
How to open a bar in your city

Since ancient times, entertainment venues such as pubs and bars have brought their owners a good profit. The competition in this business is very great, so before you open your own institution, you should carefully study all the pitfalls of this business. In every city in Russia, there are a large number of beer bars, so to be competitive, you need to have a number of advantages. The most important thing when talking about a beer bar is that the beer in it must be of the highest quality and in a large assortment. Although about everything in order:

How to open a beer bar.

In fact, opening a bar and creating the right reputation in it is a very complex, scrupulous and difficult process. There are a number of reasons:

At that moment when we said that the bar should have an assortment of beer and good quality, it doesn’t mean that all types and brands of bottle, draft and can products should be presented. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the assortment presented in the city’s shops is a miserable likeness of beer. Therefore, a good move would be to organize a brewery in the beer bar itself. You will have to purchase all the necessary equipment and invite a specialist who understands all the intricacies of beer production.

Another feature of each bar is the audience. The bottom line is that the brewing process is not very cheap, so the beer in your bar will be quite expensive. This means that the audience of the bar will be at least middle class or higher, which will significantly narrow the number of customers. In order for such a target audience to become regular guests of your institution, you need to invest very serious money in advertising. You need to understand two important things about advertising. First of all, it should be large-scale, so that every person in your city knows about the existence of the institution. And the second point. Advertising should say that the institution is not cheap. And in order to visit it, you need to pay an amount more than they will pay in a regular bar.

Due to the fact that solid people should become regular customers in your bar, the interior should also be solid and expensive. The most attractive is the Irish pub style, English, Italian and Czech style. Most men dream of being at the table of such an institution in another country. The main task will be to transfer the customers of the bar to the atmosphere of that country in the style of which the bar is made. If this succeeds, then the promotion process will not become very long. Naturally, to create your own room design, you will need to invest a large amount of funds.

Making an intermediate conclusion, we can say that the process of creating a bar is very complicated and beyond the power of every entrepreneur. Even if he has a large amount of money, there is no guarantee that the business will be successful and profitable. Do not try to do such a business if you do not have experience.

How to open a barThe complexity of running such a business explains that in many cases, bars are opened through a franchise. This type of business increases the likelihood of payback and, in fact, you are an employee on privileged terms. Such a business organization provides several good advantages. Firstly, there is no problem with paperwork, as they are all included in the franchise. Of course, permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire department will have to be obtained by yourself. Naturally, representatives of the franchise will assist in this matter.

Second, helping out at the brewery. You will receive equipment that is fully consistent with the level of business.Third, representatives of the franchise organize the selection and training of company personnel, which will very well affect the future work of the bar. Fourth, to organize your own business, a beer bar, you will need a very large cash investment. And there is no guarantee that all this will pay off. Franchising is an ideal solution for opening a bar. Ready, proven business. It remains only to buy the right to represent him in your city.

There are only disadvantages of franchising. In fact, you are not the owner of a business, but a representative of a large company. Therefore, you probably have to fulfill the terms of the franchise. And it is possible to perform the interior in the style of their wishes and so on.

If you decide to start your franchise business, first of all, find out everything about your partner thoroughly. About what projects the company has implemented, how successfully, what conditions it has provided, and only after that conclude an agreement.

It’s impossible to say what kind of profit such a beer bar can bring. But to open such an institution, it will take about 3 million rubles. Some beer bars have already become a network, and there we are talking about very big money.

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