
How is the student’s characterization from the place of practice compiled correctly?

Each student during his training annually receives practical skills in his specialty, working temporarily at a manufacturing enterprise. At the end of the deadline he must make progress report. In addition, another characterization of the student from the place of practice will be required. What is it and how to draw up such a document? These need to be dealt with in detail.

Qualified opinion

Studying at the university, the student masters theoretical skills in the chosen specialty. This allows you to stock up on a certain amount of knowledge in order to then independently conduct work at the highest professional level. But a bare theory is nothing compared to real activity in a production environment. Therefore, as a rule, in the summer he goes to practice in order to become a full-fledged specialist and learn the profession from the inside. A responsible employee is assigned to him from the enterprise. It is he who in the near future will provide the student with all possible assistance in the work and preparation of the report. For a university, the characteristics of the student from the place of practice should be written from the enterprise.

student characteristics from the place of practice

She is usually made up by the same employee. What is this document and why is it needed? In fact, the characterization of a student from the place of practice is a kind of recall by management about his work in the enterprise. To some extent, it is a kind of summing up and shows what he achieved while working as an ordinary worker. In parallel, he had to get acquainted with the work of individual sections and units, as well as carry out various individual instructions. The characteristic of a student from the place of practice just contains an assessment of how much he coped with his task.

Rules for compiling a document

Separately, it is worth paying attention to how the characterization of the student from the place of practice is prepared. The sample can later be used as a “skeleton" for reviews of this kind.

student characteristics

It should be noted that all information can be divided into several main parts:

  1. It all starts with the name. This is the word "characteristic", which is written with a capital letter in the center of the sheet.
  2. Next comes the “cap”, which indicates the period of internship and full data about the student.
  3. The main text begins with the name of the position that the student performed and the unit in which he worked. It also indicates the tasks that were entrusted to him, and lists the documents with which he had to work.
  4. After this, the leader characterizes the level of theoretical knowledge and the student's ability to put them into practice.
  5. Next, the work that the student directly performed during the work is evaluated. The correctness and timeliness of his actions is separately noted.
  6. It ends with the opinion of the head about the professional and personal qualities of the trainee.
  7. And in conclusion, the final assessment and signature of the head, certified by the seal of the enterprise, is put.

Such papers help curators and educators better understand their wards and plan individual work with them.

Blank form

Teachers of higher education institutions constantly have to deal with the same document as “Student characteristics from the place of practice”. A form specially designed for these purposes is developed in advance and is issued to each student in his arms before leaving.

student characteristics field practice form

It is an ordinary sheet on which standard text is partially typed.The manager can only fill in the missing lines, answering the meaning of the questions in brackets. Information is located, as usual, from top to bottom. First, the name, address and basic details of the company are filled. Then comes the date of compilation and the name of the document itself. The main text begins with the words "This characteristic is given." After the student’s F. I. O. and the terms of practice, the phrase “During the practice, the student has studied,” is listed, and everything that he has learned over the past time is listed. The following describes his participation in the work of the entire enterprise. And the form ends with a standard phrase, after which a specific assessment is put forward for the level of training and the quality of the work performed. The form ends with the signature of the head with a full transcript of his F. I. O. and position.

Features of the future profession

Annual practice helps students to master their chosen specialty. Skills acquired in the workplace help to navigate the situation in the future and make decisions independently. A young specialist, setting off for his first workplace in his life, does not yet have practical experience and it is difficult for employers to assess his abilities. As a summary, the “Characteristic of a student from the place of practice” may well serve. The lawyer who worked at the enterprise before defending his “diploma” can be assessed by the responsibilities that he had to fulfill.

student characteristics from the place of practice of a lawyer

Better if they concerned different fields of activity. For example, the review says that he:

  • participated in the development of employment contracts,
  • conducted work on collection of receivables, as well as prepared letters of claim and statements of claim,
  • Developed and took an active part in concluding work and service contracts,
  • engaged in the search for regulatory acts necessary to resolve production issues,
  • conducted work with constituent documents,
  • rendered all possible assistance in the development of various Provisions for the enterprise.

If for all this he was rated as an executive, conscientious, responsible and obligatory employee, then you can be sure that such a young specialist can be safely hired and not be afraid of any surprises.

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