
When does the spring call begin? Conscription

Military service is an honorable duty of any male person. The conscription service, as well as under the contract, is an important condition for the combat readiness of our country. To get into the ranks of recruits, you need to clearly understand how the draft in the army occurs.

when the spring call begins

Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: when does the spring draft begin?

Increasingly, the media are voicing the results of exercises conducted in our country and sudden alarms aimed at checking the level of combat readiness of formations of various military branches. This is fully confirmed by the fact that the reform carried out in the Armed Forces of our country is gaining momentum and, most importantly, has the right vector of its movement.

Security of troops

During the time that has passed since its inception, a large number of necessary transformations have been carried out in the most diverse planes of naval and army life.

A striking example of this is the fact that units of all types and types of troops that are part of the Russian Armed Forces are provided with everything necessary for the successful conduct of various types of military operations in any military theaters both in our country and abroad.

emergency service

In addition, trained and highly qualified representatives of the officer corps were appointed to senior and middle management positions. Many of them have combat experience. Significantly increased the level of security of units and divisions with the latest modifications of military equipment and small arms.

Proposed changes regarding draft issues

A number of positive innovations were also carried out in such an important field of military life for such a huge number of our fellow citizens as military duty. This primarily concerns the basic conditions for its implementation by the citizens of our country. In general, military service in Russia significantly increased its prestige. But at the same time, quite unexpectedly, against the backdrop of the above-mentioned positive aspects, in some mass media the news was voiced that the specialists rather thoroughly and in detail discuss the issue of changing the term of service in the army. This information has given rise to many questions. The most topical of them are questions about when the spring draft begins, how soon it will be held and how long the military service will last.

military service in Russia

True, almost at the same time, official statements were made by the President of the country and the high command staff of the Ministry of Defense that military service in the army would be held on time.

Military service in Russia is available to every young man who has reached the age of eighteen, but, of course, provided that he receives a positive conclusion from the draft medical commission about his health. True, according to the legislation in force in our country, there is a group of categories of citizens who, for various reasons, get the opportunity to qualify for deferment from military service.

When will the army be called up?

Conscription is made twice a year. This usually occurs in spring and autumn. Today, first of all, everyone, according to the calendar, is interested in when the spring draft will begin, and the dates for its conduct as a whole. Are any changes possible in the near future?

According to the information coming from the Ministry of Defense, capable of answering the urgent question of when the spring draft will begin, draft campaigns in the coming 2016 should go without major changes or any global innovations.

 spring call deadlines

At the same time, a large number of specialists come to the conclusion that the term of military service used today is clearly not enough. During this period, the military is simply not able to fully master all the subtleties of the military specialty. A draftee needs to obtain the required basic knowledge in one year and consolidate it in practice, for which purpose it is necessary to carry out field trips and master the basics of combat training there. Moreover, this issue is sharply raised in elite troops, for example, airborne or missile forces, where a recent draftee, for a short period of his service, often does not even manage to study even the initial concepts of military affairs. In this case, we are not even talking about professional handling of small arms and military equipment in service.

Do I need a contract service?

Today, one of the optimal solutions to the problem of the shortage of highly qualified personnel for the army could well be contract service. This is also supported by the fact that the creation of a professional and mobile army on a contractual basis is considered the paramount task of the entire reform in the Armed Forces.

In the meantime, the Russian army has been serving on draft for 12 months, and this period of time is legally established by the law "On the Service of Military and Military Duty." And on this basis, it will take one year to serve the recruits, as in previous years. True, there is a small nuance. Each of the draftees has a choice: sign a contract and put on epaulettes for 2 years or, during the year, serve military service.

Returning to the question of when the spring draft begins, we can answer that in 2016 it will be held at the same time as in the past, that is, from 1.04 to 15.07.

How trained are recruits?

Over the past few years, the army leadership has been paying increasing attention to checking and increasing the level of readiness of future defenders of the Fatherland to fulfill their duties. It should be noted that every year the general level of health of recruits is steadily increasing. But even with this in mind, about a third of young people drafted into the army, for various objective and subjective reasons, do not reach the minimum health requirements for them and the degree of preparation for military service.


A positive thing to be recognized is the fact that almost all draft campaigns are held under tightened social control. In most regions of the country, there is a practice of escorting groups of conscripts by parents and representatives of various organizations controlling this issue throughout the route to the military unit. In addition, representatives of military commissariats after seven days from the moment the conscript is sent to the unit are required to inform his relatives of the place of service. Thus, the state, represented by employees of military commissariats and commanders of all degrees, is doing everything possible to ensure that the process of entering a draftee into a complex and quite intense army life goes as painlessly as possible.

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