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How a house pulls money out of the family budget: 8 things you need to pay attention to

Some tips that will help you pay off a mortgage ahead of schedule

How to walk to the office every day in a good mood, when you don’t feel like going there at all: a few tips

Avoiding family strife that ultimately breaks relationships and devalues ​​business assets

What will happen if every day you save from 10 to 200 rubles

How the youngest rich man of Dubai lives: the luxurious life of 17-year-old Rashid Belhas

How Leonardo DiCaprio and Morgan Freeman fly: a man decided to show the world how world celebrities travel

What is the best way to keep savings? A friend-banker said which currencies are considered the most stable and which are not.

How to scale activities in the online store: save time, money and energy

At least you can relax: some evidence that burnout at work is not always bad

We consider our code of wealth: everyone has it

How it really works with Bill Gates: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella shares a secret

How to start making money with AliExpress without leaving your home: a business guide

How to write the perfect resume to please the employer: experts say that there is a formula

How to learn to “leave work at work” and give all your free time to your family

How to find funding for your project: crowdfunding, family assistance and a couple more ways

How to find your profession if you don’t feel any calling: several ways to help you make a choice

How to prevent your interlocutor from constantly interrupting you, including the boss

Escape from a ship, lie or 4 career tips that save you money

Combining two works is possible: tips for those who value their time

How not to throw away your laptop battery after 2 years: mistakes that we often make when charging

How to unite three generations of employees for the most effective work and why it is so important to attract millennials to the team

How to explain the benefit gap at the interview: expert advice

How Odessa became a "mom" and Rostov a "dad": an entertaining history of two cities

How to dress for work: a guide that is suitable for all dress codes (for men and women)

Despite the heat of work, dressing is beautiful and stylish: a couple of simple rules

How to decide on a business idea: say no to a low-income business

How to open your own online store with a very limited budget? Tips from experienced mentors

How to distinguish between boring and toxic work: some useful tips

How to block the flow of negativity coming from your colleague who constantly complains about something

How to support mature employees in the workplace: advice of a business trainer

How to prepare yourself and your family for maternity leave: a blogger shares his experience

How to ask the boss for a vacation: learning the right way

How to ask the boss for a vacation if there are only a few weeks left before the summer. Some useful tips

How popular product brands in Russia look in other countries

How to spend no more than 5000 rubles a month on products: the experience of a blogger

How to increase sales: we listen more and speak less, as well as other secrets of a successful business

How to respond to negative online reviews: gather your thoughts, remember your sense of humor and other useful tips

The robbers will never guess: 10 hiding places in which no one looks

How to properly care for the money tree and what you need to do with it to keep the money

How to quit and not burn bridges. The opinion of experts

How the correct description of the goods in your online store will help in increasing sales: simple chips

How to admit to the boss that you are overwhelmed with work: practical tips

How to sell anything, anything, to anyone: the most important tips that scientists and sales gurus talk about

How to promote your brand with YouTube? Answer simple questions

How to impress an interview: 5 skills that need to be highlighted in a resume

How to live a week before paycheck if money runs out too quickly

How can a simple Russian cure his teeth and not go broke: the dentist-godfather told some simple tricks (it’s a pity that I didn’t think of them before)

How to evaluate results with each employee so that it is useful for business

How to get interviewed with a 99% chance of hearing “you are accepted”: 8 unwritten rules

How to work on yourself and remain successful in your career? 5 tips from a personal trainer

How to unleash the potential, or some tips for those who want to break the bar of the middle class

How to arouse curiosity in your child: 5 creative experiments that will surely captivate your children

How to stretch and do yoga while working at the computer: many exercises can be done right at work

How to respond if the boss asks you to bring him coffee, and this is not your responsibility

How can a Russian businessman get ready to work with foreign partners: details to keep in mind

How to make a good person out of your terrible unbearable boss: a guide for employees

How to make a husband a millionaire: the golden rules of a smart woman

How much money depreciated: what could be bought in the USSR for a ruble, 5 rubles and 100 rubles

How to say no when you are called to work after hours

How to say no to your boss when you are tired or overworked

How social networks can ruin a career: HR specialists tell you what you can and cannot post on the page if you do not plan to lose your job

As creator of Indiana Jones and Star Wars, George Lucas earned his $ 6.4 billion

How to save our workplace when we think we can be fired

How to become ultra-productive: the ability to say no, giving up multitasking and other good habits

How to become significant at work, even if you do not have talent: be able to capture attention and other tips

How to significantly save while traveling

My aunt helped us out of the debt hole: ordinary soap helped

How to improve relationships with your colleagues? 9 proven ways

How is the life of a company that canceled work environments arranged: employees appear in the office only 4 days a week

How to increase the value of your online store: a visual guide

How to regain self-confidence when work squeezed out all the juices: 5 practices that help me get back on track

How to do business with narcissistic people: competent negotiations and other secrets that will help to establish contact with daffodils

How to negotiate: 7 common body language errors that spoil the impression at business meetings

How "influential" personalities from Instagram cheat on entrepreneurs: digital marketing specialist Jonathan Jeffrey told how not to fall for the scam

How to recover from a failed interview if we were really interested in the position

It looks like 10 people from 1% of the population, owning half of the world's wealth

What the actors from “Alpha” look 33 years later: not all have changed

What do the founders of Telegram, Twitter, and other successful startups look like

Turn weaknesses into virtues: tricky interview questions

I share the recipe for delicious kefir. I cook in a slow cooker

How I discovered the flip side of credit card rewards

How I gave up boring work and started making money on photography without having much experience

How to radically change your career in a year: financial plan, skills, the Internet and other useful tips

How does the star of Enchanted and The Big Bang Theory star Kaley Cuoco make money and where he spends money

7 passive sources of income for which a second job is not required

How to make millions by training e-sportsmen. Young businessman and founder of Dota school shares secrets on how to succeed

Scientist, writer, innovator. How a simple psychologist became successful and rich

How to make money on a divorce. Mackenzie Bezos after the end of the divorce proceedings became the third richest woman in the world

How to earn Russian citizens on debit and credit cards: real income of up to 10 thousand per month

How to win the heart of a work colleague. Happy wife shares secrets of developing relationships with her co-worker

How breakfast affects your productivity and overall financial well-being: research findings

“What kind of machine interferes with movement”: 9 puzzles that will give the brain a good healthy workout

What money is unusual for our society: strange bills

What places in the house are robbers primarily examining: 10 places in which we hide money and valuables most often

What ideas about the work of a freelancer can be attributed to misconceptions

Too small pension? Lawyer advises checking the calculations of officials

How do exercise affect brain function? What needs to be done in order for the brain to work more actively

What color is your wallet? He can talk about your financial condition.

What kind of employee are you depending on the zodiac sign and what do you expect from a career

Career, success, money: why women are more competent than men, but less ambitious

Work can be obtained without a diploma: career life hack, which will help in this

Career growth: recruiters warn that not every successful employee can be put on the position of manager

How much does the nun get. The novice of the Catholic monastery - about her life

It would seem that the simple idea of ​​food, but it made its creators millionaires

Useless food myths: my budget increased when I stopped buying them

August film premieres: a review of the best films

A businessman built free houses for fellow villagers, but they remained empty

Clint Proctor, freelance writer and founder of WalletWiseGuy, outlined three strategies that will help freelancers manage unstable earnings so they don’t fall into the financial hole.

When it is difficult for me to concentrate on work, I do 3 simple exercises. It really works

When my husband was cut wages, I started saving on everything: my advice on how to plan meals on a budget

When do we lose control of ourselves and buy anything? Marketer reveals stock secrets

When a policeman found out that a 6-year-old boy wants to spend money from selling lemonade on a surprise for his mother, he called for reinforcements

When you feel like a career has reached an impasse. What to do - expert opinion

When work is not a joy: why do we spend so much time on an unloved business

When entertainment is work: the best professions in Disneyland, according to former employees

Once he slept under a bridge, and now he is a millionaire: a former homeless man gave some advice on how to rise from the bottom

Once they were billionaires. Stories of bankrupt businessmen: how and why they lost their fortunes

When street art is in the topic: 10 examples of truly unusual and talented works

When locked in or became embittered around the world: 5 signs of emotional burnout at work

Who can be considered the most stupid in the figure: the choice characterizes the position of a person in society

Collective intelligence and bureaucracy: why not work in large corporations

Teamwork is the key to success. The leader should set an example and other secrets of productive work of the team

Utility payments are not a burden: we learn how to save money

Google spent 10 years studying and highlighting several key qualities that distinguish good managers.

A London-based company uses decommissioned fire hoses to produce stylish accessories

The company has developed molecular coffee without beans that preserves the taste of a real drink: sales will begin in 2020

The company has created sneakers that change color under the influence of UV radiation

Always pay cash: the principles by which I save a lot of money

King of the hill: in the UK you can buy your own extinct volcano for $ 60 thousand

Advertising king: to increase sales of pineapples, the guy had to make an incredible hairstyle

The royal family of Monaco lives in a 12th-century castle and richer than its "colleagues" from England. What interesting facts do we know about Prince Albert II and his wife Charlene?

