
How many sits on the eggs of an indoor? Features of keeping and breeding poultry

In recent years, many farmers began to engage in the cultivation and cultivation of indolets. Of particular value is the gentle dietary meat of these unpretentious and fairly quiet birds. After reading this article, you will find out how much the indorek sits on the eggs.

how much is sitting on the eggs

Brief description of the bird

Most of our compatriots mistakenly believe that these birds are hybrids bred as a result of crossing turkeys and ducks. In fact, these birds come from Central and South America. It would be more correct to call them a transitional type between a goose and a duck, since they are endowed with the best qualities of both species.

Those who do not know how much an indochka sits on their eggs will probably be interested in what this bird looks like. Adults have a short neck that flows smoothly into the broad chest. The body of the bird is covered with plain plumage of blue, brown or white. Long muscular wings fit tightly to the body. On short legs there are fairly sharp claws.

how much does an indochka sit on eggs

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Those who want to understand how long a laying hen sits on eggs should know in what conditions this bird needs to be kept. Immediately make a reservation that they are not too demanding of heat, but they hardly tolerate dampness. The room intended for their maintenance should be clean. It is recommended that the floor of the house be covered with straw or sawdust. One square meter of area can contain no more than three adults.

In spring and summer, birds are on the walk all day. It is desirable that in the enclosure there were containers with water or artificial grooves for bathing the bird. Musk ducks fly well and far, so they need to regularly trim their wings. Birds very quickly get used to this procedure and subsequently make no attempt to fly.

how many days does an indochka sit on eggs

Feeding and care

Those who plan to engage in breeding birds and are interested in how long an indochka sits on eggs will not hurt to learn about the features of her diet. Adults are unpretentious in eating. They are happy to eat crops and green vegetation. It is best to feed them with wet mashrooms based on kitchen waste and beet tops. These birds do not refuse from corn grain. But barley can be a real threat to their health. It can be given only after a preliminary two-hour soaking in water.

Those who do not know how much the indochka sits on eggs will be interested in the fact that a bird kept on free-range can feed on various insects. Therefore, such individuals can be fed twice a day. It is important that there are no metal objects, wire or broken glass at the places of walking the musky duck. These curious birds are not indifferent to everything brilliant, so they can die by eating something like that.

how long does an indochka sit on eggs


Those who are trying to figure out how many days an Indoor woman sits on eggs should understand that for successful breeding, there must be one male and three or four females in the herd. Individuals who have reached the age of seven months are considered sexually mature. Early oviposition can adversely affect the health of birds. The breeding season begins in March or April, immediately after the first warming. Nesting begins only when the female lays at least twenty eggs. Hatching the chicks takes 32 to 35 days. At this time, it is necessary to protect the musky duck from harsh sounds that can scare her.So that the mother hen does not forget about her future offspring, she should not be shown alien ducklings.

how many indochka hen sits on eggs

What is necessary for successful incubation?

Those who already understand how much an indochka sits on eggs will not hurt to find out what conditions need to be created for a brood hen. One of the prerequisites is the presence of a container with clean water in which the bird could swim. A rather thick protective film forms on the surface of the eggs, and the female “erases” this coating with her paws and wet plumage, helping to improve gas exchange. If the hen does not want to bathe, then during her walks the masonry should be lightly sprayed with clean warm water. It is recommended to do this once a day.

In the last weeks of hatching in the house, silence should be observed. Therefore, do not place the room intended for the maintenance of indonesian animals, close to noisy objects. Rumble and knock can “drown out” future chicks.

The female should be able to graze. It is also necessary to provide the brood hen with free access to feed. During this period, it is advisable to exclude wet mixes from her diet. It is better to give her dry grain and fresh green grass.

Growing young

Having figured out how much the indoutine sits on the eggs, you need to pay attention to issues related to the content of offspring. Daily babies can not eat and drink on their own. To teach them how to eat, it is necessary to sprinkle a finely chopped hard-boiled egg. Curious little ducklings will instantly become interested in moving objects and begin to swallow them. To teach kids to drink some water, you need to gently poke their beaks in a drinker. Weekly ducklings can be fed with a green mash. From a month old, young growth is considered omnivorous. In his diet should be boiled potatoes, meat waste, offal, minced meat and animal feed. It is advisable to add mineral-vitamin top dressing to their food, which prevents the development of dystrophy and rickets.

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