
Rules of conduct in case of threat of a terrorist act. Act of terrorism

Unfortunately, at the moment, everyone already knows such a thing as terrorism and a terrorist act. These phenomena are called the "plague of the XXI century", which is directed against almost the entire population of the planet. In fact, terror has been around for many years, and if the medieval crusader knights, when the Muslims attacked them in Palestine during the “liberation of the Holy Sepulcher,” knew the rules of conduct in the face of a terrorist attack, then everything could have ended less tragically.

Rules of conduct in case of threat of a terrorist act

The beginnings of terrorism in Russia

Starting from the 19th century, it can be said that terrorism captured Russia when the then newly made fathers of the revolution decided to fight the autocracy with bombs and firearms. Then in the XX century, all the same methods dealt with the highest ranks of the Russian Empire.

Now everyone understands that the behavior under the threat of a terrorist act in many respects affects not only the safety of your life, but also all those around you who, by chance, find themselves in a similar situation.

Modern manifestations of terrorism

Over the past ten years, a number of the largest manifestations of terrorist acts can be noted in Russia, which could minimize human casualties if everyone knew the rules of conduct in case of threat of a terrorist act. It is worth recalling the explosions in residential buildings in the city of Volgodonsk and the capital of the Russian Federation, “Nord-Ost” and the seizure of schools in Beslan (Ossetia).

As for other countries, it is worth recalling the tragedy in New York that occurred on September 11 due to two aircraft under the control of suicide bombers, which crashed into two twin skyscrapers. Terrorist acts in London, Madrid, Tokyo and other countries are also well-known to everyone. In the modern world, there are even whole countries that have been living under the constant threat of terrorism almost all their lives, including: Israel, England, Spain, the USA and, unfortunately, Russia.

With regard to the fight against terrorism, this problem, of course, should be addressed by all countries of the world together, but in addition, each individual citizen should be able to not only recognize the danger, but also the rules of conduct in case of threat of a terrorist act.

Terrorist threat

Danger at the moment

Modern terrorist groups and various extremist organizations still remain the main unit in the destabilization of the socio-political factor of the country, and at the moment represent more than a real threat not only to the life of each individual citizen, but also to the territorial integrity as a whole.

Only terrorists themselves can prepare for a terrorist act. The main factor here is precisely the effect of surprise, which means that any other citizen may be exposed to a potential threat, so you should always be on the lookout.

You should try to avoid visiting the following places:

  • North Caucasus.
  • Yugoslavia, Israel, Iraq, Iran.
  • Events with a large number of participants.
  • Try to minimize visits to the most popular events and venues.

Naturally, this does not mean at all that you need to sit at home or in the basement all the time, just even if you need to visit a place from the risk list, it is best to have some at least minimally general knowledge about how to behave in a particular situation.

General rules of conduct in case of threat of a terrorist act

So, as has already been said, if you are in a place that would potentially be attractive for a terrorist act, then you should remember the following points:

  • Pay attention to some suspicious details, objects, people.
  • In the event of the discovery of such things, it is first necessary to inform the appropriate authorities.
  • In no case should you accept various bags or objects from strangers, nor should you leave your things unattended, for obvious reasons.
  • If you are somewhere together with the whole family, then each of its members must have a clear plan of action in case of unforeseen circumstances, including the phone numbers of the corresponding special services.
  • In case of emergency, you need to have some specific place where you can meet together.
  • When evacuating, you need to have documents and essentials with you.
  • It is always necessary to be aware of emergency and emergency exits from the premises.
  • In your house, if it is a high-rise building, all entrances to the attics and basements must be sealed, you can install an intercom system and free up the staircase from all foreign objects that can clutter the passage.
  • In a residential building, you can organize a systematic watch, paying attention to the presence of suspicious persons or objects.
  • In the event of an explosion, the elevator must not be used, even if it is in good condition.
  • Keep calm in any situation.