Short break: 8 ways a boss can ruin our vacation

Take care of your wallet from a young age: 10% rule and other lessons that a teenager can learn from a summer part-time job

Introvert nightmare: how to make business connections in meetings where you don't know anyone

Space money: what salaries American and Soviet cosmonauts received

Trump tricks that successful businessmen use in negotiations

Eloquence, negotiation skills and other skills that you need to learn to build a successful business

A girlfriend working in a supermarket spoke about psychological traps

The criteria by which employees are selected for work are already outdated. Now it needs to be done differently

Tiny houses whose value is really impressive. And why are they so expensive?

Around deception: how fool visitors in different tourist countries - be careful

Who and how to hunt for our bank cards: new methods of fraud and how to deal with them

Who is responsible for burnout in the workplace - employee or employer?

Who said that only men can be millionaires: 7 richest women in 2019

Who is behind FaceApp, who conquered the Internet last week? Meet Yaroslav Goncharov, who created the application

Where to go and live happily ever after: cities that will pay you only for the fact that you decide to settle there

Life hacks from an expert on how to turn your blog into a successful business

Expert Finance Management Lifehacks from an Experienced Specialist

Smartphone - a unique tool that checks the operation of the control panel

Cooking at home yourself: ways to save money for those who like to eat

10 time management life hacks for working parents: how to do everything

Legendary boxer Sugar Ray Leonard put up his home in Los Angeles for sale for 43 million pounds. What is part of this estate

Legendary Eddie Brown, a real wolf from Wall Street, talks about himself and the secrets of success in stock trading

Half a century ago, a man bought a Rolex watch. He recently referred them to an expert.

5 years a soldier served with his dog. Then he found out that the dog is retiring

Summer hours of work, udalenka: how to motivate employees in the summer, when you do not want to work at all

Celebrity personal items are a lucrative business: why do people buy guitars, clothes and motorbikes at disproportionate prices

Personal example, refusal of grades: my psychologist told how to instill a child with a love of learning

Leaders are not born: only one quality will help to become an excellent leader

Dashing trouble start: 3 advice from a former boss helped me decide to open my own business

Lottery cheating: a woman won the house, but she can only get it by paying a large amount

The best job is a hobby that makes money: 5 business ideas for pet lovers

“Better to be good than right”: tips from successful women in business, sports, and culture

The best and worst time of the year to look for work. What experts say on this subject

Favorite hobby can be monetized: a blogger friend gave some tips to help promote your channel on YouTube

15-year-old millionaire: success story of a girl who turned a hobby into a business

People will come: 4 smart ways to increase traffic to your business site

People continue to laugh at him: a man makes money by collecting gold, diamonds and other jewelry right under the feet of passers-by on the streets of New York

People are delighted with the little girls who sell handmade bracelets to make one more person in their family

Sleep in the hand: what dreams of money

Down with simple combinations: a hacker told how to come up with a strong password

A boy at the age of 12 became the director of a school for children in need

Small habits leading to big money: we make purchases by coupons, we distribute the budget and other useful tips

Few people know, but the interior of the workplace significantly affects performance: 4 design tips that will increase our productivity

I’ll leave to live in London: 10 cities of the world where they earn a lot and work a little

Mom was against: a British student earned more than $ 78 million by winning the Fortnite computer game tournament

Mom sent sets of spices to her student son. The son built on this his own empire, which costs £ 7 million, and now mom works in his team

Mom posted a photo of daughters on Instagram and received an offer from a popular brand. Now twin sisters earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year

Mom asked her 4-year-old daughter why she should sell lemonade. It turned out that she wants to feed the cops

Mark Zuckerberg lost $ 15 billion in just eight hours: cases when billionaires lost their fortune overnight

The story of an ordinary girl from Perm who created a business and conquered New York

Cars, wine and travel: all millionaires are alike - they spend money on the same 5 things

Sleep mask, earplugs, breathing exercises and other effective techniques that helped me to establish a regimen and become more productive

The woman divorced her husband. And she was able to turn a modest brand into a business empire

A single mother worked hard and barely saw her daughter. Then she quit and went with the girl on a journey around the world

Decision-making matrix, realistic terms, reduction of choice to two: how to learn how to make decisions quickly and overcome indecision

Dreaming of lowering the flow of quitting workers? 4 tips to significantly improve the situation

Medici, Florence and reconciliation with the Creator: the story of how money-lenders, fearing hell, created paradise on earth

Visited 50 countries: how a couple earns 7 years living on a honeymoon

Melania Trump left the university for a modeling career. Interesting facts about the most famous first ladies

Human Resources Manager Susie Welch: "The salary issue is better addressed at the beginning of the interview." And there is a logical explanation for this approach.

“My daughter provides me”: how Sasha Spielberg’s father makes money on blogger’s popularity

I was fired from my old job. Before I was interviewed for a new position, my father gave me one valuable piece of advice.

Changing a job to a higher paying one is easier than pursuing a career in one company: the girl told how she increased her salary more than twice

Dead donkey souls, or a few curiosities and legends about stock exchanges

A local electrician came to the rescue when the couple was desperate. To thank him, they even called television

A place for big victories: how the most productive people organize their desktop

Meteorites, musical instruments and other creative investments that will bring considerable income in the future

The billionaire investor spoke about the day in 1975, which made him believe that he would succeed in business

Tiny odnushka Adam Neumann, director of WeWork: where did it all begin?

Billionaire Mark Kuban gave advice on how to work with loans. A simple recommendation from a successful businessman

Billionaire Mark Kuban spoke about three mistakes entrepreneurs who kill business

Billionaire Richard Branson walks in the same jeans every day: what does he prefer to spend his money on

Billionaires Jim Covano and David Steward, who are rich in new technologies, talk about their path to wealth.

Millionaire James Dyson buys another home in Singapore for $ 54 million. What is the reason for its purchase?

Real Estate Millionaire Rob Moore Sharing His Business Experience

Millionaires who lost their fortune in an instant. But work and zeal led them to new heights - they became richer than before

The world is not without good people: a Chinese man treated 5 thousand people with noodles in gratitude for the fact that the restaurant returned to him the lost engagement ring

A lot of coffee, a little moisturizing lotion: six harmful little things that every woman makes at her workplace

Multitasking is the worst enemy of productivity: a time management expert described how to make your workday more productive

Beard fashion: Procter & Gamble and other cosmetic and shaving companies are losing a lot of money

Can our pets earn? Cat gets 300 pounds per post

My loan repayment strategies have led to trouble. Now I always adhere to 3 simple rules

Can a healthy diet be cheap: opinion of a Russian specialist

You can immediately understand whether a business idea is viable. To do this, just ask yourself 5 questions

A simple idea of ​​a young mother brought her a big income

Young green: lack of financial goals and another 9 typical mistakes made by young people

The young man helped the old woman change the wheel. He did not allow the woman to thank herself, but fate gave her a chance

The homeless got rich after receiving bonds, which he pledged 30 years ago for $ 100

Monica Lewinsky: “I know what the worst advice was given to me in terms of career”

Monica Lewinsky was asked about a career. The answer proved: she managed to maintain a sense of humor

Fraudulent apps on Apple devices that force you to make in-game purchases: how to detect them

The mathematician found a loophole in the lottery scheme and managed to win millions

Fraudsters will not be able to deceive the Unified biometric system in banks. The number of banks participating in the EBU is growing

Muscovite moved to Austria and tells how much life costs abroad

Motivation for visiting the workplace and beyond: employee benefits that the company should avoid

My brother works as a realtor and spoke about the questions that should be asked when choosing a property.

A friend told how to reduce electricity costs: it can’t be easier

My friend does not hide debts from his wife. He thinks it ruins marriage

My friend opened a tire fitting workshop and gave advice: what is needed for this business in the Russian Federation, what are its prospects, advantages and disadvantages

My friend is constantly changing work, but quits her so that he is also called back. He recently revealed some of his secrets to me.

My friend always says sticking to the budget is the last century. Today everyone draws up a spending plan

My mother works in a famous Russian supermarket. She urged me to throw out a network discount card and explained the reason: I share information

“Don't throw the packaging away” and other mom’s lessons that help save money

My mom always spends wisely. She taught me the 6 commandments that help you not to repent after going to the store

My friend makes purchases only on the Internet: she gave valuable tips that help save money and minimize risks

My girlfriend loves going to her simple office job. She said that she helps to maintain a positive attitude.

My friend did not want to talk with her husband about money problems. Instead, they divorced. What lesson have I learned from this

My girlfriend is too focused on her savings, not on income: signs that indicate that you are not on the path to wealth

My job is to talk about books on YouTube. New Opportunities for a Modern Career

My sister asked my mother if I could love an idiot. We remember her wise and funny answer for life.

Husband and wife opened their own bar in an old horse carriage. Business goes uphill

The husband calculated how much the labor of his wife as a housewife costs. He decided that he could not afford such a luxury

Husband and wife quit jobs to play with their children - now they earn millions

The husband said that business is not for women. But I'm going to prove him the opposite by going through these 10 steps

The man wanted to give part of the lottery win to his ex-wife, who is raising their common children, and his current girlfriend made a scandal

A man bought a secretary at an auction for just $ 40. At home, he decided to inspect it and not in vain

The man came across a photo of a woman and immediately realized that this was his real mother. After a year of searching, he still found her

A man could not afford an expensive gadget, so he himself created a translator in real time to overcome the language barrier at work

A man abandoned his home and family for a modest life in an underground hut for $ 5,000 a year

The man inherited a tooth-shaped stone. He did not suspect that he became the owner of a priceless treasure

The man who helped the stranger fix the car was late because of this for an interview. But on it he received an unexpected answer

The man lost his job, but did not give up. He handed out his resume on the street and is now receiving hundreds of job offers.

