
Responsibilities of the toolmaker 3, 4, 5 category

The work of a tool-maker is quite serious and complex, and therefore for each of its categories there is a separate job description. In this article, the 3rd, 4th and 5th qualification levels of this profession will be analyzed in detail.

What should a 3-level toolmaker know?

A specialist with the third rank will be able to carry out his labor activity only if he knows a certain number of disciplines well. What exactly is it about? Here is what a typical instruction prescribes:

The third-level plumber should have an idea of ​​the basics of drawing, as well as geometric and trigonometric dependencies. In addition to this, he should know:

  • Methods of using finishing material, as well as the installation of machine tools - finishing and sawing.
  • The device of various instrumentation, as well as its operation.
  • The property is steel.
  • Methods and options for processing steel.
  • All the necessary information about the deformation of metals during their heat treatment, as well as about allowances for fine-tuning.
  • About the landing system and tolerances, as well as about the roughness parameters.

Thus, a representative of not even the highest level should still have a pretty decent baggage of knowledge. And what about the duties of a tool mechanic of the 3rd category?

About the functions of a mechanic-toolmaker 3 categories

What functions does the tool maker have? Duties of the 3rd category, oddly enough, are quite extensive. toolmaker's dutiesA typical instruction prescribes the following points:

  • With the help of special technical equipment and various templates, it is necessary to produce complex and precise tools.
  • Repair of tools and other equipment (medium complexity, having a special outline).
  • Processing of various kinds of parts using special equipment (from 8-11 qualifications).
  • Work with curly details. Their drawing, repair, marking and preparation.
  • Leveling equipment.

It is worth noting that some of the duties of a mechanic-toolmaker of the 3rd category can be performed only under the close supervision of specialists with higher qualifications.

On the responsibility and rights of a toolmaker 3 categories

It is worth paying special attention to such important points as responsibility and rights of the specialist in question. toolmaker job responsibilitiesThe standard instruction prescribes the following about the rights of a toolmaker:

  • the specialist has the right to give his subordinates certain tasks and tasks;
  • can control the execution of tasks;
  • may demand from the authorities all the necessary regulatory acts and documents;
  • able to submit to the management for consideration various wishes and suggestions, one way or another relating to professional activities;
  • can report to the management about all problems, violations and shortcomings of work;
  • can interact with various services of the organization in which the toolmaker is working.

No less important is the paragraph on the responsibility of a specialist:

The employee is responsible for failure to perform or incorrect performance of his functions. For causing material harm, for various kinds of offenses committed in the course of work, a specialist can be subjected to disciplinary to criminal liability.

About the functions of a mechanic-toolmaker 4 categories

What should a toolmaker know? The duties of this employee also include the presence of certain mental baggage, as well as the ability to correctly apply it in practice. locksmith toolmaker duties 3 ranksSo, the specialist in question should know:

  • about the device of the lapping and lapping machine;
  • about the main types of dependencies: trigonometric and geometric;
  • all the necessary information about finishing materials;
  • all the necessary information about filing materials;
  • about working with complex shapes (markup, drawing).

The standard instruction prescribes the following duties of a 4-level toolmaker:

  • Work with copiers, stamps, punches, conductors and other complex elements (meaning production, repair and operation).
  • The work consisting in fine-tuning, wiping, manufacturing and operation of elements of figured shape (for a specialist of 4 categories - only 7-10 qualifications).

On the responsibility and rights of a toolmaker 4 categories

The duties of a toolmaker are very extensive. It is precisely because of this that a very great responsibility rests with this specialist. toolmaker dutiesAlthough the standard instruction prescribes moments similar to the types of responsibility for persons with qualifications below, it is worth noting that things can be much more serious. This is especially true of relations with subordinates.

The same applies to the rights of a fitter, toolmaker, having 4 category. Job description prescribes all the same points as for less qualified employees. Nevertheless, the rights of a specialist with the fifth category are still slightly wider. It is worth taking into account at least the authority of the employee in question: a rather high rank allows you to build a more clear and organized relationship with the bosses.

What should a 5th level toolmaker know?

It is immediately worth noting that a specialist who has the penultimate, and, therefore, a rather important category, must have a very wide body of knowledge.  duties of a toolmaker of 5 categorySo, the job description prescribes that a fitter of the 5th category is required to have an idea:

  • about a complex professional tool and its elements;
  • about geometric calculations and drawings necessary for the manufacture of a complex tool;
  • on the relationship of temperature and measuring readings of instruments;

In addition, the specialist in question must have an idea of ​​safety precautions, about his work schedule, as well as about the rules for using personal protective equipment. And what about the duties of a mechanic-toolmaker of the 5th category?

About the functions of a mechanic-toolmaker of 5 category

What is the responsibility of a fitter 5th grade? duties of a toolmaker 4 categoriesA typical job description prescribes the following:

  • production, repair and maintenance of complex professional tools;
  • production and repair of various templates (6-7 qualifications here);
  • fine-tuning, wiping, manufacturing of parts with a figured outline of 5 qualifications.

Another very important responsibility lies with the specialist in question: to conduct timely checks of various tools and dies. Inspection is carried out directly during operation. In fact, it is from the worker with the 5th discharge that the further optimal operation of the existing equipment will depend.

Thus, the duties of a tool-maker of the penultimate category are quite extensive and complex.

On the liability and rights of a fitter-toolmaker of 5 category

The higher the rank, the greater the responsibility of the specialist. This should take into account each employee who is going to improve their skills. The same applies to the plumber. The specialist with the fifth rank has a huge responsibility. This is especially true for:

  • failure to perform their work;
  • improperly performing their work;
  • material damage.

A plumber of the 5th category has all the same rights as workers with a different category. However, their width will depend only on the place where the specialist works, and on the authorities, which can give additional rights.

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