
NPF "Gazfond": reviews, statistics, profitability and reliability

What are the reviews received by NPF Gazfond from its customers? This is the question that will interest us today. Choice of non-state pension fund one you can trust is a tough decision. And your funded part of the pension depends on it, your old age is to some extent dependent. You have to think about it in advance. But the choice of private pension funds is very large. And not all such organizations can really please their customers with integrity. So what kind of NPF "Gazfond" does the staff and visitors earn reviews? It should be noted right away - there is no unequivocal opinion. You will have to make all the conclusions yourself.npf gas fund reviews

About Activities

What is our current organization doing? Why and for whom is it needed? These factors play an important role. After all, not all citizens are interested in non-state pension funds in Russia. Accordingly, there is no need to appeal to them either.

Gazfond is an NPF that collects and maintains your funded part of your pension. Plus, it helps to slightly increase the accumulation. Accordingly, when the time comes, you will receive certain payments from here as a pension. There is nothing suspicious about the organization’s activities. Therefore, the NPF "Gazfond" reviews in this area receives only positive.

For staff

The first step is to pay attention to what employees think about this employer. Often, it is from their reviews that one can judge the integrity of the corporation in every sense. So how are things with the Gas Fund?

In general, the personnel who work here remain on the neutral side. One cannot say for sure that Gazfond is the best employer. It has its pros and cons. The advantages include comfortable working conditions in the office, as well as training and stable earnings. And here are the drawbacks - coercion to join the corporation, deceit during employment regarding freedom of choice of a pension fund for the funded part of the pension, enormous tension in the workplace, an endless stream of customers (sometimes dissatisfied). Therefore, it is impossible to say with confidence that we have a conscientious employer.jsc npf gas fund pension savings reviews

OAO NPF Gazfond reviews from its employees does not earn the best content. Yes, many adhere to a neutral position, but at the same time actively emphasize how the organization of their applicants is deceiving. And this kind of phenomenon is not too attractive. Moreover, the lie on the part of management repels. You never know what to expect from him!


But if you look at the organization from the point of view of customers, the situation is a little better. Why? Because many trust Gazfond. In particular, for its distribution throughout Russia.

The fact is that this fund is not new; it is considered a rather large organization. Moreover, it has branches in large numbers in all cities of Russia. So this is not some small fraudulent office. And she really can be trusted. In any case, some visitors adhere to this position.

To some extent they are right. After all, NPF Gazfond receives positive customer reviews for its distribution. Find a branch office in your city will certainly succeed. Moreover, you can easily become a member of it and keep the funded part of your pension here without fear.


Well, an important role is played by such a factor as the rating of a corporation. NPF "Gazfond" reviews in this area receives mostly positive.And not only because of its long existence, but also because of its huge prevalence throughout the country.npf gas fund employee reviews

The role is also played by the rating. Gazfond, according to current data, is one of the five best Russian pension funds. So, trusting such an organization is clearly possible. Not just because the company got into the top 5 non-state pension funds.

By the way, this gives rise to a high level of reliability - A ++. After all, only the best organizations will inspire confidence and also be reliable. Customers assure us that you can safely invest in a corporation and not be afraid at the same time that Gazfond will be suddenly closed.


An important role is also played by the so-called company profitability. After all, it promises to increase, although not too much, OAO NPF Gazfond pension accumulations. Customer reviews in this regard are not very encouraging. Although, to be honest, the situation here is much better than in most such organizations.

The problem is that in Russia at the moment there is very big inflation. And she "eats" almost all the profitability. On average, about 4.17% of profits in excess of your additions are obtained per year. Not so much if you think about it.npf gas fund ufa reviews

Only, as practice shows, this is more than many pension funds in Russia can offer. The average yield of these is 3.5-4%. Therefore, the profit of the Gazfond, although small, is. And it pleases. In any case, this organization offers more favorable conditions than its counterparts.

Become a member

Often in Russia, surprises arise in terms of participation in the programs of various organizations. That is, citizens can find out that they are in some company, although in fact they didn’t go to that place on their own.