The man tidied up in the attic and found there an old game that made him richer by 10 thousand dollars

The man came for an interview. Suddenly, the employer asked him to go home and wash his mother’s hands.

A man works as a sewer cleaner. The wife demands that he undress before entering the house

The man decided to sell the old furniture, as he did not have enough money to support his elderly father. He did not even imagine what a surprise lay ahead: a real treasure was kept inside the secretary

A man made repairs in the bedroom, but his bride did not appreciate the design and left him

The man accidentally paid the dollar, which he kept in memory of his beloved wife. When he went with his granddaughter to the cafe, the bill suddenly returned

A man accidentally threw a shoe box with all his savings into a trash can. The next morning he got a call from a recycling plant

The man set a new world record by eating 29 stalks of fresh nettle 60 cm each

The man pretended to be homeless: everyone who offered help received $ 20

The man reproduced scenes from the popular TV series "Very Strange Things" using the constructor "Lego"

The man worked all his life as a pilot, but left his career in order to fly with his daughters

The man saved his whole life and made ends meet, but it turned out that he was a millionaire. And he saved up money to donate to charity

The man won the lottery and found a young wife: after a while she left, leaving him with nothing

A man bought an old bus and turned it into comfortable housing

We saved for a long time and decided on an expensive purchase: a businessman friend gave some advice that helped us a lot

We look, and they get richer: how many stars get for one post in Insta

How to make money in 2019: 5 ideas for a profitable business

What should not be distracted if we have a remote work: household, cleaning, TV and other joys of household life

On the same wavelength: the couple quit their job and have been traveling on a small yacht for 8 years. During this time, managed to give birth to 3 children

Not enough time for everything? Successful businessmen gave advice on how to manage time and manage everything.

It’s calm on all fronts: how to be a successful businessman and at the same time not to sacrifice your family

The boss is looking for ideas for new business cards. Then I showed him some fun options found on the Internet (photo)

The chief forbade builders to work in shorts. The next day, seeing them, he cried with laughter

The chief forbade builders to work in shorts. Seeing them the next day, he opened his mouth in surprise (photo)

The boss is overwhelmed with work and does not give instructions, what is required of you? We must take the initiative in hand: expert advice

The authorities insist that I appear in work in a bra, but I don’t wear it!

Start a business and travel: what you need to try to do before the age of 30

We start saving money and become wealthy. Simple advice from cost control expert Jonathan Shepard

Starting a new business, you should not waste time writing a business plan, and there are 6 reasons

7 reliable strategies to increase employee engagement in your business

The reward for the capture: Apple will pay a million dollars to anyone who finds a flaw in the security of the iPhone

Failure to interact with subordinates can be dangerous for your business.

Chic outfits of Charlize Theron and other stars that cost a fortune

5 laws of the universe that will help fulfill any desire

"Our Universities": the importance of time management and 4 more things that will be useful in building a career

How safe and accurate is the automatic face recognition technology installed at the entrance

Their income is fabulous, and all this is the love of the people: Dud earned 90 million rubles

Find a meteorite and make money: how and where it is done

No need to believe them: bad financial advice that they are trying to impose on us

Not a single burger: exclusive dishes at McDonald's from around the world

Do not eat at the desk and take breaks for communication: how to work at home, without stress and without losing productivity

This is not a woman’s business: non-traditional professions for the fair sex

How I learned to spend my time profitably every day

Can't motivate yourself to go to work? Bill Gates advises reading more, but there are other ways

I did not find high-quality children's clothing and decided to sew it myself: this was the birth of a business that today brings the owner more than £ 1.5 million a year

No need to fight bad habits: unexpected and useful tips about the life and work of successful people

Do not be fooled by discounts and promotions: what you need to do during shopping in the supermarket so as not to throw money away

Do not leave money “without work” and some more surprisingly simple tricks of money management from the bank manager, which you can also use

Do not leave small things for later if you intend to go on vacation. 7 ways to go on vacation without harming work

Do not buy a large palette of shadows and refuse to purchase a universal shampoo. How to save money on buying cosmetics

Could not become a champion? Masseur, nutritionist and even sports agent: highly paid professions from the world of sports

Do not work for free and do not lend money: everyday situations when you should not help others

"Business gurus" explain that early recovery is the key to success - do not believe

It’s better to get married early: why this judgment is outdated

Do not throw or sell a crib when the baby is older. What can be made of it

Not so long ago, I learned about the "principle of 100 things." This rule helped me completely reset my budget.

Not only beautiful, but also smart: “Miss England” was a young doctor who went to work right after the award

Money is not happiness and not quantity. Studies have shown that financial success is not the main thing in work

All is not lost: 6 ways to turn failure into potential

Not all employers are honest: an HR specialist told how it’s easy to figure out a director who’s better not to mess with.

Not sure how to sell a car? 9 tips from an expert in the sale of vehicles

It’s not for nothing that she worked: a 6-year-old girl from South Korea spent $ 8 million on a five-story building

4 small mental changes that will help you feel more confident: the rule of opposites, practice

6 awkward financial situations with friends, and how to get out of them, saving face and friendship

Unusual generosity: an elderly man helped 33 strangers get an education in college

Unusual ideas for creating a business on wheels. Note to a novice entrepreneur

Unusual ways to motivate employees. Certain benefits, a positive approach and more

8 unusual ideas for green businesses

An unusual approach and a unique idea allowed the Indian to create a business with $ 50,000 in start-up capital. Now this project is estimated at $ 2,000,000

Unexpected luck: thanks to a thief, the couple discovered a forgotten lottery ticket with a win of $ 1 million

Unexpected, but very useful features of smartphones, which many do not even suspect

Unexpected income and nerves at the limit: astrologers called the most dangerous days in August

Outstanding loan and market collapse: how billionaires lose their fortune in no time

Underemployment for women: pitfalls of such a solution

Stubborn and unwilling to learn children grow more successful: the findings of scientists

Illegible handwriting and other signs that you are smarter than you think

Indecision and 6 more enemies of productivity, how to deal with them: blogger experience

The girl received a letter from the man who once stole her wallet

A few psychological tricks that make us spend more money in a restaurant

Nothing is impossible: 6 tips for getting a prestigious Wall Street job

Not a drop of excess gasoline: a friend shared effective ways to save fuel during summer travels

Eric Trump is the middle son of an American president. How does he live and what does he do?

It's never too late to learn: Sundar Pichai once had no computer, but now he is the CEO of Google

Never early: 5 benefits of starting a business at a young age

Didn’t cheat on anyone? What Willy Tokarev left as a legacy to his family

No one understood why the neighbor was finishing the facade of the house in such an unusual way. But everyone gasped when spring came

Taylor Swift legs, Julia Roberts smile and other body parts that celebrities decided to insure

Laptop and tablet: what “gadgets” looked like in the USSR

Newly-minted millionaires behave too famously on dates and spoil money that they’re not used to yet

New bread and a chair: a woman saves on food and things, getting them in the trash

You need to be prepared for everything: a list of unexpected questions at the interview

Do I have to pay if you accidentally broke a product in a supermarket: our rights, which many are unaware of

“You need to think positively, put your heart and soul”: the secrets of success from Armando Tafur Kunza, who has gone from a waiter to the owner of a restaurant business

The quartet turned out to be a child prodigy: an instructive case from teaching practice

Bonuses, miles and cashback will have to be forgotten. How else will the new NSPK law affect cardholders

Dine alone and come before everyone else: what you can’t do during the first week at a new job

Amulets created by nature itself: 7 powerful natural talismans that will help protect health, money and fortune

Communication on working issues: when to do it orally, and when in writing

Flight attendant training in China: endurance, endurance, beauty and strength in one package

Mandatory moments without which successful small business is impossible

Hug money: a woman has found the perfect way to make good money

Very simple and efficient: Kakeibo budget controls used by the Japanese since 1904

One of the most beautiful girls in the UK works with trucks

One customer just drove me crazy, and then a businessman friend gave me 3 valuable tips to help me work with difficult clients.

