
Organization of holidays, business plan. How to start a holiday business

Organization of holidays: a business planTo start a prosperous business, you need to find the sphere that is currently most in demand.

The agency for organizing holidays is just such. This is an original and profitable business that is actively developing in the modern market.Where to start activities in this area?

Official registration

Perhaps it is difficult to imagine a lesson less interesting than the organization of holidays. The business plan of such a case begins with the costs of obtaining official documents that give permission to conduct activities. First of all, you need to register as a legal entity or entrepreneur (optional).

To determine the form of the business entity, consult with a qualified lawyer. For example, choosing an LLC, it will be possible to include in the securities of the founders-partners who have made an equal share of investments. The BPOUL form does not require such founders.

The basic documents for registration of an enterprise include a charter, an application to the registration authority, for the LLC it will additionally be necessary to provide information about the founders and information about their meeting. You also need to pay a state fee. The registration procedure is carried out in the tax service, in the funds of social and compulsory medical insurance.

Choice of premises

Before you create an agency for organizing holidays, you need to decide on the location of the office space. It is there that customers will place an order, come to get acquainted with the portfolio and actors, communicate with the director of the company. As such a territory, you can use either a specially designed apartment or a rented office.

The company can be located anywhere, but it is much more convenient for customers if it is located near the center and directly from the places where the organization of the holidays will take place. The business plan should take into account rental costs, which may be slightly higher than when using the premises in a sleeping area. But in the central part of the city there will be a much denser flow of people, which means that the number of potential customers will be higher, which will justify the costs.

Advertising promotion

Opening an agency for organizing holidays, you must immediately think about advertising. It is worth developing booklets that can be distributed in mailboxes, left in stores, beauty salons, cafes and restaurants.

You can put an advertising article in the magazine about what holiday organization is. A high-cost business plan may also include broadcasting a television commercial or sound message on the radio.

In addition, you need to make business cards, put up posters around the city and think over a celebration dedicated to the opening, at which potential customers can immediately be convinced of the high level of quality of the services provided. Without all these measures, a business may face a period of downtime in the first weeks of its existence.


How to start a holiday business? Another point is the selection of workers. These should be talented artists of different directions, for example, a clown, singer, theater actor. In addition, you will need a script writer who will come up with texts for the holidays, taking into account the requests and wishes of customers.

Part of the sample work needs to be created in advance so that visitors can familiarize themselves with it and make sure that such a style suits them. You will need a costume designer who will look after the stage dresses, and possibly sew new ones. You will need a make-up artist, a secretary, and a manager. At the initial stage, when the agency for organizing holidays is not in great demand, the same person may be responsible for different areas of activity. For example, a dresser may well be responsible for makeup.

List of Services

The finished business plan for organizing the holidays should include a description of the activities that the company will conduct, as well as their estimated cost. The average agency offers its clients holding children's parties, for example, matinees, organizes parties for private individuals, and plans leisure evenings, as well as seminars and conferences.

For each of these offers, there should be a turnkey turnkey scenario, according to which clients can judge the approximate course of events at the event they ordered, and a list of actors or animators with their photos. If possible, the customer should get to know and communicate with them in advance.

What is required for the office?

Office equipment can be quite a bit. To successfully conduct business, just a few computers with an Internet connection, as well as fax and photocopy, will be enough. At the office, you can place managers who will work with the client base.

To organize holidays and events, you will need equipment such as projectors, projection screens, mounting stage structures, as well as a car. In addition, it will be impossible to do without audio and video equipment, for example, microphones, amplifiers, speakers. All this can be rented for the first time or purchased used goods.

Partnership opportunities

Holiday Agency: Business PlanTo reduce costs in the first months of activity, as well as get the opportunity to free source of advertising, try to find a company for partnerships.

An ideal company that works on decorating rooms and halls for celebrations and theme parties. Such a partnership will save money with a small starting capital.

Customers will be able to immediately order a package of services, which is convenient for both them and you. And if the partner company has already established itself in the market, this will be an additional incentive for success for your company. By posting information about the services of a partner company on business cards, advertising booklets and websites, you can distribute information about your agency among an impressive number of potential customers for free.

Tips and Tricks

When hiring people, do not try to save money. The dissatisfied team may well fall apart, as this field of activity is favorable for freelancers, and many actors will find a job without any problems. This does not require a holiday agency at all.

A business plan can be cut in the cost of rent or printing, but the staff should not suffer in any case, only in this way you can create a strong and friendly team. Simply relate to some of the working moments, because cooperation with creative people does not imply a strict schedule. Unplanned situations will arise constantly, without this, no organization of holidays is complete.

A business plan should allow retreats and innovations precisely in view of such a feature of this sphere of entrepreneurship. Be prepared for the need for constant investments, at the first stage they are simply necessary for the growth of your business. Try to learn to think creatively to cope with seasonal demand. Discover new directions, look for corporate clients.

Just do not grab onto all the things at once, it is better to ideally work out one scenario after another. Corporate trainings and private events are a separate business idea. The organization of holidays for such clients leads to a world of great profit. Getting into it is not enough, you need to constantly invent and surprise. We can say that this business is very complex, but also exciting at the same time.

Customer service

Ready business plan for organizing holidays

To keep your business afloat, it’s not enough to perfect the decoration of the holidays. The business plan should include the costs of the site, which will be created with the involvement of professionals. This virtual page will be a visual representation of the creativity that your agency is capable of, so it is absolutely impossible to underestimate its value.

In addition, for the constant growth in the number of customers, it is necessary to make so-called hot calls: company employees must attract people to thematic events and exhibitions, distribute business cards, and then make calls after a preliminary acquaintance. For regular customers should consider the possibility of discount programs and special parties.

There can be no trifles in this, it is important to approach communication with all types of customers in a non-standard way. Gifts for the holidays, video presentations of scenarios - all marketing methods will be good for attracting attention to your agency and for highlighting it among all the others.

Start-up costs

To start, you don’t need so much money, the amount of five thousand dollars will be enough. Part of these funds will go to the salary of employees, another will have to spend on costumes, cosmetics and equipment. The third part will be directed to the rental of premises.

If funds allow, it can be purchased, but such expenses are no longer included in the budget launch plan. A laptop will not be out of place, on which it will be possible to demonstrate videos to customers from events already held by the company.

Having bought all of the above, you can confidently begin work in the field of organizing holidays. If you have a creative beginning and you were able to find your own creative approach, profit will not slow to appear, justifying everything that was spent on the agency in the first months of its existence.

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