This is a list of general provisions that you must adhere to, and then we will talk about specific actions and situations.

act of terrorism

Crowd behavior

If you find yourself in a place of a large crowd of people, you must understand that the threat of a terrorist act is greater than ever. In the best case, in general, beware of a large crowd of people, and in no case join the general flow, but if this happens, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • In the event that you find yourself in the center of a large crowd of people, it is best to try to get out of there as quickly as possible, in no case should you allow the general flow to "carry" you with everyone.
  • In order to free the chest and not be strangled in a crush, you need to take a deep breath, and spread your arms bent at the elbows to the sides, thereby making yourself a small, but much-needed space.
  • You must beware of large or tall people who carry large boxes, objects, bags.
  • All methods cannot be allowed to knock yourself down.
  • Hands out of pockets.
  • When walking, it is necessary to raise the legs as high as possible, while lowering to the full foot, without rising on tiptoe.
  • In the event that the crush begins to take on a threatening or aggressive character, the first thing to do is get rid of things such as a scarf or shoulder bag, as this can cause suffocation.
  • Try to keep everything with you all your belongings, and in case you have dropped something, in no case do not stop to pick it up.
  • In the event of a fall, immediately get on your feet, but try not to lean on your hands for a long time, as they can be broken by the crowd.
  • If you can’t get up, you need to take the position of the embryo and protect your face and neck.
  • If the crowd filled some room, and you were in the epicenter, then the first thing you need to identify with the most dangerous places: near glass, in the aisles, on stairs and others. It is worth looking at possible emergency exits.
  • It is best to hide from the general crowd near the walls or in the corners of the room, after which gradually move along the wall to the exit.
  • Even with general panic, keep calm and sober mind, try to control the situation.

It’s not worth joining the rally people just to “gawk,” if you are interested in this procession, then first of all, find out if the rally is authorized, on what issue people are indignant, etc.

In organizations that are not officially registered, it is not worth joining under any pretext. Participation in such groups entails criminal liability.

Thus, it is worthwhile to understand that during various riots or unauthorized rallies it is necessary to stay away, in no case to take part, and try not to even be close to such events, as you may be a potential target of special forces soldiers who will disperse protesters.

threat memo

Public transport

The threat of a terrorist act (no matter how sad it may sound) is increasingly becoming relevant precisely in public transport, where there is a constant crowd of people. Thus, during the latest events in the Moscow metro, it would be blasphemous not to report security measures that will come in handy if you are in public transport:

  • In the direction of traffic it is better to stay awake all the time.
  • If you find suspicious objects or persons, you must urgently notify the police or relevant services.
  • If you are in the subway, never stand right next to the platform. Wait for the moment when all passengers leave, and only then begin to move into the carriage. At the same time, according to statistics, it is the extreme wagons that are most at risk, so try to sit in the front or rear trains in the middle.
  • In the event that an explosion or fire occurs, it is necessary to cover the nose and mouth with tissue and lie on the floor.
  • Ideally, you need to beware of catchy and camouflage colors (as it is customary to say military style) and a large number of decorations.
  • It is not necessary to start or support political topics in public transport.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • If the vehicle is hijacked by terrorists, then in order to save your life you must follow all the instructions of the terrorists.
  • In the event that you understand that the storming of the building is inevitable, you must stay at the maximum distance from the windows. This is necessary not only so that snipers can "work on" the terrorists, but also so that the landing troops can freely penetrate inside.
  • During the assault - to fall to the floor and in no case touch the weapon, because the capture group can confuse you with the terrorists.

How to behave when detecting an unfamiliar object

Your behavior in a terrorist act directly depends on whether you save your life and the health of your loved ones, relatives, friends and neighbors. Therefore, if an unfamiliar (suspicious) object comes to your attention, then in no case should you pass by, that is, leave this fact for no reason.

  • In the event that you find a suspicious item or bag in public transport, you first need to find out whether this thing is the property of any of the nearby people. If not, it is urgent to inform the appropriate services.
  • If such an object was found in your house or entrance, you must immediately interview all residents, and if the owner is not installed, then you should immediately contact the nearest police station.