A homeless schoolgirl was given a nickname for hard work, and she turned out to be fatal

One of the richest people in the world - Giorgio Armani - turned 85 years old. What does he spend his billions on

Offerism: what it is and why some people use it as a mechanism for promoting business

Boss and Secretary: 4 Reasons to Start Office Romance

The waitress thought she had met a joker. Yutuber, who ordered 2 glasses of water, left her a $ 10 thousand tip

“Wow, it’s been hanging and not for sale for a week already ?!”: the story of how I sold the apartment myself, without realtor

He wrote out a fake check with a huge fee at the dawn of his career and soon became a world star: how Jim Carrey used the law of attraction in his life

She sent a man to the moon: Joanne Morgan - the only woman in the management of the launch of Apollo 11

They say little: 5 signs of the zodiac that carefully select words and are not used to "empty"

They sleep little and do not plan a budget: what millionaires do not like others

They do not adhere to the rules of hygiene and talk about politics: what unprofessional behavior of people annoys everyone with whom they work

They do not plan anything, spend too much money and constantly think about work: how people who do not succeed spend their vacation

They come to work before everyone else: what do successful people do after a long vacation

They will be able to: a coach told how to help and support millennials in the workplace

They tell family and friends when they will be available at the weekend: what successful people do on Friday afternoon

Oniomania - a problem of the 21st century: psychologists told how to understand that it is time to end shopping

Dangerous Freelance: 8 Ways to Avoid Loneliness

5 cash waste excuses we should give up: a behavioral finance expert

Optimization of sales of an online store for three types of customers: what are customers

An experienced recruiter spoke about the mistakes that candidates make in the resume

Oratory, learning and other useful skills that will help you move up the career ladder

Organize team games during the break, let employees take a nap: custom ways to increase team productivity

Etiquette mistakes to avoid during interviews. What experienced professionals say

Mistakes in the resume that lead HR managers to bewilderment: expert reasoning

Mistakes in maintaining social networks that scare away customers rather than attract

5 mistakes made by email marketers: learning how to save time and money

Artisan Farmacy founder Koren Summers shared 4 quick stress management techniques

Frank Rossler, founder of Ashcroft Capital, told how to hire employees who will lead the company to success.

Energent Media founder Jennifer Spencer explains how to build a reliable and profitable affiliate network from scratch.

FE International founder Thomas Smale talks about what Google’s fines are and how they can be avoided by maintaining a high search engine ranking

Lucas Miller, Founder and CEO of Echelon Copy LLC, outlined three strategies to help startups succeed in highly competitive industries

JotForm CEO explains why you need to do one thing at a time

Adam Bornstein, founder of Pen Name Consulting, said why paid advertising on social networks is not the best solution for startups and small businesses.

We are thoroughly approaching the formation of a home budget. Ideal for wealth creation

Jeff Bezos Basic Rule, which he has guided over the past 22 years when managing Amazon

The basic rules by which you can achieve a significant increase in salary

“3 pieces left!”, “You save 34%!”: Marketing tricks that make you spend a lot of money

Caution, scammers: why you can not use Internet banking in public places

Caution: evil scammers! How to Avoid Real Estate Cheating

From homeless to business woman: success story of a woman who opened a non-waste store

From reading and watching movies to talking with colleagues. What can lead to burnout in the workplace: the opinion of a psychologist

From "Exorcist" to "Gone with the Wind": Hollywood called films of the last century that broke box office records

Here all wishes come true: 8 places in the world that are endowed with mystical power

From the wave-shaped residential complex to the Dubai Art Center: the most unusual buildings built in 2019

The attractiveness of the resume depends on each letter. Which fonts are best used when writing

From personal troubles to politics: 5 topics that can never be discussed with colleagues

From Miami to Bulgaria: where Russian stars of show business purchased real estate

From Oriflame to Leroy Merlin: The Most Tricky Questions for Candidates for an Interview

From planning to taxes: problems that a startup team has to solve

On one face. The girl masterfully transforms into movie heroes

From prosperity to decline: 10 cities that used to be rich and now have hard times

From a radio host to a cool blogger: the fascinating story of a woman who gets paid to drive the most expensive cars

From Russia to Italy. How do wallets look in different countries of the world?

From social taboos to paid holidays: how to get fired in different countries of the world

From a participant of KVN to the most sought after blogger in Russia. How Ida Galich succeeded and became popular

Separate wife's bank account can save marriage from many quarrels

Royal rest: luxury villa on one of the islands in the Caribbean for 27,000 pounds a week, where Prince William and his family come

Watergate Hotel in Washington Offers a Bottle of Rare Whiskey for Hacking a Safe

Sail hotel, horseback riding and wine tasting. What are the 7 most luxurious hotels of world renown famous for?

The father was wrong: the billionaire’s daughter did everything contrary to her father and became richer than him

Openness, honesty, empathy and other secrets that will help prepare for any difficult conversation and successfully conduct it

We go on a budget trip, or Save on souvenirs and learn to bargain with sellers

A negative answer to any of the 6 questions presented means that you overestimate your managerial skills

The lack of specific goals and objectives is the reason that annoys employees more than a bad boss

Lack of a plan, buying likes and other mistakes made by businessmen to promote a business on Instagram

Lack of profit, apathy, dislike of customers: what signs indicate that it is time to close your business

Lack of women in leadership hinders business development: research findings

I sew bags from old T-shirts myself: how I save money and at the same time save nature

The memory of women who have paid work is developing much better: a new study

Turn the small screw on the plastic window to save on heating

A pair of bloggers said the new feature, hidden likes on Instagram, will not harm business

House built in 2 days: the company came up with a comfortable and affordable housing

The couple moved to live on a boat to save on rent

The couple built a tiny house to get rid of monthly mortgage payments

The couple turned a tiny balcony into a cozy place for romantic dates

The guy quit his successful job and is now cooking Chinese snacks, just like mom taught

The guy wanted a power bank, but he had no money. The younger brother came to the rescue, whose golden hands

A way to save. guy found a way to lower gas consumption

The old army truck turned into a chic motor home (photo)

The guy was unflattering about the clothes of his girlfriend, resembling bathrobes. In retaliation, she launched a blog

The guy put in place the rude woman who called his girlfriend fat: details of the conflict

The guy decided to look at the reaction of the homeless and threw him money: the man’s act returns faith in people

The guy wanted the summer bar in his garden so badly that he built it himself from improvised materials. The result of his work is impressive

The guy got a job as a janitor so that parents can get to him at the prom

The guy got up at 4:30 for 21 days: unexpected results

The guy won the lottery $ 30 million. After 5 years, the impractical lucky almost lost everything

The guy saved up for a wedding for a year, while not having a permanent job: you can repeat it, but you need an iron extract

Jurassic Park, Basic Instinct, and other, most expensive, auctioned scenarios

Spiders in the house: in which cases they try to warn us of misfortunes, and in which they promise happiness

Bees, hard work and great-grandmother recipe for lemonade: an 11-year-old girl made a fortune in an unusual way

A pensioner found work in a supermarket, but was fired after 2 hours. The reason was his answer to the customer’s question.

Torch Transfer: 4 tips to help you succeed as CEO successor

Reassessment of values, choice of direction and other steps to the success of a novice entrepreneur: advice of the owner of the jewelry company Fred Muawad

Retrain or replace? HR specialist spoke about the benefits of staff development

Perfectionist or dreamer: it turns out that procrastination can be defeated based on the type of person’s personality

Perfectionism, a good team, a cold mind: the rules that helped Steve Jobs reach heights

The peach season is in full swing: how I choose and store fruit. Sharing secrets

The first South Asian woman to become an elite mountain guide on how to improve safety on Everest

First time in first grade: how to get a child to school, so that later you don’t have to borrow for food. Tips from Experienced Parents

Fortune cookie writer, water rider and other weird professions that are simple at first glance

To pay or not to pay? The lawyer said what to do to the buyer who broke the goods

Bad business: why do some brands charge extra for plus size

Bad Handwriting - A Gift of God? What do the scribbles say: unexpected meaning

Plus gasoline: why some parents spend a huge amount on their child’s first car

Plushenko was criticized for showing off on Instagram: the skater posted a photo with cars for 5 and 12 million rubles

Pros and cons of moving from home office to coworking: things to remember before signing a lease

According to scientists, the presence of pets in the office has a positive effect on employees, and work efficiency is growing

On Wednesdays, everyone is free: as the director decided to triple the company's profit in an unusual way

Why the poor get poorer and the rich get richer: the reason is how they deal with their money

What time of day do experts and experienced travelers advise buying tickets

Do not pursue the illusion - to live in retirement is more difficult than it seems. Expert opinion

Psychologists advise you not to apologize at work: 5 permitted phrases

Why you shouldn’t buy anything from sellers of your gender: signs for those who want to make a major purchase

Why you should not throw out tickets immediately after the announcement of the delay or cancellation of the flight: tips for passengers

Why sometimes you need to rest from your favorite work: how do millennials find time for a vacation

Why ladies do not secure a successful financial future

Why you should patent your unique design in jewelry making

It is important to clean mail: one of the most successful women noted 3 main tips

Why staff satisfaction surveys are so important: a list of questions to identify problems

Why success is like pregnancy and what successful people do every day

A gift for sports enthusiasts: Barack Obama's basketball jersey is auctioned for $ 27,000

Expensive and cheap summer terrace design options

Diapers for chickens: a business where a housewife earns $ 50,000 a year

Authenticity, Devotion, Honesty: 3 Lessons from Doing Business from the Jonas Brothers

Let's wait a little longer: some tips on what to do if you are stuck on a hateful job

A part-time job in a supermarket turned out to be a big stage for a beginner performer from Britain. The music producer appreciated the vocal data of the girl and offered her a job

A detailed guide to preventing e-commerce fraud: don't be fooled by yourself and your customers

A teenager learned to sew to save a family from poverty. Now he has a business

A simple but smart plan: the guy found a way to provide homeless people with work

A financier friend said that there are 4 main reasons why people tend to earn more. And these reasons can affect the relationship.

A friend lives with her husband in amazing harmony. She says the main thing is not to be shy about talking about the family budget.

A careerist friend shared simple tips on taking care of herself during hard working days: she takes a hot bath and often meditates

A friend shared a rare plot from Vanga to an egg to attract money. He says the way helped her a lot.

