
Job description (plumber): rights and responsibilities

Everyone has known about the plumbing profession for a long time. Pipeline professionals are needed and important to society. This article will provide all the necessary information about the skill levels, as well as about the rights and responsibilities of the plumber.

Who is a plumber?

What does a special job description prescribe about the profession presented? A plumber is a person with a secondary specialized education whose duties are to service the facilities entrusted to him. As a rule, the employee in question is hired by a company - private or state-owned. So, a plumber can work in the field of housing and communal services, condominiums or in specialized commercial organizations.

The main requirement for plumbing is the quality performance of functions in the areas entrusted to it. Often, a locksmith may lack content from existing tools. So, if a plumber needs a welding machine or any other sophisticated technical equipment to perform the work, you will have to get special permission from the management.

What does the job description of a plumber 3 category fix?

Like any other technical profession, the work of a locksmith is divided into several categories or skill levels. Next, it is worth highlighting the three most basic types - 3, 4 and 5 categories. job description locksmith plumberWhat information about the third level of qualification is fixed by the corresponding job description? The plumber should have the following knowledge:

  • about the system of action, purpose and features of repairing the heating pipeline system;
  • all varieties of elements of sanitary and technical systems;
  • drilling and punching options to create special holes;
  • operating rules for oxygen cylinders;
  • basics of working with tools.

It should also highlight the main functions of the employee. These include:

  • assembly, repair and analysis of elements or nodal systems for water supply, heating, sewage, etc .;
  • drilling holes;
  • creation of thread on risers;
  • work with various fasteners and risers.

About locksmith 4 categories

A fitter with 4 categories has to some extent advanced functions than workers with qualifications below. Accordingly, the knowledge of this employee should be at a slightly higher level.job description plumber homeowners association Here is what the corresponding job description prescribes about the duties of the employee:

  • the plumber should be able to disassemble, assemble and assemble all the necessary components and elements of heating, sewer or water supply systems;
  • the employee must be able to correctly mark places and areas for the installation of special fixtures and devices;
  • the master is obliged to engage in the grouping of cast-iron radiators, as well as be able to connect heating panels and blocks;
  • the worker must be able to securely fasten parts and all necessary devices with a piston gun.

So, the job description of a plumber of 4 categories assigns a rather large number of functions and responsibilities to a specialist.

About the employee with the 5th category

A fitter with a 5th category has a fairly large number of functions and responsibilities entrusted to him. In particular, it is necessary to highlight:

  • work on the complete replacement of sections of cast iron pipelines;
  • inspection of installed pipelines for defects and malfunctions; work to eliminate these defects;
  • work with complex elements of sanitary-engineering devices of water supply, heating systems or sewerage.

job description plumber housing and communal services

It is also worth noting that the job description of a fitter of the 5th category establishes the need for the employee to know certain points. In particular, here we can distinguish:

  • all necessary ways to repair sanitary facilities;
  • options for eliminating defective places during the test;
  • all the necessary knowledge about tools and stuff.

About necessary education

You can get the education you need to carry out the work in several ways. The first is going to college, college or college. As a rule, the duration of full-time education in such educational institutions is 2-3 years. job description plumber 5 categoryThe second option is to receive a diploma in plumbing at special courses. Training courses can provide a profession in the 2nd category (if there was no previous work experience), and also confirm or improve their qualifications up to the 7th category.

Thus, to receive the profession of a locksmith today is absolutely no difficulty. Moreover, both secondary educational institutions and special courses are available in almost every major city in any CIS country.

About plumbing HOA

A plumber can start his work only if the chairman of the HOA gives permission and a special decree. A plumbing and plumbing specialist can carry out both paid and free functions within the organization. job description plumber 4 categoriesAll of them must be registered in advance and executed in special documents. The obligations of an employee in the area of ​​HOAs are also structured depending on the level or level of qualification.

It should also be noted that the job description of the plumber of the HOA fixes the possibility of introducing various ideas and suggestions by the employee on the modernization and improvement of the structure. In addition, the employee himself has a number of other professional rights, which will be discussed later.

Employee Rights

What can be said about the professional rights of the represented specialist? Here is what the job description of the plumber housing and communal services fixes:

  • An employee is able to issue various tasks and instructions to his subordinates (if any), as well as to monitor the progress of the execution of entrusted orders.
  • Locksmith may require the management all the documents necessary for the conduct of labor activities.
  • The specialist has the right to full or partial familiarization with various plans, design documents or decisions of the authorities (but only those that are somehow related to the plumber's labor activity).
  • The employee is able to offer management ideas or plans for ways to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, as well as its modernization.
  • A plumber with an appropriate rank and level of qualification may petition the authorities for encouragement or, conversely, for punishment of certain specialists who are subordinate to the employee.
  • The specialist has the right to report to the management about all violations and defects discovered during working hours.

Thus, the rights of the employee are quite extensive.

job description plumber 3 categories

About the responsibility of the plumber

The presented specialist has exactly the same level of professional responsibility as all other employees. What does the special job description fix here? The plumber should be responsible for:

  • full or partial refusal to perform their duties;
  • poor performance of their duties;
  • appearance at work while intoxicated;
  • causing material damage to the organization (regardless of the level of damage itself);
  • offenses or crimes committed in the workplace, etc.

Thus, a specialist may be subject to disciplinary, administrative or even criminal liability.

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