
How many years do they pay child allowance and how much?

Having a baby is, of course, a joy in the family, but, on the other hand, it is also an additional financial burden, which in some cases becomes absolutely unbearable. That is why helping families with children is one of the priority areas of Russia's social policy.

At first, receiving child benefits makes life easier for young mothers, who have the opportunity to devote their entire lives to raising a child and not to think too much about their daily bread. The amounts are, of course, small, but for the first time they are quite enough.how much do they pay child allowance

What determines the size of the benefit

Before understanding, how many years the child allowance is paid, let's talk about how it happens and what its size depends on.

You need to understand that the concept of "child allowance" is a collective image that is not specified in the law. In fact, this is a whole range of payments, including material assistance to pregnant women and young mothers. To accurately determine the size of these social payments, you need to consider many circumstances:

  • family income level;
  • region of residence;
  • family composition - complete / incomplete, are there any more children and how many;
  • degree and type of employment of parents - students working, unemployed, military personnel;
  • other features - the presence of disability, the level of wages, etc.

how much do they pay child allowance

Disposable benefits at birth

Considering the question of how many years they pay a child allowance, first of all I want to say that every mother has the right to several types of one-time help at his birth:

  • maternity leave and childbirth - it is paid only to officially employed citizens; it depends on the number of days of sick leave and average daily earnings;
  • one-time payment of 543.37 rubles. - relies to future mothers who are registered with a gynecologist in early pregnancy;
  • the same allowance (543.37 rubles) is additionally granted to women if they were dismissed at the time of pregnancy in connection with the liquidation of the company, the termination of legal or notarial practice, and the closure of individual entrepreneurs;
  • one-time payment at birth - all mothers receive, regardless of employment - 14,497.80 rubles .;
  • the same applies to child support paid for foster care;
  • if a disabled child, a child over the age of 7 years, several siblings are transferred to the family, then the amount of a one-time payment increases to 110 775 rubles;
  • if the spouse of the military serviceman receives the allowance, then the amount of payment will be 22,849.97 rubles.

how much is the child allowance paid

Allowance up to 1.5 years

Children's benefits up to one and a half years are also uneven, their value depends on various factors. Such payments can be received not only by the mother, but also by other family members (father, grandmother, grandfather). The amount of the allowance is:

  • for unemployed citizens - 2,718.35 rubles. for the first-born and 5,436.67 rubles if the child you have is second, third, etc.
  • full-time students, mothers dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the company, persons who take care of the child when the mother is deprived of parental rights, can count on payments in the amount of 10 873.36 rubles .;
  • if such assistance is executed by a working person, then its amount is calculated on the basis of average earnings for the previous 2 years and is 40% of it; the lower threshold of such a calculation is limited to payments for the unemployed, and the upper one cannot exceed 19,855.82 rubles.

receiving child benefits

Calculation Example

Suppose that over the previous 2 years, the young mother earned 400 and 450 thousand rubles, respectively.The working period for this time was 731 days, of which 21 days the woman was on sick leave, which means they will not be taken into account. It is known that the average monthly number of days in a year is 30.4, and the benefit rate is 40%, that is, 0.4 units. Using a simple formula, we get:

(400,000 + 450,000) / 710 x 30.4 x 0.4 = 14 557 rubles 75 kopecks.

Since this amount is within the maximum / minimum payout, it is precisely this that our conditional young mother will receive.

It’s quite difficult to say exactly how much a child’s allowance is paid - if payments are made by an enterprise, then most often they are charged on the same day as the salaries due to other employees. If social insurance makes payments (for the unemployed), then you should not wait for them before the 20th-25th. In order not to run around with checks to the bank daily, it is easiest to connect an SMS notification, then you will immediately know about the receipt of money in the account.

Allowance up to three years

If you stopped paying child benefits, then the baby is 18 months old. Nevertheless, you can continue to remain on leave to care for him, the job will remain with you, but the allowance will not. Of course, except for the payment stipulated by the Presidential Decree of 05/30/94 under number 1110. According to this document, child benefits up to three years are already 50 rubles and are paid on the basis of a statement of the person caring for the baby filed at the applicant’s place of work. stopped paying child allowance

However, as practice shows, this amount is so ridiculous that sometimes it does not even cover the passage in transport to the place of registration of such "maternal care", so many mothers knowingly refuse to receive it.

But the wives of the military were much more fortunate: if the father of the child serves on conscription, then the amount of payments for the baby until they reach the age of 3 is 9 thousand 839 rubles and 48 kopecks per month. True, if the life of the conscript father ends before this point, then payments cease.

Maternal capital

Considering the question of how many years they pay the child allowance, one cannot help but recall one more “child” payment - maternity capital. Its size currently amounts to 453 thousand 26 rubles, and it is issued not with "real" money, but in the form of a certificate that can be used when the child reaches the age of three (in some cases a little earlier).

A certificate is issued only once and may be claimed by families in which the second or third child was born (if the amount was not received after the second birth). These funds are saved in a special account and cannot be used just like that. You can spend money in different ways: to improve housing conditions, to postpone the child’s studies, to credit the mother’s future pension, and so on. The main thing is that you cannot cash out such a certificate unless, of course, you resort to a variety of fraudulent schemes, but this, of course, is punishable by law.child benefits up to three years

Other types of assistance

After we figured out a little how much the child allowance is paid at the state level, let's talk a little about regional payments. In many regions of Russia, young mothers can also count on additional payments, which are called governor / regional. There really is no “egalitarianism” at all. The local leadership decides everything independently based on the level of filling the regional budget. For example, the notorious 50 rubles. in the Moscow region can grow up to more than two thousand rubles, and for single mothers and up to 4324 rubles. The sizes and grounds for accruing social assistance vary so much that it is rather difficult to describe them all. In order to find out what kind of social subsidy you can count on, be sure to contact the social protection department in your region, where they will give you comprehensive information.

receiving child benefits

Also today, in more than sixty regions of the Russian Federation, normative acts have been adopted that allow paying additional material support for large families and low-income families. In addition to financial assistance, additional benefits are also provided in the field of medicine and education.


Now you know exactly how much and how old the child allowance is paid. Using the data and recommendations of this article, you can independently calculate how much money you are expected from the state and the employer. And if some questions for you have remained unresolved, the social services of your region will help to find answers to them.

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