A friend after the decree could not find a job for a long time, until she took advantage of a few tips from a friend HR manager

A friend advised me on a psychological trick how to save money. Now I evaluate my earnings differently

A friend of a supermarket employee told how they deceive buyers with “profit”

KFC, Burger King and other fast foods. What salary do they pay in America and with us?

A recruiter friend said that the result of the interview depends on social skills: you need to be honest and ask questions

A friend made an expensive repair, which everyone envied. But it turned out that it is impossible to live in an apartment

A friend was carried away by the “zero waste” movement and saved a decent amount in a month

A friend leads a non-waste lifestyle. I also decided to try it and saw in it the undeniable advantages

5 underground dugout in Australia costs only $ 40,000

Keyword Search: 6 Tips for Choosing the Right Keywords to Use in Your Online Store

Finding easy ways, business for wealth: what are the signs that it is too early for you to become an entrepreneur

Summer Job Search: 5 Tips to Avoid Stress and Enjoy Your Vacation

In short, easier and more substantial: instructions on how to create engaging video content and make money on it

Do not turn off the lights: 5 ways to throw money

Whether to buy gold for future use: a 50-year price analysis and a forecast for the future

The buyer will not become permanent: common mistakes of owners of online stores, scaring buyers

Buying things out of season can save you a few thousand. How do I save on clothes?

Buying real estate “in the chain” has its risks: the expert tells how to avoid them

“Buying gifts for teachers is too expensive”: revelations of a mother with many children

Six months ago, I decided to become a freelancer, during this time I determined for myself the pros and cons of “free swimming”

Half a million dollars, a figurine of the Russian tsar: what else did people find at home and how did they earn

I put the bottle in the toilet bowl and stopped washing the dishes: how I save on utility bills

Polish priest handed out money to parishioners during the service: the public reacted ambiguously

The benefits of loneliness: why time spent alone with yourself is considered the most productive

Users were surprised that a 6-year-old girl was able to make money on a 5-story mansion thanks to the YouTube channel

Buy what you really need. How can you save if you are expecting a baby?

Enjoy our credulity: how sellers weigh us on electronic scales

Remember that team is power: what else is needed to save a company during an economic crisis

Helps to concentrate, improves productivity: scientists told why it is useful to work and study to music

A donut recipe for 34 500 thousand dollars: flour, sugar and ... burning oil

Understanding risk and setting the right goals: choosing a different profession at 40

To understand yourself and find your way in life will help 5 simple questions posed by psychologists (what I read, with whom I communicate, what I do)

I tried with my girlfriends for fun, but ... it worked. We make "money" tea

The parrot was bought in the online store, making an order with the voice of the hostess

A popular social network wants to protect users from insults, but commercial accounts may suffer: how to protect your business

Popular among Russians smartphone models. Svyaznoy presented data for the first half of 2019

10 popular stereotypes about China that have nothing to do with reality

Trying to be modest, fear-based prices, and other reasons why a small business remains small

It's time to stop pushing finance! How to attract money into your life: 7 simple steps

After working as a copywriter for several years, I realized how best to not start emails for email. I share my secrets with you

After the repair, a lot of scraps of wood remained. Husband found them worthy use - I share his crafts

After the husband lost his job, the couple decided to save on food. So they paid their debts and began to eat better

After retiring, a 7-year-old man tried to retire, but one day he could not stand it and stole a loaf of bread to go to jail

Hurry - you make people laugh: what can happen if your business develops too rapidly

Hair loss prompted Yuri Elkaim to create a $ 1 million business

Having lost my number in the theater, I did not pay a fine - it is not legal: I explain

Logic challenge: look at the picture and decide which of the three guys is rich

Increased productivity and responsibility. What else has Henry Ford achieved by increasing the salary of workers

"Otherwise, trouble!" Great-grandmother told what words can not be said in front of the mirror

10 practical tips on how to focus on work when thinking about something else

Rules for writing the subject of an e-mail: how to interest people in one letter

Return rules, defects, trading applications and other life hacks will help save money during shopping

Proper packaging and reasonable rates: effective ways to reduce the cost of delivering goods to a customer

Correctly approach the choice of specialty. Computer sciences penetrate an increasing number of spheres of human activity

Proper delegation of authority is the key to business success: expert advice on growth strategies

Cost sharing: rule 50-15-35 for organizing financial life

The entrepreneur told how to understand that your startup will not last a year

Entrepreneurs are born. And a few more myths that have taken root that prevent people from starting their own business

Imagine your startup is a growing bamboo tree: an unusual way to keep your business motivated

Pre-planning and other ways to prevent financial problems from discouraging you

5 benefits of affiliate marketing: teamwork brings more benefits

We turn our favorite hobby into a highly profitable business. We draw up a business plan, work out a strategy and achieve success

Scribe Media President and CEO J.T. McCormick told how to prepare a replacement for the leader so that the business does not collapse if he goes on vacation or retire

JT McCormick Explains How Stupid Employee Questions Help Business

When moving, it’s difficult to save: several life hacks that will save you from unnecessary costs

Choose a desktop and enjoy working conditions: how to use summer time in an office productively and without stress

6 reasons not to accept a job offer: expensive housing, not good conditions, etc.

5 reasons why traveling makes you more efficient at work

Reason for leaving your previous job: 5 things you should not share with your boss

About a third of millennials take loans to attend music festivals

Take risks and agree: how I prepare my children for life in a world ruled by entrepreneurs

Prince or pauper: what signs of the zodiac always count the last penny, and who does not know what financial difficulties are

The principle of a rock star: an interesting way to make a successful career, even if there is no talent

Did you make a bad decision? This is all due to incorrect views on the situation: psychologists have explained how to change yourself

It became possible to purchase your own paradise in Belize (Central America): the island will cost from $ 350 thousand to modern Robinson Crusoe

The servants of Buckingham Palace talked about how he worked for Queen Elizabeth II

Advertising you can’t pass by: the best way to increase sales (photo)

Attractive everywhere we have a road: interesting statistics on the influence of appearance on career success

Unsuccessful people often speak and act little: how not to become the same

Traffic jams, a car breakdown, a late nanny: good excuses for those who are late for work

The seller always behaved rudely with a small buyer. The boy remembered this and, when he grew up, organized a business that brought him good income

“Sell us this pen”: give a decent response to the interview in 4 steps

Productivity, safety and other advantages of staff training from an expert

Professional ghostbusters stepped out of the shadows to tell the truth about their work

A professional instructor talks about the most common stretching errors

Data recovery program and other expert advice. How to recover data on a randomly formatted disk

"Burning" money and not only: 10 reasons why entrepreneurs fail, and not having time to become them

After 20 years of marriage, I know for sure what financial mistakes do not need to be made "in the name of love." I share experience with you

Procrastination and other things on guard of personal finances, or How to avoid budget overruns

Traded the dream job for volunteering: the inspiring story of Scott Harrison, who decided to make the world a little better

“Simple”, “in fact”, “it makes sense”: words that a woman should not use in email

A student from China with his own hands created a miracle machine, spending quite a bit of money

Simple rules from an expert that you need to adhere to when looking for a new job. A letter of recommendation, the correct resume and other important factors in this case

Simple tips from an expert on career changes in 40 years. We formulate a goal, choose a field of activity and set a further direction for development

Simple tips for reducing small business expenses. Improving its effectiveness

Easy ways to make money online without attachments

Simple tricks that managers use to make them leave more money in the store

3 easy ways to start marketing your new online store

5 easy ways to increase the number of registrations in your online store: establish contact with the audience

5 easy ways to even out the cash flow of a small business: learn to save without cutting costs

Against competitors or for customers: entrepreneur and investor Ryan Moran told how to make a business successful by solving customer problems and leaving competitors behind

A prototype helps evaluate the appropriateness of a business idea and a new product: what you need to know to create a prototype

The failed interview at Nike prompted designer Travis Grillo to sell pickles. Now he's a millionaire

7 proven ways to create a customer base for e-commerce: an audience is not everything you need to pay attention to

Psychologist Marisa Garau gives practical advice on how to overcome stress at work. Mandatory breaks, status monitoring and more

The psychologist claims that a person’s disposition to entrepreneurial activity can be recognized in young and adolescent

Psychologists said that the type of personality can be determined by what things a person spends the most money

Psychologists advise: short office games rally employees and improve team performance

Psychologists advise to prioritize and not eat at night, so as not to be a "sleepy fly in the morning

The psychological safety of workers is the key to high productivity. Some tips for maintaining a good team atmosphere

The psychology of the crowd: how to protect a career and personal life from public opinion

Wastelands, billboards, roofs and trash cans: striking examples of illegally constructed housing

Five minutes and bankrupt: historical photos of the four largest crashes of the US stock market

7 Fridays of the week: thanks to a few tips, I managed to work with a boss who has new ideas every 5 minutes

Work, home, husband, children: modern women reduce their hours of sleep in order to be in time

Working with email can be very stressful. Breathing exercises and two more ways to deal with it

Work less than 8 hours really due to technology, but is it good for health and well-being? The opinion of experts

To work with friends and not break relationships - is this possible? Expert opinion

Working with a friend as a team makes you happier and more productive: research

Health worker passes DNA test and inherits $ 60 million

The employee was fired because he regularly took selfies at the workplace. Now he owes 3800 dollars of compensation

Employers hire and retain employees older than 50 in their organizations: there are several reasons for this.

