
How much does a beauty salon earn. How much does a massage therapist make. How much does a hairdresser earn

how much does a beauty salon earnThe opinion that it is not difficult to maintain a beauty salon is erroneous. Like any other business, it requires investments, good specialists, office equipment, supplies for the job.

Any of the masters whom you want to invite to work will ask a question about how much hairdressers earn per month with you. Based on your fresh business plan, you will announce the number of planned earnings. It seems that everything is easy and simple, but in reality everything is not so. Expects a lot of worries. If you want this, then everything will turn out in the best way.

Open a beauty salon?

Three salons are opened monthly in major cities with a good intention to take care of your beauty. But not all of them are destined to work and prosper. For various reasons, most often due to improper business and loss, in about a year, a quarter of the opened beauty salons will leave the services market forever. The average daily turnover of such an institution in large cities is 30-40 thousand rubles.

Recommended salaries for professional staff:

  • massage therapist - 50% (of the total amount earned by him);
  • hairdresser - 30-40%;
  • beautician and manicurist - 30% (if they work with the help of salon materials).

With a small starting capital, weigh the pros and cons. If you decide, take the creation of the salon seriously. Remember: in this business they play by strict rules. Conduct reconnaissance in battle. Visit your potential competitors. Try to find out how much a beauty salon earns per day with the best influx of visitors.

First, decide and choose a room. Decide how many halls you will have, what services you will offer to your customers, how many people will work at the same time, select and purchase all the equipment and supplies.

We think and determine. You have decided that male and female rooms will operate in your beauty salon. A massage room, cosmetic, providing services for the care of face and body will also be present. It is better to provide a full range of services. Also, another cabinet is manicure.

Beauty Salon Advertising

Before you begin, you must "introduce" customers to your salon. The promotion must be deployed in the print media of the city. Try to make it bright and memorable.

This is not the end of advertising. You need to think about what discounts your salon will be able to surprise customers who wish to become regular visitors.

Furniture and equipment

A very costly part in opening a beauty salon is the purchase of equipment and furniture. Here is a list of what is required first.

  • Furniture for the salon: interior items for the hall, shelving, massage tables, master’s chairs, couches, manicure tables, trolleys, magnifiers, instrument sterilizers.
  • Hairdressing equipment: chairs for clients, including for children, washing, mirrors, hair dryers, dryers, hairdresser's workplace.
  • Cosmetology equipment: devices for laser cosmetology, etc.
  • Manicure equipment: hand rollers, lamps, devices, sterilizers.
  • In addition to all of the above, you will need many more little things.

You will need to order a uniform for employees of your salon, towels for clients and specialists, napkins, disposable collars. Take care of the tool and detergents for the technicians who will be responsible for the cleanliness in the cabin.The room must be constantly cleaned of dirt and debris (hair, waste after using special tools, etc.)


  • Consumables for hairdressers: paints, solutions for perms, all kinds of hair masks, etc.
  • For cosmetologists: face and body masks, scrubs, lotions, various types of cosmetic milk, etc.
  • Consumables for the massage room: massage oils, gels, creams, etc.

The list goes on and on. So that you do not have to buy it all at market prices, conclude a contract for the supply of all the necessary products with dealers of cosmetic companies.

Work of hairdressers

how much does a beautician earn

How much a hairdresser earns, first of all depends on himself, on his sociability. For example, I served 10 clients at 300 rubles - 40% per day will be 1200 rubles.

It follows from this that, working at such a pace, he will earn about 30 thousand per month (taking into account the weekend). The master should interest the client so that he visits him constantly.

It greatly affects how much the hairdresser earns, the quality of his tool. This is, after all, his main “weapon”, which is worth appreciating and treating him carefully.

If the master monitors his tool, updates it, sharpens it in time, disinfects correctly, this will not escape the sharp look of the client. A person will return to such a specialist more than once.

Massage therapist

Paraphrasing the folk wisdom of “a wolf’s feet are fed”, one can say about massage therapists that their hands are fed. Want your office to be a success? Look for a specialist with a good knowledge of anatomy, work experience and clientele who will go to your salon for your master. Ask how much the massage therapist earns without having your own office and serving your clients at home.

Offer him favorable terms. Be convinced that the work in your beauty salon will increase the number of its visitors, as the master will be able to offer them various types of services. And the question of how much a massage therapist earns at home, he will not be more interested.

Beauty parlor

The beauty parlor is very popular not only among women, but also among men. In the modern business world, they are very meticulous about the appearance and grooming of partners. It is simply unrealistic to provide complex professional services at home; some manipulations require sterility, which cannot be achieved in limited conditions. how much does a manicurist earn

And so it becomes clear that as much as the beautician earns in the beauty salon, on the road or at home, he will not receive.

The skill of a cosmetologist with knowledge of the case to apply masks, lotions, make depilation, help the client with any problems with the skin - all this will only play to increase the level of service and attendance.

Your task as a leader and owner is to create conditions for the work of a specialist and the convenience of visitors.

Manicure office

Manicure is one of the most sensitive issues in the work of a beauty salon.

Specialist tools should be sterile, sharp enough and comfortable to use. The manicure room is visited not only by women, but also by men. Beautiful well-groomed hands are always paid attention in society.

When choosing and inviting a master to work, make sure that he is interested not only in the question of how much a manicurist earns in your beauty salon, but also how sensitive she is in matters of hygiene.

One question remains open. So, How much does a beauty salon earn? Only you yourself will be able to answer this question for sure if you have correctly calculated everything in your business plan, taken into account almost all the nuances that may arise during the preparation of the opening and in the process of work.

Everything is ready, meet the first customers, let your initiative flourish and bring good income.

Good luck, success to you and your beauty salon.

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