
Water business: water delivery by a water carrier. Water purification and delivery for cooler

One of the basic vital human needs along with air is water. On the one hand, these are such simple and affordable things, and on the other, they are very expensive.

water business

No, of course, you can get a breath of air and a glass of water for free, but given the current environmental situation, not only in our country, but throughout the world, you have to pay for their quality.

So, to breathe in truly clean air, you will need to go somewhere to the sea, or at least to the nearest sanatorium, closer to nature.

And instead of tap water, which is less and less suitable for drinking, you have to buy it in a store or ... order it at home. People’s needs are the foundation of any business, and water is an ideal candidate for this role.

In this case, contrary to the well-known saying, it will turn out to kill two birds with one stone, and very successfully. On the one hand, doing business on the water, you can make good money. On the other hand, having ensured its delivery, give consumers the opportunity to receive a clean and high-quality product without leaving home. To do a good deed and still make a profit - isn't that a dream? How to implement it in the best way, read the article.

How to do business on the water: mine or supply

Health is something that people will not save on. And pure water is its most important component. The extraction and purification of water as a business with the subsequent delivery of the resulting product to your home or office is certainly a very attractive idea. However, it requires a serious approach, large investments and competent implementation. Often these functions are divided between different companies.

It is best to carefully consider and define the boundaries of your activity - whether you will be both a producer (extract water from wells) and a supplier (deliver it), or only a water carrier distributing "alien" water to customers. The size of the necessary investment, the time of the organization of the business and its payback largely depend on this.

The easiest way is to become an intermediary between the two parties, the producer and the consumer. It is on it that it is preferable to stop the novice entrepreneur. What stages of preparation do you need to go through to organize your own water delivery company? Highlights for inclusion in the business plan:

  • mineral water or ordinary drinking water - the choice of products for sale;
  • search for a manufacturer to conclude a dealer agreement;
  • rental of premises for a warehouse, purchase of containers;
  • solution to the transport issue;
  • establishment of logistics, organization of work with clients.

The most difficult, but at the same time the most important process is the competent organization of product delivery to consumers. Here it is necessary to take into account the interests of two parties: the client and the company. In the paragraph on logistics, we will dwell in detail on what they are and how to comply with them.

water delivery by water carrier

Become Dealers

This option to enter the business is the easiest and fastest. You do not need to look for sources of water, organize its production and purification. It is only necessary to find a large producer who can supply large quantities, and conclude a cooperation agreement with him. However, before this, it is best to conduct a so-called tasting - to purchase and test water from several manufacturers, and then choose a product that is suitable for all criteria.

Currently, purified water is being sold from the water supply extracted from drinking and mineral wells.In the first case, the manufacturer is engaged in its cleaning, making it safe, suitable for drinking and cooking. In the second, water is extracted from the well, it is tested and cleaned.

It is necessary to decide in advance what kind of water you want to distribute, to analyze the presence of certain manufacturers. The products of the plants can be either ordinary drinking or mineral water. The business plan should include calculations for the purchase and implementation of both for the subsequent selection of a more preferable and profitable option.

Further, after the successful signing of the agreement, the first batch of water for sale is purchased. At the same time, you can get good discounts from the manufacturer for bulk purchase. They can be from 30% to 50-70% (if you buy a thousand bottles at once).

Where and in what? We select a room and buy packaging

Having bought a certain number of cans, you need to place them somewhere. To store the "strategic stock" you will need a warehouse. When choosing a room, be guided by the convenience of its location. Where will it be easier and faster to deliver water to your customers? You may have to visit different ends of the city. Keep this in mind when searching for and concluding a lease.

Features of containers for water delivery

By organizing a business for the delivery of water produced externally, you eliminate the need to purchase expensive equipment. The only thing to take care of is the container that you need to purchase yourself. The bottles in which you will deliver water to consumers are reusable.

That is, with the next delivery of the order, the used container is returned to you, and the client receives another one filled with water. The standard term for using such a canister is a year and a half, after which it loses its shape, is deformed. However, this is more than enough, given the low cost of packaging - 100-120 rubles for a 19-liter bottle.

