
Service life in the Russian army

In recent years, the Armed Forces of our country have been in the course of military reform. This is no accident - life itself shows that the need for these transformations is long overdue. The correctness of the chosen strategy is repeatedly confirmed by the results of the ongoing readiness checks of units and military units, as well as the results of military exercises.

Armed forces today

Much has changed in the army in recent years. For example, a new comfortable modern uniform has been introduced, the sets of which are equipped with military units in the right amount. The security of the Armed Forces with military equipment and modern weapons has improved. Many senior positions are held by generals and other high-level professional officers.

Positive changes are also observed in the implementation of the inevitable military duty. In particular, as you know, the service life in the Russian army was reduced. Although in recent years, the media periodically raises the theme of a return to the previous two years. And many young people, as well as parents, are interested in the question of whether the term of service in the army will increase in the near future or not. President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin has officially announced that this is not an increase in the current term in 2016.

military service

When will the call begin?

In the Russian Armed Forces, draft occurs twice a year, in autumn and spring. The terms of the spring draft annually fit into the framework between April 1 and July 15, autumn - from October 1 to the end of the calendar year.

In 2016, cardinal changes in the dates and order of the event, most likely, can not be expected. The Ministry of Defense, according to available information, does not plan any large-scale changes or innovations.

In recent years, recruiting campaigns have revealed a chronic shortage of highly qualified personnel needed in different types of troops. It was this that served as the basis for numerous rumors that it is possible to increase the term of service in the army to the previous two years or more.

About contract service

A more optimal solution to the issue seems to be the gradual transfer of the army to a contract basis. This path corresponds to the main direction of the country's military reform, the purpose of which is to create a professional, mobile and combat-ready army.

 service life in the Russian army

The chief of the General Staff, Nikolai Makarov, issued a statement containing a forecast on the possible number of soldiers enlisted to serve under the contract, the number of which by the end of 2016 could be about 425,000.

Is a year small?

At the same time, experts argue that a one-year military service is categorically insufficient for training military personnel in basic military specialties.

Inexperienced recruits will have to learn serious theoretical knowledge, and consolidate them in combat conditions at training grounds. In such serious elite troops as missile or airborne troops, they do not even have time to teach the basics of the necessary specialties, not to mention the confident possession of weapons or the ability to handle military equipment.

Are our conscripts healthy?

The massive level of health of newly called young people also leaves much to be desired. Although this indicator has increased slightly in recent years, at least a third of today's conscripts are not able to meet the requirements for a variety of reasons.

Most often, diseases are detected in which the musculoskeletal system or digestive organs suffer.Examination with the identification of deviations from compliance with the standards began to be carried out more thoroughly due to the control that has been strengthened somewhat in recent years.

Is serving easier?

In most military districts Today, it is practiced to accompany such events both by public organizations and by the parents of the recruits themselves. Now the military registration and enlistment office no later than a week after the moment of the draft is obliged to inform the parents about the military unit to which their son is sent to serve.

The military service life of conscripts for young people in our country began to decline since 2007. For those called up that year, it decreased from the previous two to one and a half years. In 2008, the service life was reduced to 1 year, this provision is valid to this day. This rule applies to all categories of recruits. The term is not affected by such factors as the existing higher education or the rank of officer.

Contractual life in the Russian army

And for how many years do they join the army on a voluntary basis? The term of service in the army in this case is specified in the contract. And here are the options. According to the law, the first contract with a person entering the service can be concluded for 5 years in case of admission to the rank of officer or midshipman. If the conscript goes to serve as a soldier, sailor or sergeant, the contract is concluded for 3 or 2 years of his own choice.

how long is the army

At the end of the initial contract, by mutual agreement of the parties, the following may be concluded - for any period of choice, from a year to ten, as well as until the moment when a soldier reaches the maximum age for military service.

In most cases, this age is 50 years. The exception is colonels and captains of the 1st rank - for them, service ends at 55 years old, for holders of the highest military ranks at 65 years old.

According to the law, a new contract can be concluded even after the age reaches the limit. But the maximum mark in all cases is the date of the 65th anniversary.

How was it before?

Let's go back in time and see what period of military service existed in our state in former times. For draftees of different eras, he was very, very different. There were periods when the call remained indefinite (for example, during wars).

Also, there was no officially fixed term for military service in tsarist Russia until 1793. Then, military service began to be limited to a 25-year period (unprecedentedly huge by today's standards).

Beginning in 1874, they began to be drafted into the ground forces for 15 years, and into the naval forces by 10. Since 1906, they served in our country for three years, and from 1925 - for two. The exception was service in the navy and in aviation, which was still three years old.

change of life in the army

Service life these days

Since 1949, they have extended the military service. It increased in the ground forces up to 3 years, in the navy - up to four. In 1967, he again returned to previous indicators (2 and 3 years, respectively). In 1993, it was even reduced to one and a half years in the ground forces and to 2 years in the navy. But since 1996, there has been a new increase in the military service life - it has again become a two-year one.

And only from the beginning of 2008 its duration was a record low for all the years and decades of the existence of the Russian army, a period of one year.

Service life in the army of Ukraine

It is interesting to know how long is military service in the neighboring countries, in particular in Ukraine. As you know, in early 2015, President Poroshenko signed a law regulating changes in the legislation of Ukraine regarding military service, as well as the tasks of social protection of citizens serving in a special period.

Army life will increase

As a result of this action, the draft age, previously limited to the 25th anniversary, rose to 27 years. In addition, the number of grounds for deferment was reduced and there was a change in the term of service in the army - it was set equal to one and a half years.Prior to this, the service lasted 12 months in the armed forces of the Ukrainian state.

Citizens who at the time of the call had a higher education diploma with a master’s degree were previously called up for 9 months in the Ukrainian army. Now this period has been extended to one year.

About the reasons for the changes

The Ukrainian Parliament voted for this law on January 15, 2015. As stated, it was forced to accept it by the need to regulate the military draft of citizens, to solve the issue of introducing criminal liability for officers noted in evading service, to expand the possible list of categories of those who may be called up under the contract in a special period.

In addition, the purpose of the adoption of this legislative act was the need to increase the level of combat training of conscripts in each of the military specialties, as well as the need for measures for their social protection.

service life in the army of Ukraine

The law provides for certain benefits for those who were mobilized during a special period or have the right to dismissal in connection with demobilization, but decided to continue to serve under the contract. They must retain their place of work in the enterprise, organization and institution, as well as average earnings.

This rule applies to employers of any form of ownership and subordination and applies for a period of more than a year. Entrepreneurs were exempted from taxes at the time of service and kept their registration.

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