
Wedding business: how to make money at weddings. How to start a wedding business from scratch

wedding business

In Russia, a huge number of marriages are registered every year. Do not talk about the fuss accompanying the wedding. Future spouses want to do without unnecessary trouble and do everything so that the event was a success.

Today there are many wedding agencies that take care of the entire organization of the holiday and offer to rent wedding decorations, dresses and other paraphernalia. By resorting to their services, many couples relieve themselves of problems by putting the reins of government in the hands of professionals. How to start a wedding business from scratch will be discussed in this article.

The first steps

To organize a small wedding business, certain cash investments are needed. Their size depends on what services you plan to provide. If you make every effort, the project can bring tangible profits, even despite the fact that this market segment has a high level of competitiveness. Traditionally, the salon for newlyweds provides services for the organization, accompaniment and holding of weddings. But in order for the business to be effective already at the first stage, everything should be carefully planned.

Project and business plan

Starting a wedding business, like any other type of activity, follows with the preparation of a competent project and business plan. If you have sufficient experience in this area, you can come up with a plan yourself, if not, then there are design bureaus that offer ready-made schemes for the economic development of production in the wedding industry. Specialists assess the success of this type of business as high, because the number of clients of the wedding salon is increasing from year to year, given the adjustment for seasonality.

Form of incorporation

The next step on the path to creating your own business will be the choice legal form. You can register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or open an LLC (limited liability company). Starting a wedding business, it is preferable to choose the first option. With it, you can decently save on taxes and simplify accounting. In addition, the majority of clients of the wedding salon are individuals, so it makes no sense to complicate your life with legal relationships.

Business focus

The services of a wedding agency are quite extensive. Before starting your own business, think about what you want to offer the client. For example, you intend to create a salon to provide private individuals with weddings and event support with everything you need. Or do you want to open an outfit rental studio for the bride and groom.

If you settled on the last option, then you need to focus on the selected narrow direction. In this industry, you need to analyze the market for services in your city, giving it an objective and complete description. Pay attention and evaluate all the pros and cons of competitors. Copy all the best that they have and in the future take into account the shortcomings of their work.

wedding style

Jewelry and accessories for rent

Wedding decorations are another area of ​​the business in question. Many people, playing a wedding, believe that beauty is not worth saving, everything needs to be done so that guests will remember their triumph for a long time. But at the same time, it should be understood that all the outfits and accessories purchased at a decent price before the wedding, most likely, will later simply lie somewhere in the closet.

It is good if they manage to sell and return part of the money spent. Therefore, there is another area of ​​business - rental of wedding decorations. It can be dresses, shoes, various jewelry and additional accessories (fur coat, veil and hats, gloves, lace umbrella, etc.). In addition, the client can be offered the decoration of the halls: decoration of the room with their own flowers, balls, wraps for chairs, etc.

This will allow customers to significantly reduce the cost of organizing the celebration, and you - to make a profit. Moreover, the business of renting wedding jewelry and accessories does not require large financial costs, and the invested funds pay off almost for the first rental. True, it is important to find good suppliers with prices that suit you.

wedding business from scratch


Wedding decor as a business is a special area that requires a professional approach. A competent combination of colors, fabrics, various methods of drapery and subtleties of floral art - this is what turns an ordinary holiday into an unforgettable extravaganza of love and happiness. The decor is designed to create an atmosphere of celebration, which will be reflected in the furniture and interior of the hall.

To do this, you will need experienced designers and florists who can pick up harmonious compositions for the bride and her bridesmaids, arrange a bouquet and elegantly decorate the wedding procession. The client may be offered additional services. For example, flower rain or decorating dishes and tables with fresh flowers.

Choice of premises

Having decided on the orientation of the wedding business, proceed to the next question. You have to find and organize a room for the company. The best option is a long-term rental in a crowded and passing area of ​​the city.

Opening a salon with a full range of services (selling dresses, organizing a banquet, renting a car, photo and video filming services, working as a host, help from stylists and florists), choose a room with an area of ​​about 100 square meters. m. This will make it possible to arrange all services with convenience for the client. In addition, it will give your company weight in the eyes of customers and create an additional reputation.

Before starting a company, it is necessary to carry out repairs and furnish the premises, divide it into the necessary zones. Properly selected wedding style will express the direction of your company. In addition, in the hall you can arrange the sale of various commemorative accessories, which are very often used at weddings and kept by the newlyweds for many years.

For example, festive glasses for the young, figures of the newlyweds, a family hearth, which is usually lit at such events. Show your imagination, go around several salons of competitors, study sites on the Internet and create your own unique wedding style.

wedding photographer

Service structure

Creating a wedding business, you need to carefully consider its structure. Here is a sample list of primary and secondary services:

  • sale and rental of clothing for honeymooners;
  • sale and rental of wedding decorations;
  • selection, design of premises for banquets;
  • toastmaster services, scripting for weddings;
  • rent a car;
  • wedding photo and video shooting.

All types of the above services can be provided by your own company or become an intermediary. The first option will require the employment of employees, which means additional costs for wages. This article should be considered when developing a business plan. Video filming and photo shoots can be carried out by a person who does not work for you, but only offers his help through your company.

For a recommendation, you can take a small percentage of each completed transaction. In addition, it is worthwhile to find reliable suppliers and contractors who will not let you down at the crucial moment. Discuss with them all the nuances of cooperation and, if necessary, conclude written agreements.


As mentioned above, it will take several employees to make your wedding business efficient and profitable. The state will depend on what direction you choose.

business video plan

It can be:

  • sales consultants in the bridal clothing department;
  • hairdresser-make-up artist with home visits;
  • wedding photographer and videographer;
  • drivers for rental cars;
  • toastmaster;
  • florist, stylist, etc.


Having decided to open a wedding salon, make this event coincide with the beginning of the season. Weddings in our country are customary for walking from spring to late autumn. The peak is in the summer months. Make sure that all necessary preparations are completed on time. When planning your opening, do not forget about advertising.

It can be published in the media, on local television, in newspapers and on the Internet. You can do this in the winter. Thus, by the beginning of the season you can attract the attention of potential buyers. When opening a store, organize a small promotion, offer customers additional discounts when ordering the maximum number of services.

The practice of entrepreneurs working for a long time in this field of activity shows that the payback of a wedding business with large investments takes on average from 2 to 5 years.

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