
Renewal of a weapons permit: procedure, deadlines and documents. How and where to renew a weapons permit?

Since the advent of firearms to date, there are special government bodies that monitor and regulate relations associated with the storage and carrying of weapons. In order to obtain a certificate for the right to store a gun or pistol, in order to extend the permit for weapons, citizens turn to the specialized department of the police department at the place of residence. There is a proverb "God created all people different, and Samuel Colt called them equal." Indeed, the fact that the opponent has weapons has a significant effect on the tactics of behavior, makes you wonder: is it worth using force or getting involved in a conflict?

weapons permit extension

Permit system

The authorization system is an orderly system of departments of the Civil Security Police Service. A weapons permit, a permit for the manufacture of seals and stamps, and other types of permits are issued by these departments. As a rule, in each district, city or district in the city department of internal affairs there is an office where they issue permits. In order to get an appointment with an employee of the licensing system department, you should study the schedule for admitting citizens. Usually, the reception is carried out three to four days a week at certain hours of the day. Here, citizens can get expert advice on the acquisition, repair and maintenance of weapons. Also, during the months of the delivery of weapons and ammunition, citizens can safely bring to justice and bring here all things prohibited in circulation, such as pistols, cartridges, knives. Management and control of the department is carried out by the Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs.

weapons permit

Types of weapons permitted for storage and carrying by the average person

Legislation determines which types and types of weapons can be stored and used by an ordinary citizen. First of all, hunting shotguns are allowed. Most of the country's population lives in difficult climatic conditions - Siberia, taiga, and the Far North. In such places, it is difficult to grow plant food. For hundreds of years, the main hunt here remains hunting for animals. A peasant cannot live here without a gun. In addition to the guns, the government allows the storage of hunting rifles with rifled barrel.

The main requirement for them is the lack of the ability to conduct automatic firing. The next type of weapon authorized for carrying and storage is gas and noise (starting) weapons. Pistols that shoot single (noisy) cartridges or cartridges with a tear mixture are available on sale. Another type of weapon that you can have at home and carry with you is hunting knives and daggers. These piercing and cutting blades are used mainly during hunting to finish off the beast and slaughter the carcass. To store and carry all of the above types, a weapons permit is required.

Renewal Procedure (in brief)

After acquiring a gun and conducting a successful hunting season, or even several seasons, the validity period of some documents is coming to an end. Almost every hunter was faced with a situation where on the nose an extension of a permit for weapons, deadlines are on, employees of the licensing system call home and threaten to remove the “trunk” if they do not show up for paperwork.Do not panic because of this, it is better to get down to business.

Renewing a permit for a hunting weapon is a simple procedure, which will take two days on its strength. The hunter needs to go to the department of the licensing system and write a statement there, then collect some medical certificates, take some photos and that’s all. The collected package of documents is transferred to the inspector in the police department, and after a while a new permit is issued. Even with a heavy workload of the schedule, you can find an hour or two for visiting the Department of Internal Affairs and the clinic. Moreover, such a procedure is carried out once every several years and does not cause significant discomfort.

renewal of a permit for hunting weapons

Medical examination

The extension of a weapons permit provides for excellent physical health for those who wish to store and use a gun or pistol. To confirm the good physical condition of the body, citizens undergo a doctoral commission, according to the results of which a certificate is issued. An extension of a permission for a smoothbore, rifled, or traumatic weapon is impossible without a medical examination.

A commission of doctors consisting of an ophthalmologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, narcologist, therapist examines a candidate for the right to renew an “armed man certificate”. Checked vision, hearing, reflexes, general physical health. Special attention is paid to mental health and screening for drug use and alcohol abuse. The last three positions are decisive, and if doctors suspect something, then the candidate can’t see the help as his ears.

Help from the local inspector

Obtaining permission for a weapon is a little more difficult than extending it. The candidate first appears on the threshold of an ATS permitting system, often young and inexperienced. To check such recruits they resort to the help of local police inspectors, who are required to know their site, local residents, possible conflicts in the house and on the street. So, the district policeman conducts apartment-by-apartment rounds, communicates with neighbors and takes away explanations from them regarding the candidate for permission. The good reviews of the neighbors significantly affect the decision of the ATS authorities regarding the issue of issuing a certificate.

how to extend a weapons permit

Control shooting

If a person wants to extend the permission for a smoothbore weapon, then he can safely pass this paragraph. Control shooting is carried out only with rifled and traumatic weapons. The Ministry of the Interior has an expert service. The staff of this service - forensic experts, chemical experts, biology experts, computer experts - are engaged in writing examinations, field trips to serious crimes, the formation and maintenance of forensic records, including bulletproof books.

To carry out the shooting, a person makes a statement to the expert service department, leaves his weapon there and pays the bill. An expert service officer fires, collects used bullets and cartridges with traces of weapons parts and mechanisms on them and documents the fact of the shooting. Parts of cartridges with traces are stored in the service collection. If necessary, bullets and cartridges seized from unsolved crimes are compared with the collection. A certificate of firing is issued to the owner of the weapon, which must be presented to the Department of Internal Affairs, in which the permit for the weapon is renewed.

renewal permit for traumatic weapons

Traumatic weapon

Certain categories of citizens indicated in legislative acts have the right to store and carry traumatic weapons - non-lethal weapons, the projectile of cartridges of which is a plastic or rubber ball of low weight. To such persons it is customary to include judges, prosecutors, police, lawyers, journalists, and military personnel. In order to extend the permit for traumatic weapons, the same documents are submitted to the police department as with the initial permission - application, honey.certificate and certificates from neuropsychiatric and narcological dispensaries, passport, photographs. In addition, it is necessary to conduct a “technical inspection” and control shooting of the pistol. A good caveat is the fact that repeatedly you do not need to pay the state permission tax. Having collected a package of documents three months before the expiration of the permit, feel free to submit them to the department of licensing and licensing at ATS. Renewal of a permit for traumatic weapons will take a month, after which a new document is issued confirming the right to bear arms, and the old document is handed over to the police.

renewal of a permit for hunting weapons

The timing

“Nothing lasts forever” - the famous words of a medieval British poet. Nor can a document permitting or prohibiting anything be eternal. So, there are certain periods of validity of a permit for the right to store and carry weapons. The weapons permit is valid for five years. Once every five years, a person can either renew it or refuse a permit and submit the document for storage to the department of licensing and licensing. To purchase a weapon, you need a license issued by the same department. The license is valid for six months. After that, it “burns out”, and on its basis it will not be possible to buy a new pistol or carbine. After buying a weapon, you should register it within ten days. Failure to do so will result in a fine, in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Security measures

You should always remember and clearly understand that weapons are source of increased danger. There are many tragic examples where the owner of a gun or carbine did not adhere to security measures, stored weapons assembled outside a specially designated place (safe), as a result of which his family and friends suffered. After receiving permission and acquiring weapons, you must use it exclusively for its intended purpose and within the framework of the established rules. Any violation may result in administrative or criminal liability.

extend permission for smoothbore weapons


Having figured out how to extend a weapons permit, you should take stock and highlight the main points of the procedure. A weapon is not a toy. Having received a document on the right to store and carry weapons, it is necessary to strictly observe the established rules. Extension of permission is a routine procedure through which hundreds of thousands of people went. To extend a weapons permit, you need to write a corresponding application to the licensing and permitting department, collect medical documents, if necessary, conduct a control shoot, and then submit a package of documents for consideration three months before the permit expires. The service within a month considers the application and issues a new permit.

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