
How to open an accounting firm. Business Plan: Accounting Services

how to open an accounting firmNo company any form of ownership cannot exist without properly set financial (accounting) accounting. The rapidly developing processes of integrating Russia into the global economic system, measures taken by the Government to reform financial accounting in accordance with international practice of accounting operations, lead to constant changes in legislation and increased tax sanctions, which create the prerequisites for the formation of accounting firms with a staff of highly qualified employees who are constantly improving their professionalism.

In any business, a large share of the costs is occupied by the accountant and the arrangement of his workplace. Today, business leaders prefer to conclude contracts for the provision of financial services, so the emergence of such firms is currently extremely relevant. It is important to approach the creation of this rather specific business.

Assessment of the situation in the financial services market and analysis of opportunities

How to open an accounting firm? This is not a simple but feasible business. Unprofessional conduct of any business is always doomed to failure, and the lack of qualifications of the employee responsible for the financial side of the company is simply unacceptable. Therefore, the first and necessary condition for opening a company is the professionalism of its organizer, who will conduct the necessary market research in relation to the region of future functioning and draw up a business plan “Accounting Services”.

To understand how to open an accounting firm, you should analyze the actual state of affairs even before drawing up a business plan. Knowing the situation as a whole, one can determine:

• range of accounting services;

• cost of services;

• potential customers of the company.

Description of services offered

A territorial analysis of the demand for financial services will help to draw up a business plan "Providing accounting services", including the following proposals in the list of their main types:

• development of guidelines accounting policies firms and the implementation of financial accounting in accordance with it;

amending the charter and accounting policies;

• one-time filling out of declarations;

• operations to open and close bank accounts;

• verification of the primary accounting documentation for compliance with its compilation of the requirements of the current legislation and documentation of operations;

• registration of firms and branches;

• primary accounting documents, conducting accounting operations on their basis;

• formation of financial and tax reporting;

• work with state and tax authorities when submitting financial and tax reporting;

• preparation for tax audits;

• conducting operations for maintaining material accounts;

• payroll;

• organization of accounting for a turnkey organization;

• restoration of accounting;

• advising company managers on financial matters.

When developing a business plan for an accounting firm, one should take into account the main areas of financial activity, focusing on the most promising, requiring flexible, consistent solutions and bringing maximum profit to activities.

We determine the form of ownership of the future company

organization accounting organization

Choosing the form of ownership of an accounting firm, you should take into account your own preferences and weigh the measure of responsibility.Registration of IP involves not only a significant simplification of the registration procedure, future activities and reporting, but also the responsibility of all property attributable to the entrepreneur.

The process of registration of an LLC will take longer when filling out and registering permits, it will require full financial accounting, however, liability for obligations is incomparably lower - only in the amount of the property of the company.

Choosing a company location

A significant role in the success of the company is played by the choice of premises for the office of the company. Practice shows that the optimal location of an accounting organization is a room located near shopping centers, markets, tax inspectorates.

Equally important is the selection of functional ergonomic furniture, office equipment, stationery. It is necessary to create a calm, seasoned business interior that is conducive to cooperation. High-quality and operational work involves the use of specialized progressive accounting programs.

Recruiting staff

Prospects for the development of the company, its successful and productive activities depend on the competence and qualifications of the staff. Financial activities - A very serious area that does not tolerate approximation and unprofessionalism, therefore, the recruitment should be approached responsibly.

At first, an ideal option would be to attract one or two highly qualified employees with knowledge of all stages of accounting work. Then, with an increase in the volume of orders, it will be possible to expand the staff of the company.

Advertising is the engine of progress

This famous slogan is not empty words at all. Successful start and further development of the enterprise directly depend on a well-organized advertising campaign. It’s necessary to highlight the cost of advertising in the business plan, so how to attract customers needed as quickly as possible. A good effect is given by the “Accounting Services” commercial offer in newspapers, on radio and television. And of course, organizing your own website is the most important source of attracting potential customers. In the future, conscientious and high-quality fulfillment of our obligations will become the best advertisement for a developing company.

Customer service

business plan accounting servicesLike any new company in the services market, a newly formed company may not inspire confidence in potential customers. This is a normal situation, but you should break it as soon as possible.

A decisive step in this direction may be a proposal on the material liability of staff for the entire amount of work performed, voiced in advertising.

Work with clients should be carried out with the obligatory conclusion of contracts, the flawless implementation of each item of which will convince the buyer of the services of the reliability of the company. Since opening an accounting company is very risky, you should conclude a contract for insurance of commercial risks. This once again emphasizes the seriousness of the intentions of the founder.

Production plan

Production activity begins with the acquisition and installation of office equipment:

• computers with high-quality accounting and antivirus software;

• multifunction device or printer, scanner and copier separately.

Total 100 thousand rubles.

All of these costs are included in the business project. Next, you need to analyze the profitability of the business, set the payback period, for which it is necessary to determine the amount of initial and constant (current) monthly expenses, making an approximate calculation based on the financial plan.

Financial plan

The beginning of the functioning of a small accounting organization with a staff of 3 employees in a small city is based on the following investments:

• repair of an office with an area of ​​30 m2 - from 35 thousand rubles .;

• purchase of furniture, interior items and stationery - about 80 thousand rubles;

• insurance of commercial risks - 25 thousand rubles;

• organization of advertising - about 40 thousand rubles.

Total: 180 thousand rubles.

Monthly fixed costs:

• rental of office space - 20 thousand rubles;

• staff salaries - from 60 thousand rubles;

• advertising and stationery expenses - from 10 thousand rubles;

• computer maintenance - from 10 thousand rubles.

Total: 100 thousand rubles.

The average monthly revenue of the company is 150 thousand rubles. Consequently, the profit will be 50 thousand rubles. and investments in the organization of the company will pay off in 5-6 months (initial investments in the amount of 280 thousand rubles / 50 thousand rubles of monthly profit = 5.6 months).

Quality work - impeccable reputation

business plan accounting services

Organization accounting organization - a complex of complex and critical stages of work, including both primary accounting documents, and the formation and submission of financial statements to the IFTS and extra-budgetary funds.

But this is also an interesting work with the possibility of implementing their ideas and proposals. In the article we talked about how to open an accounting firm, draw up a business plan, calculate your capabilities and what calculations are to be done. In conclusion, we note that in any business, quality and professionalism are the main components of success, and especially in accounting. Good luck

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