
Postal rules in the Russian Federation

On April 15, 2005, the government of the Russian Federation adopted a decree that contains postal rules. Despite the long existence of the decree, not every citizen of the country is familiar with it. It is for this reason that many have difficulty sending or receiving letters and parcels. In our article you can find more information about the postal rules of Russia.

General Provisions

The rules for the provision of postal services govern the relationship between the sender and the telecom operator. They also establish their rights. Postal services are provided by production associations, post offices, postal workers during working hours and emergency communications workers.

Types of services which are provided by this or that department, are established individually. Postal service providers operate according to an agreement that was adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation in the spring of 2005. The document on the provision of services is public.

Services provided by post offices are divided into universal and additional. The first includes all standard procedures for us. Their prices are set by the federal authority to regulate the local monopoly. Additional services include money transfers and sending parcels and letters to other countries. Dates and tariffs are set by the postal operator.

The rules of the postal service of the Russian Federation include standards for room design. At the entrance to the department should be a sign, a box for collecting letters and information about the mode of operation. There are also communication departments that operate on a floating schedule. In this case, there should be a sign at the entrance with the address of the nearest mail.Postal rulesThe postal rules of the Russian Federation include items that allow you to find out what should be in the mail room. According to a government decree, the premises of the communications department should have a box for collecting letters of a standard type, a complaint book, information about zip codes, services provided, which are prohibited for sending items and benefits for a certain category of citizens.

Every citizen should know the postal rules. Thanks to this, you can significantly save time not only yours, but also your telecom operator.

Types of Post Office Services

It is no secret that in the post office you can find a large number of different services for sending letters and items. In our article you can find more detailed information.

Standard post office services include shipping and delivery. They are carried out in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2005. Additional services include package packing, money orders, parcel storage or home delivery.

Often, it is communication departments that issue a pension and accept payment for utility bills. Such services do not govern postal rules. They are produced on a contractual basis with certain organizations.postal rules

Payment for postal services

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that information on services and their cost should be prominently displayed in each post office. You can pay for the shipment in cash or by bank transfer. It is also possible to use postage marks. These include standard and toothless stamps, as well as labeled envelopes.

Postage stamps must be placed in the upper right corner. If this is a power of attorney or a statement, then they are located in any convenient free place. Contaminated, obsolete, or damaged mail signs are considered invalid.It is worth noting that they are not subject to return and exchange in any external condition.

Parcels, registered letters, parcels, money orders, storage and other additional services are paid only in cash. At the request of the customer, securities can be sent in labeled envelopes. Enterprises and organizations can pay for postal services at the nearest bank branch.

Payment for services occurs upon application and sending. Only in some cases can you make cash on delivery. For home delivery, both the sender and the recipient can pay. Absolutely everyone should know the postal rules. Russian Post provides a wide range of services that will appeal to every sender.

The complaint against the telecom operator

Many citizens who regularly use the services of post offices are interested in whether it is possible to file a complaint about poor quality service with a telecom operator. The federal bill, which was adopted on July 7, 2003, can help resolve this issue.rules for the provision of postal services
Postal rules inform citizens that in the event of a violation by the telecom operator, they can write a complaint. The submitted claim must be considered no later than two months from the date of its submission. If it was rejected or not considered on time, the user has the right to file an application with the court.

A claim is entitled to a citizen who has been denied the provision of postal services, as well as the recipient or sender, who within six months has reported poor-quality service. Complaints about telephone items can be examined by the service provider at the place of departure or receipt. To complete a claim, you must have with you all the documents that confirm the fact of using the services.

Is it possible to track my mail in some way?

Often, citizens who have used postal services are interested in the possibility of controlling the movement of a particular item. Such information can be found on the official website of the Russian Post. To do this, enter a unique code in the appropriate section. It should be noted that the rules of postal services do not determine the timing and rate of placement of such information by telecom operators. For this reason, errors, delays and incorrectnesses on the site are not grounds for filing a claim.postal rules

What to do if the mail has not reached the recipient? How to find him?

If for any reason the shipment did not reach the recipient within the specified time, then, first of all, it is necessary to submit an application for its search. Article 37 of the Federal Law provides information on the rules for writing claims. If the shipment did not arrive within the promised time or was completely lost, then the citizen can submit an application, as well as demand full or partial compensation for damage.

All claims are filed in writing only. In this case, you must have with you a document that certifies your identity. If, for any reason, the customer cannot contact the post office, then he can contact his friends or relatives for help. When writing a claim, they must have an officially certified power of attorney with them. The complaint must be accompanied by a copy of the documents on the provision of services, as well as those that indicate failure to perform or poor-quality services and information on the amount of damage caused.postal service rulesEveryone should know the postal rules, because only an informed person can prove his case in the case of poor-quality service. The complaint must indicate:

  • Information about the identity document.
  • Type of service used by the customer.
  • The unique number that was provided by the telecom operator when sending it.
  • Date and address of ordering.
  • Address of the recipient.
  • Cost of the item forwarded.
  • Type of packaging and additional services.

The telecom operator must not only consider the complaint, but also give a written answer to it. If he did not, the claim is sent to the claimant. Based on this, you can submit an application for consideration in court.

Who can find a package or letter?

The rules of postal services have a large number of nuances. According to them, operators must observe the secrecy of communication, which includes information about the items, destinations and transfers. It is for this reason that the recipient, who has an individual parcel number, will not be able to track it down. Such information may be provided only to the sender or his authorized representative. In such a situation, it will be necessary to present a receipt for payment, as well as a document that confirms the identity. It is worth noting that only the sender can file a claim.postal service rules

What to do if an international shipment is lost?

An application for the loss of an international shipment must be submitted no later than six months after shipment. If written later, the operator has the right not to accept and not to consider it. At the post office, the applicant will need to fill out the form CH08 and attach all the necessary documents to it.

The rules of postal items include information that the item belongs only to the sender until it reaches the recipient.

Claims related to international shipments are considered within two months. In the event that the claimant claims damages, the period may be extended to three calendar months.

General Information on Responsibilities of Telecommunications Operators

Not everyone knows the postal rules. Russian Post is often associated with delivery delays and loss of goods. For poor performance of their workers duties operators communications are responsible to users. It may occur in the event of damage, shortage or loss of the item or its contents. In case of untimely delivery of cargo, the telecom operator must pay a fine of 3% of the amount of postal service for each day of delay.

It is worth noting that if there were problems at the customs during international shipment and the cargo was not delivered, the telecom operator does not bear any responsibility for this incident. The complaint about the post office in this situation cannot be considered.postal rules

General Information on Receiving Parcels

It is possible to receive the parcel at the post office. There, the recipient will need to write a receipt on delivery and delivery of the item. To do this, you must present a document that confirms the identity.

Parcels with a list of contents must be opened. This is necessary to verify their integrity. An exception can only be if the recipient does not want to do this. He must inform the telecom operator of this and make a note in the receipt.

Parcels sent by cash on delivery can be issued after full payment. Before this, the recipient has the right to know the complete information about the sender.

To summarize

Postal rules can be easily found in any post office. Despite this, not everyone is familiar with them. It is for this reason that disputes may arise when sending or receiving.

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