffle, but is made from any kind of dough. Inside it is placed the filling, which usually goes to pizza.

pizza in a cup

Pizza in a glass has a lot of advantages. Firstly, it is convenient to eat it in the car, on the go or in the office, and secondly, it does not burn fingers and remains warm for a long time.


Before calculating the payback of your future business, you need to draw up a business plan. If you correctly and competently organize the production and sale of products, then the costs will pay off in just a couple of months. Another tip: buy raw materials in bulk, then the cost of pizza will be less.

As you draw up a business plan, immediately consider all sorts of risks, analyze the consumer market, competition, evaluate costs, revenues and self-sustainability of the business.

The main objective of the project is to make delicious food at a lower cost. Do not forget about marketing and advertising. Carry out at least once a month any actions or thematic events to attract people.

Pizza in a glass is a great business idea and a profitable business. After all, people will always want to eat.

Business plan "Opening a pizzeria from scratch"

Opening from scratch suggests that you first need to decide on the format of the pizzeria. The choice may depend on the size of the initial capital and assortment. There are three formats in total:

  1. A restaurant. On the menu, pizza is declared as the next dish.
  2. Normal fast food pizzeria. The main course is pizza.
  3. Product delivery. Usually open as an independent enterprise or on the basis of a pizzeria.

As soon as you decide on the type of institution and draw up a business plan, you must immediately register your business with a tax organization. Choose from two modes (UTII or USN) the most suitable for you.

We present to your attention a sample business project of a pizzeria. It is very important to find a room first.


First of all, carefully choose a place to open the institution and do not forget to pay attention to the room itself. Must have parking. An ideal accommodation option is the city center, where all the administrative buildings are concentrated. Or you can choose a passage, for example, near the metro. The area of ​​the room is best chosen at least 150 square meters. The hall for visitors should be equipped with electric networks.

If you are going to open an institution in an apartment building, it is better to limit the mode of operation to eleven o'clock in the evening. Be sure to make soundproofing of the walls. The room should have two exits and entrances.

If you are visited by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, you will surely present the requirements for the premises that you must comply with in the production of bakery products. For example, walls need to be tiled or painted with water-based paint. Be sure to have a water supply for hot and cold water, sewage, exhaust ventilation.


Before choosing equipment for a pizzeria, calculate the approximate number of potential buyers per day. For making pizza You will need the following:

- equipment for forming dough (dough mixing machine, table for cutting dough);

- oven for baking;

- refrigerators;

- freezers;

- stove;

- an electric showcase.

You will also need auxiliary tools such as various containers, dishes, cash registers, sauce dispensers, tables, chairs and so on.

Many refrigerators will be required, since, according to the SES standards, each product (vegetables, seafood, fish, meat, fruits) must be stored in different chambers.

If you are going to deliver pizza, then do not forget to purchase heat-resistant bags with the logo of your company. They will be needed to deliver the product. It is worth thinking about transport.

To make such a wonderful product like pizza in a cup, you need special equipment, namely:

- Press furnace. It is used to make a conical base of dough.

- A rotary oven, which is designed for the final baking of the filling in a cup. Productivity - three pizzas in one minute.

- Chopper for ingredients.

- Thermal showcase. This equipment demonstrates the cooked product to visitors. It also allows you to keep pizza fresh and warm for a long time.

- Holders of finished pizza. Serve for the preparation of the product.

- Desktop coasters. Needed for product supply.

Cooking process

pizza in a cup equipment

So, the finished dough is placed in a container that has a conical shape. They are inserted into a press oven where the base for pizza is baked.

Then add the filling to the cone. And in the convection oven, final baking takes place.

Ready pizza in a cup is put in a paper bag. Further decorated with topping. For example, herbs, cashew nuts. It is exposed in a heat showcase.


To open a pizzeria, you must hire staff. Before you take a person, ask him for a health book. If you plan to open a small institution, then it will be enough to hire two employees - a seller-waiter and a cook. The result of the business that you intend to open from scratch will depend on the latter, or rather on its skill.

In place of the cook, take an experienced person, or rather a highly qualified specialist who studied mastery in Italy. Set staff salaries based on the average salary of your city for this category of specialists.

Remember and do not forget about the quality of cooking and quality of service.

The success of the work depends on how well you selected the staff, on the chosen location of the room, the right equipment and a well-composed menu.

pizza in a cup equipment

Set of documents for opening

Before you open a pizzeria, you need to collect the following documents:

- sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;

- permission from the fire service;

- safety magazine;

- contract for water supply, garbage disposal, sewage, energy supply, disinfection;

- sanitary passport;

- license to engage in this type of activity;

- a magazine for checks and control of KKM.

Do not forget to draw up the charter of the company.

If you read the article carefully, you now know how to open a pizzeria. Good luck!

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interested; buy equipment
Interesting article.
Where can I buy equipment for making and selling pizza in a glass?


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