
Characteristic from the place of residence: the nuances and subtleties of drafting

Not every day we need a characteristic from the place of residence. Therefore, about the subtleties of this document, any citizen is not only not aware, but even never thought. However, the moment comes when a blank sheet lies in front of a person, which must be filled in with special text. There is only one thought in my head: what is a characteristic from a place of residence? Let's look for an answer.

characteristic from the place of residence

Who requires such a document?

You know, when any official paper is drawn up, and ours is just that, two main things are established: the addressee and the target. We will deal with the first. Characterization from the place of residence is required in cases where a person wishes to obtain special rights. For example, to work in specialized bodies, to patronize a child or an incompetent person. In these cases, the decision-making body must take into account all the character traits of the applicant. And who best knows what he is, apart from family members, of course? Of course, the neighbors. So they compose (ideally) a household characteristic from the place of residence. In practice, everything is much simpler. The man himself writes that the neighbors could think about him, then asks the latter to sign. Here there is one subtlety, which we will talk about a little lower. In some cases, a statement is sent from the place of residence to the court. It is necessary in order to mitigate the sentence if possible. After all, a person who manifests himself in everyday life on the positive side, enjoying the respect of others, is hardly a malicious criminal. The court takes into account the opinion of neighbors.

characteristic of residence sample

Paper purpose

Everything is simple here. The characteristic from the place of residence is written in order to bring to the addressee the opinion of the person in the public. That is, those people who constantly communicate with him, observe, notice the little things. The document itself does not have to be detailed. It contains only general information without examples and nuances. The meaning of the characteristic is in the direction of information. It must be either positive or negative. Any body considers it from this side when making the appropriate decision. We will pass on to the examples, and everything will become clear.

Subtleties of writing a document

In our paper should indicate the individual data of a person. If known: year of birth, exact address of residence. But first in the upper left corner you should write the word "Characteristic". The data listed above is indicated below it. Next, the neighbors should write from what time a person lives nearby. Then comes information about family members. It is advisable to indicate the dates of their birth (at least a year). When you have mastered the formalities, you can begin to actually draw up the characteristics. Indicate your full name again person and write what you think about him. For simplicity, general questions should be answered.

characteristic from the place of residence to the court

Compilation tooltip

Think and answer briefly:

  • Is this citizen positive or negative?
  • How is family related?
  • Hardworking or lazy?
  • Does it participate in public life?
  • Attitude to alcohol and other bad habits.
  • Describe his participation in raising children (if any).

That's all the work. However, do not forget that the fate of a neighbor may depend on this document. This is precisely the subtlety that we alluded to above. Approach the characterization responsibly, thoughtfully, impartially. Indeed, to write in retaliation for an old insult, bad words are simple, but a person will suffer. And it makes no sense to lie. Several neighbors sign such a document. Everyone has their own opinion. By their sum, paper is made.

household characteristic from the place of residence

Characteristics from the place of residence: sample

Here is a short text, given that you already understood the structure of its design.


Ivanov Evgeny Stepanovich

Born in 1968,

a native of the city of Ivanovo,

residing at:

Citizen Ivanov E.S. is characterized positively. Lives with us since 1973. No complaints about his behavior have been reported.

Together with him at the indicated address live: wife, Ivanova, Svetlana Mikhailovna, born in 1970, son of Ivanov, Ruslan, born in 1991, daughter of Ivanov, Maria, born in 1994

According to the testimony of neighbors (list with the exact address of registration) citizen Ivanov E.S. is a good family man. In life, polite, sociable. Has no bad habits. Engaged in parenting. She takes part in social events with pleasure. Responsive, hardworking.

Signatures of neighbors


This is what the document should look like. However, you should not thoughtlessly subscribe to a characteristic that does not correspond to the real state of things. It is recommended that you first find out where it is heading. You noticed that the addressee is not indicated in the given sample. You see, a lot can depend on your signature. For example, you give a good characterization of a snapper and a bully. He will adopt children on its basis. What will he teach them? When an official paper is written, the responsibility lies with everyone who signs it. Do not forget this. The public today has a lot more rights than is commonly believed. But they should be implemented very carefully and carefully! Good luck.

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