
Military draft evasion: law, responsibility and punishment

More and more often in modern Russia, such a phenomenon as evasion of military draft. Moreover, this act is treated as a criminal offense. All adult men who are citizens of the Russian Federation are required to undergo military service in the army. And without fail. With rare exceptions. Only “lose” a year of life, not all citizens want. Therefore, they are trying to somehow evade military duty. Of course, you will be given a certain punishment in this situation. AND criminal liability will come. But what is all this expressed in? Evasion of military draft is punishable seriously. And before you start running away from the army, it is better to know what to prepare for if you are caught.military draft evasion


What is the most common and most effective punishment? Of course, fines. This is not such a serious punishment on the part of the state, but it still motivates citizens to correct their own behavior.

Evasion of military draft (article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) implies the recovery of a certain amount of funds from a draft evader. According to modern legislation - up to 200 thousand rubles. Or equal to the citizen’s income for 1.5 months. In practice, the first option is most often found, and at the maximum size. Great motivation for citizens.

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The possible measures to prevent our today's violation do not end there. Evasion of military service is a criminal offense. It, as has already been said, is often punished with a fine in certain amounts. Only there are also exceptions.

For example, community service is an alternative to payments. In our case, they will be forced. How long do they last? The exact date will be set individually for a specific situation. But, according to article 328 of the Criminal Code, the maximum duration thereof is 24 months. A rather serious period compared with military service. However, in reality, this measure is not so common. It is not taken by many citizens seriously. But fines are much more effective in sentencing.military draft evasion is


Evasion of conscription for military service is an unlawful act. Although some manage to not serve in the army, and there is no responsibility to bear. The secrets of this feature will be discussed later. First you need to fully understand for yourself what kind of punitive measures to prepare for, if you are an evader from the service.

In addition to the already listed scenarios, you can run into arrest. Also not the most serious punishment awaiting a lawbreaker. They have the right to arrest you for six months. And nothing more. After your release, they will "keep their eyes open", as a result of which they will also have to serve in the army. With a “bonus,” you gain employment problems until you receive a military card. So deviators will have a hard time when they are calculated and discovered.


The most stringent measure that only takes place in the Criminal Code is imprisonment. It is with this punishment that many citizens associate a criminal offense, and any. To some extent this is correct. Especially given that imprisonment is considered a really harsh punishment that motivates citizens to comply with the law.military draft evasion article

And draft evasion can be punished in this way.The opportunity is provided for at the legislative level in Russia. You can be put in jail for 2 years. And all this only because of evasion from the army. Of course, after, as in all previous cases, it will be necessary to repay legal duty to the motherland. Think carefully before breaking the law.


Some citizens are offered the so-called alternative service. It relies mainly on health reasons. As a rule, it is not so common in real life. But seriously evading it is punished.

What to expect if you "run" from an alternative military service in Russia? The measures are approximately similar to the previous options, but their degree is milder. Thus, the fine will be up to 80 thousand rubles. As an alternative solution - the income of a dodger for six months.military draft evasion stories

In addition, in some situations, you are entitled to social work, expressed in compulsory work. They do not last so long. A maximum of 480 hours. As you can see, the punishment is not so terrible. In the end, they also have every right to arrest a dodger. Moreover, as in the previous case, the duration will be up to 6 months. As you can see, even with alternative service, you have to bear criminal responsibility.

All to fees

Do not forget that from time to time all men who have served and retired should come to the so-called military fees. If this is not done, a certain responsibility also sets in. But not criminal, but administrative.

Responsibility for evading mobilization (or military fees) is currently expressed in a fine. And the size thereof is only 500 rubles. Not so much. Most citizens prefer to simply pay the indicated amount and not go to any military fees.

However, if you work officially, you will have to go to mobilize. And all this is due to the fact that the employer has the full right not to allow you to work until you fulfill your obligations to the state. In addition, he has the right to impose a fine on you. On average, as practice shows, about 60 thousand rubles. This payout is really not so small. If there is no official work or you work "for yourself", there is nothing to fear.military draft evasion

Good reasons

Please note that draft evasion will be punished only if there were no good reasons for not appearing in the Russian army. Only then comes the corresponding criminal liability. But you can otmazatsya from the army. Or for a while, or forever. How to do this? There are several options, only you have to choose. Let's start with good reasons.

Stories of draft evasion indicate that the first and most reliable way to get a so-called postponement is to go on to higher education. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, citizens who study at universities are not drafted into the army. This is a good reason for not appearing in the draft board. It is only advisable not to hide from him, but simply to inform about your studies at the university.

The presence of a pregnant wife for a long period (from 26 weeks), as well as children up to 3 years of age, raising a disabled child, caring for a sick relative in need - all this can also help you. As practice shows, fathers with many children are not drafted into the army.responsibility for evading mobilization

Military conscription, postponement and avoidance of service are closely interconnected. Another official basis for full or temporary exemption from the army is the state of health. After passing the medical commission, you will receive a certain fitness category. Or you are deemed unfit for service in general. A rare occurrence, but it is considered the most reliable.

Scientists, civil servants, inventors are not drafted into the army. In the same way as non-traditional citizens.In the latter case, the main problem will be the proof of your belonging to a sexual minority. As you can see, there are a lot of options for getting a deferment or complete exemption from the draft.


Nevertheless, not always and not all have really good reasons for which you can not go to military service. In such cases, some decide on a crime called "bribe". The decision, of course, is illegal.

According to draft dodgers, the average size of a bribe per exemption from the army (the same purchase of a military ticket from the military enlistment office) is 200,000 rubles. As much as you have to pay as a fine. For this reason, many decide on bribery. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that such an act is fraught with both sides. After all, this is a crime.military draft deferment and evasion


Army deviators in Russia have always been and always will be. As practice shows, you cannot keep track of everyone. Someone is trying to hide from the military registration and enlistment office until the age of 27, some give bribes. Sometimes during the time of evasion there are good reasons for a delay or complete liberation from military service. This is the most favorable outcome.

It is recommended to serve in the army as soon as possible, so that later you do not have to drop out of your usual way of life. Or go to study and graduate. But you should not bribe anyone. Although in reality this is the path that many choose. Evasion of military conscription is a crime. Every citizen must understand what he is doing, evading his military duties!

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