For the sake of his business, the pineapple seller made himself a hairstyle in the form of this tropical fruit. The publicity stunt was a success

Libra will have to make a difficult choice: financial horoscope July 29 - August 4

Expenses can tell about the main personality traits, experts are sure

Talk about your financial expectations on your first dates: how to talk with your partner about money at the beginning of a relationship

I share how I quit smoking. I calculated how much money I managed to save

Life in the wilderness: cozy homes of people who once decided to escape from the cities

Paradise on Earth exists: how people live in a city where there is no religion and politics

Allow yourself to be nervous and accept yourself for who you are: 9 tips to help you make an excellent business presentation

7 real places that inspired creators to create logos for some famous brands

Cosmopolitan magazine editor and other editors: the whole world appreciates their work, but no one knows what they look like

Recommendations to the head of a small business regarding the selection of qualified personnel. Not only resumes and qualifications are important

The recruiter explained that job interviewers have a lot more influence than they think. It's all about social skills and confidence.

A religious family from Australia did not pay taxes for a long time, claiming that it was "contrary to the will of the Lord." Now they face a huge penalty

Decided to change career: where to start - a guide for beginners in procurement

As Mom taught: 11 tips to help you sell unnecessary things

Rating of the most revered women in the world. Queen Elizabeth II is only in fourth place. And who is on the first?

Robots advance: Horizon of Robotics startup company from Israel displaces window cleaners from the labor market

Parents instructed the newlyweds, told the rules that can help save a fortune

Parents buy property for £ 420,000 just to get their child in the best school

Novel at work: how not to harm a career and not become the subject of ridicule of colleagues

Luxury for luxury: 10 of the most expensive and eccentric houses in the world

Russian earned 95 million rubles by illegally building a multi-storey building in a resort town

The Russian woman moved to Israel and turned her favorite hobby into a successful business. Success Story of a Woman Bored of Being a Financial Analyst

Olga Andrienko, Head of Global Marketing at SEMrush, Tells Why Voice Search is the Future of Marketing

Managers who started as ordinary workers and became directors of companies. Mary Barra, Doug MacMillon and others

WhatsApp and Investible executives advise how to invest to earn more

Affiliate Marketing Guide: finding partners, getting started, generating sales

Where did the famous billionaires start: newspaper delivery men, fast food workers, and child prodigies

Using the theory of relativity, scientists have calculated which part of the body ages first

With a new hairstyle, the woman began to look younger and gained confidence

Your own boss: how to make money sitting at home at the computer

The richest singer of our time: her fortune is estimated at $ 600 million

The most beautiful pools in hotels, they merge with the horizon and seem endless

The coolest examples of advertising that has increased sales thousands of times

The most successful startups that in 2019 have already brought millions of dollars

The 7 most common and ridiculous myths about owning an online store

10 highest paid celebrities in the world

The most profitable investment of Warren Buffett was a candy factory with a yield of 8000%

The richest man in the world is losing supremacy? How Bill Gates came in third on the list of billionaires

The most expensive popcorn costs about a trillion dollars. Delicacy Ingredients

Beautiful girl selling fish in the market attracted attention with her appearance

The smartest way to answer this standard question in a Tell us about yourself interview

Plumbing paid only half the money for the work, and he came up with a brilliant revenge plan

Happiness is the engine of progress. According to scientists, happiness is an important condition for achieving leadership positions

House for rent in the form of a spaceship for rent for 51 dollars per night. A potential client receives an almost complete copy of Apollo, landed on the moon

For rent paradise island in Belize. How to live on it, paying only $ 63 per night: life hack

I did everything according to the list and returned to work without a problem after the decree

To do something small, but successful is the first step towards adapting business to the modern market: advice from the head of the innovation management department

The boy created a thriving business in his own bedroom at age 12

The Secret of Oratory: Three Techniques That Will Talk Like a Boss

The secret of happiness from Warren Buffett: "Communicate and work with those with whom you are comfortable and comfortable. Otherwise, there will be no success in business!"

The secret to success is failure: why so, said my psychologist friend

Secret information: what each boss hides from his subordinates

Secrets of a cruise: why passengers sometimes get a small envelope when boarding

A comfortable old age: 3 "money" habits that are worth developing for the 40th anniversary

Secrets of a successful investment and vacation at sea - is there a connection? Forbes Financial Advisor Ivan Illan Gives Advice

Secrets of a successful interview: how to correctly answer the question about the reasons for leaving the previous job

Secrets of a successful woman. How the cashier became president of a large trading branch, which includes 795 objects

Secrets of successful negotiations. Entrepreneurs shared examples of how they managed to reach consensus on contentious issues.

Seven habits of happy people that you can copy right now

Seven steps to resolve and prevent conflicts in the workplace: advice to the entrepreneur

YouTube's 6-year-old star makes $ 8 million home

A family that kept tennis balls in a bowl found out that they possessed a valuable thing

A family of 6 sold a large house to live on a bus. And they are happy

The family bought a house built in 1736. Now they are faced with paranormal

A beautiful and comfortable house is for sale for the first time, but it is 125 years old

The family bought a house the size of a garage and turned it into a cozy nest: what it looks like inside

The family of video bloggers decided to make money on the sale of dolls, which are an exact copy of their four-month-old son

Now his company brings $ 3,000 a day, and once he sold sandwiches in the streets: the inspiring story of Chilean businessman Matias Leiva

Step forward: 3 of the most common mental blocks that prevent you from achieving your goals. Ways to overcome them

4 steps to open your own restaurant: the experience and secrets of a successful entrepreneur

5 steps to quickly get your first online sale: tips for beginners from experienced salespeople

5 steps to launch a new product in your online store

Shaquille O'Neill is not only a basketball star. He is now a successful investor, and his teacher is Jeff Bezos.

“Chef, two counters!”: How to save on taxi rides

Luxury villa with ocean views, secluded bay and private beach for $ 35 million

Luxury cars, big families and even falcons: what symbols of wealth exist in different countries

The chic mansion that once belonged to Abraham Lincoln’s granddaughter sells for $ 15 million: what it looks like inside

The schoolboy dreamed of his house, took shape as a fisherman and a year later already saved up $ 60 thousand for the first installment

Shopping on a list, cash instead of a card: saving life or life hacks that prevent me from spending too much

A joke with consequences: Mattie Roberts, who launched the "Zone 51", today regrets it very much

Avocado power - a man robbed a bank twice, threatening an avocado fruit

10 strong personalities who have succeeded and made a fortune after an incredible failure

Vanga’s strong conspiracy for money, which helped me overcome a difficult period in my life - you only need a little brown bread

4 situations at work when it is appropriate to compare yourself with others

7 situations in which it is not recommended to use your credit card

They said "in great confidence" that they were going to dismiss a colleague. Should I tell him about this? The opinion of experts

How many people should run the company? Some ideas for avoiding conflicts

How much does a “green” business bring or How in St. Petersburg to make millions by selling eco-dishes

How much does it cost to be a “k-poper": why k-pop fans are forced to spend a huge amount of money on their favorite idols

How much is the most expensive whiskey. A collection of elite drinks planned to be sold at auction for $ 700 thousand

Watch your language so you don’t hurt your career: 5 forbidden sentences that are better not to pronounce at work

Too much work for one day: why doing several things at once is not harmful, but leads to unpredictable results

Difficult work of realtors: apartments with oddities that they are forced to sell: photo

The difficult path of billionaire Mark Kuban: from $ 60 in his pocket to a multi-billion dollar fortune. Life example worth looking at

4 cases when it is worth raising the issue of raising salaries, and 3 - when it is better to keep silent

Smiley, bottle upside down: seemingly simple ideas, but they made their creators millionaires

Laughs the one who laughs last. The businessman said why you should not be afraid of “ridiculous” business ideas

The mystery of the death of the emperor: Soviet doctors established the true cause of death

First you need to introduce a partner to your bosses: how to properly introduce your spouse to colleagues

Outside - a cave, inside - a luxurious home: a dream home worth $ 2 million

September first again: some tips on how not to go broke at school camps

From the side, everything looks different: 5 reasons why a person is not happy with his success

Gathered with her husband to sell the house: a familiar realtor suggested several tricks that could increase his price in the market

Putting it all together: 8 rules for a leader who wants his employees to be a real team

Empathize and redirect: how to manage passively aggressive people in the office

According to studies, only 13% of millionaires consider themselves rich

Treasures of the Smolensk Bank and Varyagin gold: 5 real treasures not yet found in Russia

Focus on profit, expand your comfort zone and other tips on how to survive a failure in your business and strengthen your position

We draw up a business development program. How else to achieve financial well-being of employees?

Employees of the company could not understand where the cat brings money from, and when they found out, they began to help him.

An employee of the medical clinic pretended to be sick and became rich. But the cunning plan had unpleasant consequences

The social package in American companies is the worst among the developed countries of the world

Unusual housing in Australia: tiny houses. But it’s cozy and comfortable

CasperLabs Co-Founder and CEO Medha Parlikar has debunked three common myths about women's unsuitability in the field of information technology

Myia co-founder Alex Gold explained why “now” is the right time to create a blockchain company

Techincon co-founder and senior business consultant at Microsoft, Rashan Dixon, spoke about trends in sales technology that will determine business success in 2020.