NPF "Gazfond" receives not the best reviews for this kind of incident. The problem is that often citizens discover that they are already in a non-state pension fund. Moreover, it is in the "Gas Fund". In reality, they did not apply for the conclusion of a contract.npf gas fund cheboksary reviews

Why is this so? All due to the fact that "Gazfond" concludes deals with different employers. And, as you might guess, all the subordinates of an organization become investors in a pension fund. And the funded parts of their pensions will be stored in the Gas Fund. The consent of the employee is not required. And for such a phenomenon, the NPF Gazfond in Ufa receives not the best reviews. In the same way as in other cities.

But if you decide to join the organization yourself, there will be no complaints. You will quickly draw up an agreement in which all the nuances and features of the pension savings will be written down, you can switch to another fund at any time if you wish. What all customers need!


Only if you have not become a contributor to our organization today, can you prepare for the worst. Especially if you came here for advice or advice. Why?

All this is due to the fact that the NPF Gazfond (Cheboksary) receives not the best reviews from its customers. And not only in Cheboksary, but also in other cities. All this is due to excessive staff annoyance.

What is it expressed in? Employees of the Gazfond will intrusively suggest that you invest here the funded part of the pension. Moreover, describing the various advantages of the organization. The emphasis is on high returns on the part of the company (although in fact they will announce huge percentages in comparison with reality), as well as on the stability of the company. If you ventured to leave your contacts at Gazfond, then with their help they will literally force you to join the company. This behavior is repulsive - why should a popular and large pension fund so actively attract new customers? They must contact here on their own!reviews about npf gas fund pension fund


What to do if Gazfond disappointed you? When concluding the contract, it is said that you have every right to change the organization and transfer to another non-state pension fund. But is it really so?

In fact, customers point to huge problems in this matter. Why? As a rule, you just need to write a statement about the transfer to another company and wait for an answer. Then pick up pension savings at NPF Gazfond. Customer reviews in this sense are not the best.

Indeed, in order to transfer to another pension fund, you will have to write an application to transfer your funds to other details several times. Moreover, you will suffer heavy losses - because the profit for the year in which the transition is made will be either scanty or zero. Therefore, please note: contacting Gazfond, changing the place where you will keep the funded part of the pension will be extremely difficult.

Eternal praise

It turns out that our current organization is not too different from its "relatives". It has its pros and cons. And some of the shortcomings of the Gas Fund can bring a lot of problems to customers. Because of them, they often refuse to invest the funded part of the pension in the company.

But where then are there so many positive opinions on the Gas Fund on the Internet? Is the negative side really all fiction? Not at all. It’s just that often laudatory posts addressed to our pension fund today are the most common lies. More precisely, they are bought for money. Users are paid to describe the positive aspects of the Gas Fund in order to attract new customers. This scheme has long been used everywhere and by everyone: scammers and conscientious organizations.


Just don’t think that Gazfond is a scam. Not at all. It’s just not quite a bona fide pension fund, which occupies a position in the ranking of the top 5 similar organizations. That is, you can trust the corporation, but with extreme caution. Think carefully before contacting here. After all, changing the pension fund later will be extremely difficult, almost impossible.jsc npf gas fund reviews

In any case, you can be sure that Gazfond will not be closed and will not go bankrupt. Yes, here, as in most cases, there are sometimes problems with payments, and with transfers to other non-state pension funds. And surprises with membership. In general, an ordinary average organization that has been operating for a long time. And whether to trust the Gas Fund or not is your decision. In any case, the company is distinguished by its stability. These are the reviews about NPF Gazfond. Pension fund is not so easy to choose. Therefore, consider all the pros and cons before contacting the organization.

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Reason for complaint
Alfiya mos
Several times I had to swear with the call center of this fund to turn off SMS informing. The fact is that my former head from Gazprombank # Lysun Tatyana Anatolyevna thought of taking revenge on me using SMS messages from this fund (!!). I always considered her a crazy leader, which I disgusted to hear and listen about !!! But we must think of such a thing !!!
Once an informative newsletter only arrived, and the rest was SMS with "subtext" from # Lysun, which I last received on June 3 and many times before: in 2016, then 17, 18 and now in 2019 !!!
Only by contacting the leadership through the call center with shouts not to enter into a conspiracy with her, I learned that everyone was aware of this conflict and even regretted her allegedly for my feedback about her.
Here, let your leaders read about it https://alfiyaaa.livejournal.com/5989.html
ONCE AGAIN I STRONGLY PLEASE NOTHING TO SEND ANYTHING to me from your fund, which I will leave this year.


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