Calculating the required number of cans is easy. Count the number of your customers (you can average) and multiply by three with the expectation that:

  • one bottle will be at the client;
  • the second (for filling) - from the manufacturer;
  • third (filled) - in stock pending delivery.

With the expansion of the customer base and the deterioration of the old containers, the cans will have to be constantly purchased.

mineral water business plan

Water delivery for coolers

Water delivery by a water carrier is carried out to two categories of customers - organizations and individuals. In the first case, in addition to the actual water bottles, an additional cooler is installed. The device can be either sold or leased. The cost of the cooler depends on the specific model and placement option - floor-standing ones cost up to 200 dollars, desktop ones - on average 120-130 dollars.

If we are talking about temporary use, then the monthly fee will be about $ 15, not including the deposit. As for individuals / families, they often prefer to use conventional pumps, which are much cheaper and require less space in the house. The number of coolers and pumps for the purchase should also be determined based on the number of customers (one for each) and the expected pace of business development.

What to transport: transport

This item is the most expensive, but also the most important, when a dealership business is being built on the water. Who will carry? This issue should be considered in advance. Water delivery by a water carrier will be effective if you choose the right machine for these purposes:

  • roomy to carry canisters of water intended for several customers at the same time.
  • comfortable, able to easily tack in urban traffic jams.
  • economical, requiring a little gasoline, otherwise the costs will be substantial.

Ideal candidates for this role are a truck like a Gazelle or a small van. At one time they are capable of transporting up to 50-70 bottles, and the cost of one kilometer of delivery is only about two rubles.

Logistics: we bring the interests of the client and the company together

mineral water business plan

How is water delivered by a water carrier in the presence of a large number of customers? For efficient - that is, fast and uninterrupted - service, it is important to correctly draw up a transport route.

This is done in advance, after prior coordination of time with consumers. One is more convenient if they call at him in the morning, another at lunch, and the third at evening.

It is advisable to draw up a distribution plan in such a way that delivery in one area is carried out at approximately the same time (for example, from 10 to 12 hours). Agree, going back and forth from morning to evening is completely inconvenient, but this is also a huge investment of time and money.

At the same time, it is extremely important to take into account the wishes of customers, because your whole business rests on them. The best solution in this case would be a preliminary (for a couple of days) agreement on delivery. Then you can call all your customers and make a route sheet for a few days in advance. Of course, some emergency situations may arise when you have to make adjustments, but in general the organization will be an order of magnitude higher than thoughtless distribution of water to different points of the city.

Features of the water delivery market

Often, a business associated with certain drinks is indirectly, but seasonal. For example, coffee and cocoa are drunk more often in the winter, and soda and juice - in the summer. Bottled water as a business is also subject to seasonal fluctuations. Usually they buy it individually (half a liter, liter, one and a half) for use in the fresh air or to put in the refrigerator.

However, for the water carrier companies, the time of year does not matter. After all, drinking clean water at home (or brewed coffee, tea) and cooking on it will not cease, regardless of the weather outside. This is a significant plus, which provides a constant value of demand and stable profit.

How to keep customers?

The most important rules to be followed by companies that decide to do business on the water:

  • competence - deliver the order on time (not later, but not earlier than the agreed time);
  • high-quality service - when customers can easily reach the operators, it is possible to choose the delivery time, coolers are provided for free use.

Thus, service in this business is a key point of work and the key to the success of your business. Naturally, one should not forget about the quality of products.


Own business on the water, when you are engaged in its sale and delivery to end consumers and do not participate in the production process (production, purification) - a fairly profitable activity that can quickly pay off. The most important thing, along with the quality of the water itself, is impeccable service and building strong long-term relationships with customers.

In this case, one-time customers often become permanent, and those who once left no longer return. That is why it is necessary from the first order to arouse sympathy and maintain customer loyalty to the company throughout the entire service time. Then your network will constantly expand, and consumers will remain loyal for more than one year.

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Reason for complaint
People who have achieved results in the water business argue that if there is no way to ensure a clear delivery of water, then they won’t get a good profit.


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