Make purchases with the child consciously and not waste money on nonsense. Rules for handling the money your child needs to teach

Advice from millionaire Ken Honda for start-up businessmen: "Money spent on other people's happiness is the key to successful business"

4 product pricing tips in your online store: learn to be competitive

6 tips that will most effectively allow you to take advantage of the benefits of online advertising: budget and brand are not the most important thing

Expert advice on how to save work in the era of automation

Tips to help you sell photos for your product: learn to get attention

Tips from an expert on how to save money and why do it

Expert advice on how to turn a small business into a multi-million dollar company. We adopt and use

Tips from the founder of a multi-million dollar company: what does a leader who built everything from scratch teach people

Modern life requires new qualities from leaders: purpose, specific actions and speed (advice to employers)

Create a reserve fund and close all debts. The basics of the family budget: how to stop living from paycheck to paycheck

Brand creators Zara and Pandora: what the founders of popular brands look like who never show their faces

Specialists identified 10 tips to help parents raise financially successful children

Experts have identified 3 things that need to be done before the end of summer, so that you will be promoted in September

12 things that successful people never discuss at work

What are the Russian gymnasts doing their sports career doing now

4 ways to save money without leaving your home: reduce utility bills and more

10 ways to deal with burnout for employees of the department of advertising, marketing, design

7 ways to motivate yourself to work productively when there is no inspiration at all

6 ways to start saving without changing your lifestyle

10 Ways to Decorate Your Home to Save Money: Plants, Handicrafts, Natural Colors

Compare yourself with others and be afraid: 4 things to avoid to succeed

Trying to save on rent, a friend built an original heater

Older does not always mean smarter: continuous self-education and 4 more things that are worth doing so as not to repeat the financial mistakes of parents

Become a millionaire: how the family broke out of the mud to riches and now works at home

Statistics do not lie. A new study showed that 26% of employees are motivated, but do not like their company

Steve Jobs was against charity: little-known facts about the famous businessman and inventor

Is it worth it? Mini-penthouse in New York, which costs more than a hundred thousand per 1 sq. meter

It is worth abandoning a yacht, a business class on an airplane and buying a watch for 1,000 rubles: the unusual rules by which millionaire Chuck Feeney lives and donates money to charity

Faced with rudeness and rudeness? How can you put people in their place and not aggravate the situation?

Fear of failure prevented me from starting my own business. Just one conversation with a former boss helped me become a better version of myself and fulfill my dream

Strange, but economical: noticed that when you use cash, it takes a lot less money

10 weird but effective ways to stay healthy at work

Countries in which young people are ready to get into debt, just to celebrate a gorgeous wedding. How much does the organization of the celebration cost and what are the incomes of the population?

They carry danger: finds that cannot be taken from the ground and carried home

How to get along with someone you don't like: 6 proven strategies

Supermodel, whose face is not visible on promotional photos! Her hands are worth more than any face

The couple bought a house and as a gift received a second one - very tiny: only after a while they learned its purpose

Spouses, parents, founders and CEOs of their own companies at the same time - how such couples build their lives

Harsh reality: the girl frankly told what it means to be a boss for herself

Dream Wedding: Lovers put 10 cents on each delivery of used bottles to save for the wedding

The son of the Princess of Monaco married a Vietnamese girl, although relatives were initially against this union

Keep it up ladies! The mind, hard work and other reasons why women are financially more independent than men

Such a villa has not been dreamed of by any American president: what Donald Trump's residence looks like. A photo

Taxi driver, cleaner and even chess player: scientists have determined that some professions lead to a decrease in brain activity

A talented employee in a team is good, but he can demotivate the whole team. How to be in such a situation

Everybody is dancing! Git Up Challenge - the most positive flashmob of summer 2019 (video)

Desserts don't have to be complicated: 6 cookie recipes with three ingredients

"You lack femininity": the girl decided to leave work, because everyone told her that she looks like a man

Pepperjam CTO Greg Shepard told how small startups can become more attractive to outside investors.

The housing problem has been resolved: you can buy a house on Amazon for only € 4000

Now we are being manipulated with fonts: research has shown how a handwritten menu encourages us to order “healthy food”

Marriage Therapist Tells How To Talk With Your Partner About Finance

Losing good staff, companies lose profits: reasons for employees leaving and ways to avoid this

Britney Spears pregnancy test was sold for 5 thousand dollars, and a tooth of John Lennon - for 31 thousand. The most unusual things celebrities who have gone under the hammer

Tina Kandelaki, Kristina Orbakaite: famous Russian women who earn much more than their husbands and are not shy about it

5 types of friends that you need to get rid of if you want to achieve something in life

Going quietly - you will continue: vice president of Influence & Co. Matt Kamp shared 4 strategies that helped him make the biggest deals

How the problem is presented to the boss affects the future career of an employee (key phrases)

The way you spend money fully reveals your traits: scientific research

Point, point, comma - a funny face came out: how an American earned $ 100,000,000 on a kitchen sponge

Then and now: how the leaders of different countries have changed since the beginning of their reign

Tokyo 2020: design of Olympic medals made from electronic waste

Only business and work: how to prioritize time management correctly so that there is time for life

Just look at these beauties: Egyptian Airlines launched two flights that will fly with a female crew

Only natural born leaders know how to reassure workers. 8 helpful tips from smart and successful leaders: how to be a good leader

Princess Diana's sweatshirt, which has never been erased, sold for $ 53,532 at auction

Tom Cruise grew up in poverty and worked since 12 years. Hollywood stars who, despite their difficult childhood, were able to succeed

Spend your money on stupid things: my grandmother taught me a lesson that I have remembered for my whole life

Demand decent pay and learn to refuse: a recruiting expert told how to show healthy selfishness in building your career

Trend in business: employee incentive programs (experts shared the most popular ideas)

Discord training: exactly what skills need to be developed in employees and to whom to entrust

We train logical thinking: which of the three people in the picture is the owner of the office

How is it with your attention: which of these women is a “professional” beggar

Signs of good luck: 5 palm markings guaranteeing wealth and success

Three roommates bought an old sofa. Inside the sofa lay envelopes with money

The three brothers decided to make money on video games themselves. Now they have a thriving candle business and help those in need.

A bikini trick and $ 500: thanks to creative thinking, the sisters managed to create a fashionable shoe brand

500 million euros for a house on the water: the 10 most expensive yachts in the world

Zuckerberg, Arno and eight other billionaires get poorer $ 23 billion a day when the stock market falls

Travel agent, lawyer, teacher: 7 jobs in which women get fat

Tourist on the market: tactics of negotiating the price of goods with local sellers

The hardships of life benefited: a guy who does not have financial stability, founded a company that can turn any yard into an exotic beach

Millennial business: 6 oldest companies in the world

An entrepreneur friend’s blog has good traffic. He told how he prepares content for him.

Boyarsky - 20, Pugacheva - 17: the amount of pensions received by Russian celebrities

Employees like working with a good boss: a competent HR strategy

“Every business should have a face”: how to create a business on Instagram

“I have a right to it!”: A woman intends to charge a fee for using the Sun

I have several hobbies, and I figured out how to monetize each of them: sharing secrets

Single mother dropping out of school set up multi-million company

My girlfriend always has money. She says it's thanks to 10 habits

She had an old laptop and $ 15 in her pocket. Despite the enormous difficulties, she managed to create a company for the production of cosmetics

They have something to learn: 6 of the most self-conscious zodiac signs that know their worth

A special father has a special child: what does the son of the “most beautiful criminal” look like

The policeman has already ended his working day, but he did not leave the old man in need in need, in need of help

Cleaning is not only useful, but also profitable: sorting out the trash in the attic, the family has become richer by 10 thousand dollars

Cleaning, helping colleagues, rethinking your day: unusual ways to increase your productivity at work

Scientists have proven that chocolate fights sorrow and makes us 4 times happier

Scientists have proven: stroking a cat for 10 minutes dramatically reduces the content of the stress hormone - cortisol

Scientists have confirmed: that a brilliant idea dawned on you, you need to escape from the main task

Scientists say it's better to work with employees of the opposite sex

Scientists say remote work can ruin a career. How to avoid it

Learning to read people: what a handshake can tell about the identity of the interlocutor

The teacher was tired of enduring the students' antics. The woman quit, turned a hobby into a business and now earns $ 6.5 million a year.

A wise idea allowed the girl to create a business from scratch

Taming the printer: I’ll talk about secrets that will help you save money when working with the MFP

Improves memory, helps focus: how the habit of writing by hand can increase productivity

It is possible to improve the financial situation: it is enough to own 3 universal laws of money

The ability to meet new trends and other secrets of successful entrepreneurship in the modern world

Such is the whole thing here: what prevents smart people in career and life

5 mental tricks that will make you a successful investor

Unique companies that have been paying dividends to their investors for over 100 years

A unique case in New Zealand: a teenager who worked two jobs, at the age of 18 he managed to acquire his own house for $ 242,000

Warren Buffett gave instructions to MBA students. Simple rules that turned him into a billionaire

The Park Hotels hotel chain manager: a modern startup is good, but you need to consider all the risks before starting a business

Leadership lessons from the founder of the cosmetic brand Fenty Beauty - Rihanna

Recognize the right to make mistakes and other ways to overcome fear of an important step

Success in the little things: how to get the most out of any job - it doesn't matter whether you love it or not

Successful customer interaction: the secrets of building a strategy for productive work

7 successful entrepreneurs told how to become a business coach and earn millions

Calm down and take an objective look at the options: what else to consider when borrowing

We set "mother's time" so that after the decree, learn to combine work and child care

E-waste management, green web hosting, home office and other ways to make your business more environmentally friendly

The increase in the cost of jobs: what other problems await business leaders over the next 5 years

Modern masterpieces and old photos: what billionaires collect

The fired man stepped out onto the road and began handing out a resume. He did not expect to receive hundreds of responses.