Like it or not, wherever you are in a similar situation, you must adhere to certain rules, namely:

  • Immediately report the find.
  • In no case do not touch all this with your hands.
  • Commit the time of detection.
  • Make a corridor along which people will move as far as possible, after which it is necessary to wait for the investigation team.

Do not forget that the explosive device will most likely be disguised as ordinary objects, such as a bag, box, parcel, or even a soft toy.

What you need to remember in any case

Naturally, security against the threat of a terrorist act is the most important factor for each of its participants, therefore, for your safety and all those around you, you must adhere to several conditions:

  • Remember that you are responsible not only for your life and health, but also for the safety of your loved ones, friends and others. It’s worth explaining to your “relatives” that absolutely any object found in the entrance, transport, or even on the street poses a potential danger to life.
  • In no case should you take risks and take independent actions, this can lead to serious and unjustified consequences. Leave this question to the professionals.

threat instruction

What to do if you get into a shootout

In any case, you should have a memo in your head if there is a threat of a terrorist act, where you will be fully aware of all the main points of behavior in a given situation. Now it’s worth mentioning the moment when you were caught shooting on the street:

  • The first thing to do is lie down on the floor. Next, look around, if you see a more or less safe shelter in this situation, then you need to crawl to this place without raising your body and head.
  • As a shelter, you can take the ledge of the building, a ditch, a curb or any other similar structure.
  • In any case, it is worth remaining a man and, first of all, saving children, women and the elderly.
  • If possible, the incident must be reported to the appropriate authorities.
  • In the event that you get into a shootout while in your house, the bathroom is the safest place.

terrorist threat security

How to deal with the capture of public transport

If you could not escape dangerous situation Your actions in case of threat of a terrorist act in transport should be as follows:

  • In no case should you attract too much attention.
  • Next, you need to inspect the cabin or wagon in order to find the best place for shelter, in case of shooting.
  • It is necessary, if possible, to distract from everything that happens in order to maintain a sober mind. A newspaper or crossword puzzle will do.
  • Take off (unnoticed) all your jewelry, you cannot look into the eyes of terrorists, and generally try not to make any movements without their permission.
  • Do not respond to provocations, and women in defiant clothes need to hide open areas of the body.
  • After release, try to leave this place immediately, because it can be mined.

The end of the "nightmare"

When the capture group takes everyone out, before finding out your identity, you must humbly execute all the commands and keep your hands behind your head. Directly before the assault, you can help the special services yourself. The fact is that all conversations in the place of the operation are tapped, and the correct actions during a terrorist act can help neutralize the criminals. You will be able to tell in general and inarticulate phrases about where the hostages are, and on which side of the building the terrorists, only this must be done as stealthily as possible. Especially important are facts about the most catchy moments by which criminals can be identified: clothes, appearance, weapons, etc.


By the way, the instruction in case of threat of a terrorist act is also relevant during the release of hostages, that is, during the final stage of a terrorist act. At this moment, by all means, you must try to impress the criminals with the fact that their life directly depends on the hostages. Thus, if some kind of misfortune happens to one of those who are in captivity, they thereby put an end to their lives and physical elimination is inevitable.In the event that you see that these are fanatics, and even more so religious, then most likely all these conversations completely lose their meaning, and the life of the hostages is in the hands of the assault group.

terrorist act

Russian Terrorism for Europe

In the current geopolitical situations, in the West there are more and more exclamations that Russia is a great danger to the whole of Europe, but in fact, all these statements are dictated mainly from the United States, and despite all the statements about the end of the Cold War, in fact , she just went into a more acute state. Moreover, such statements sound against the background of the activities of such terrorist organizations as ISIS, which monthly execute several Europeans or US citizens. Not to mention the fact that in this very terrorist organization, in addition to Muslims, a large number of European citizens.

At the moment, Russia is just as susceptible to such aggression as the rest of the world, and denying this is at least cynical. Thus, if you know the minimum rules under the threat of a terrorist act, you can protect yourself, those around you and the whole country as a whole.

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