“I’m always in time to quit” - principles that help me when I don’t have the strength to work

Dismissal may be useful for further career: HR-specialist tells how to prepare for the event and what to do immediately after it

Dismissal? From USA to Japan: how it happens in progressive countries

Dismissal from work was the beginning of a new life: how the unemployed managed to create a business that now costs millions

“I'll quit, I'm tired!”: 7 steps to take before writing a statement

To leave or stay? Husband lied to her about debts

In the car, office and other places: items with the most harmful bacteria

“I earn about $ 40 a day”: Belarusian students told how they earn money in summer

In a village in southwestern Poland, only girls are born: a couple who has a boy will receive a reward

Finland distributed apartments and money to the homeless: it turned out to be profitable

At 22, I was a waitress, and at 30 I became a millionaire: how I managed to build a successful business in a few years

In the USA they dismiss quickly and without warning: how they dismiss in the countries of the world

Island for rent in the Caribbean. All you need is $ 300 per person per night

There is no place for depression in the wallet: how to learn to save with pleasure

At age 12, Darius Brown created his own company for sewing animal ties and has already earned $ 11,000

There are always money in my wallet, because I know 5 important rules for luring them. I share with everyone

In the new office, I wanted to set a table by the window. My lucky colleague advised a completely different place

Captive of unnecessary thoughts: how to understand that a person is capable of more, and find out what exactly keeps him from success

Last year at Spas, I performed a ritual that drives away poverty. A month later I stopped experiencing financial difficulties, and a year later my income grew 4 times

The network has data on the exact monthly earnings of producer Bari Alibasov

In case of alien abduction - compensation of 10 million dollars: absurdity or reality of the insurance business

At one time I had to change more than 10 jobs, but now I know perfectly well what you can’t tell the boss when discussing salaries: I share my experience

At 15 she earns millions of dollars: the story of a child prodigy

In a Taiwanese restaurant, people who are less than 175 cm tall are fed meat for free

The center of Paris hosts an exhibition of the best jewelry from around the world

In the UK you should write a letter of thanks: what are the rules of etiquette during an interview in different countries

It is important to respect the dress code and have a bite in advance: the matchmaker-millionaire shares the rules of etiquette for events

What people learn about us in the first seconds in person

Important questions to the creditor bank that you should ask to improve your financial life

Barbarian law: the Minister of Labor in Japan obliges all women to wear heels in the office

Your business site will be easier to find on the Internet: how to optimize it for voice search

Is your boss an idiot? What should a subordinate do if he has doubts about the competence of the boss

“Your product must be unique”: this and other popular business secrets that don't really work

“Your card is blocked”: words that lead to the card being blocked when transferring money

Vata and alcohol: a woman demonstrated how to easily and quickly verify the authenticity of dollar bills

Yesterday I realized that 1000 rubles is a big deal. I share my story of creating a money airbag

Inspired by success: 5 practical tips from Melinda Gates and other influential women in the world.

The inspirational story of a man who has gone from a hairdresser to a billionaire

The eternal deadline and office walls: how not to kill your productivity at work with food

The Great Recession: 5 people who lost everything. And how they managed to restore wealth

The picturesque island of Andikitira invites new settlers. They will be paid $ 566

8 things you need to replace to improve your life and save money: toothbrush, pillow, sports shoes, etc.

7 things for which successful people do not apologize: quick work, personal opinion, weekends, etc.

Poverty screams like that: 4 things that say your situation without words

To see talent in people is a talent in itself: 10 rules of success from the mysterious Quentin Tarantino

The owner of a small cafe decided to face off with a huge corporation and won

Brussels authorities offer residents of the city a 75% discount on utility bills if they cover the facade of their house with a creeping plant

Investments from 100 000 rubles, quick payback, profit in the first year. Businessman told how to make money on teeth whitening

Instead of disputes and scandals: three ways to direct the working conflict in a positive direction

Appearance and other errors that can ruin the interview

During the trip, the man realized that he had forgotten his wallet at home, but the taxi driver went to meet him and committed a noble deed

The contents of the old suitcase made the whole family speechless

People are to blame for everything: cockroaches are born immune to poison

Vodka "Gorbachev", "Whiskas", "Prings": examples of incredibly cool truck ads

Questions that are most often asked at the interview. Adaptability, professionalism, teamwork and more

Raised or ignorant? 8 things cultural people will never do in the workplace

That’s how it would be for us: non-smokers in Japan received 6 extra days off per year

Wow! The guy put everything he needed into the bathroom with an area of ​​only 2 m2, and even managed to save

Here's a twist: the rich worry more about money than the poor

For 20 years now, a man has been living in an abandoned ghost town. All this time he has been looking for hidden silver

Possible mistakes in the preparation of resumes that complicate the job search

Age is not a reason for idleness: 10 ideas for additional income from retirement

Blogging age is not a hindrance: thanks to the YouTube video channel, the boy earns more than $ 1 million a year

Age is not a hindrance! 7 Ways To Use Age To Your Advantage When Starting A Business

Age is not a hindrance: 5 tips for those who want to stay productive and energetic in adulthood

Impressions of an American from a closed elite village in the suburbs

Budget Eater - Invisible Expenses: Blogger Shares Experience

Bad financial habits that you should forget about in order not to become a beggar

Time, money, people, production: 4 whales of a successful business. How to develop all these four areas and increase your potential

Time, money, resources: 5 myths about custom mobile business applications

All you need is a smartphone. 8 modern professions for which a mobile phone is enough

Simple, and sometimes incomprehensible ideas that are "rich" of their creators

All clients are satisfied: peace of mind, self-confidence and other secrets that helped me learn how to behave properly in negotiations

Kings can do everything, and work is no exception: the unusual occupations of members of the British royal family

Everything is safe and secure: three ways to make sure that your entrepreneurial career does not end soon

Everything turned out not so scary: what they can teach two weeks without coffee

Everything is laid in childhood: Bill Gates told how his parents managed to grow a successful billionaire

I always perform 5 simple exercises at work and feel great, even at the end of the day

Know-it-alls and talkers: which employees are unlikely to be promoted

Meet by clothes: what should men pay attention to in appearance before an interview

You are poor because you have no ambition: the reasons for the failure of most people on the example of the story of Jack Ma

Do you still have a card with you? Then we go to you! 5 reasons to pay for purchases using your smartphone

Are you too modest? Or maybe you have impostor syndrome? Psychologists advise how to overcome a condition that prevents you from climbing the career ladder

You can get a cottage as a gift if you agree to move to the island of Landy in England and work in a pub

“You don’t hear me?”, “In the sense of?”, “The customer is always right”: what phrases shouldn't be spoken to support specialists

Want to take an Irish Wolfhound? First look at the photos of the real owners

You will most likely be recognized as competent at the interview if the lighting in the room is good: the findings of the researchers

You made your first sale in your online store: and now what next? The main measures that an experienced seller takes after closing a deal

Are you tired of your work? It could be worse. Chinese scientists find out which work is the most difficult morally

Highlighting the main to-do list and other methods that I use to save time on daily decision making

Getting out of financial collapse: a step-by-step guide

We turn off on time, properly organize working hours and take breaks during work - these are the basic rules for achieving high productivity at the workplace

Turn off the TV and do holiday shopping after the holidays: easy ways to save money on familiar things

Performing her duty, the girl did not suspect that she would soon become a star of the Network

The graduate could not find work for 4 years. Then he decided to start selling mushrooms

Harvard graduates came up with a new type of women's shoes that suits everyone

Highly sensitive people make up 20% of the population: professions that reveal the talents of such people

10 highly paid professions in America for those who do not get along with math and programming

Will robots crowd people out? Experts named 3 industries that are particularly vulnerable to artificial intelligence

Hack iPhone and get a million: Apple offers a reward to everyone who can find iPhone vulnerabilities

Take responsibility - how else can you fix mistakes at work. Specialist advice

"I felt like a doll in a shop window": experience as a flight attendant in the UAE airline

I started saving and saving when I accustomed myself to 3 techniques: phased saving, money from bad habits, etc.

"I do not believe in luck. I believe in perseverance and perseverance": success lessons from the magnificent Lucille Ball - star of the 50s comedy series "I Love Lucy"

I did not know which is better to buy a wallet so that money would be spent. Girlfriend gave me some interesting tips

I could not start life "from Monday" until I learned one trick

I never complained about the work of my boss: secrets that are not worth telling the head

I pay my employees a salary higher than the minimum. And my business is booming

I helped more than 1000 people open their online business: what qualities help people succeed

I went to study as a cook, and my father, who worked in a restaurant for 20 years, gave practical advice.

I decided to save this year. Uncle suggested that it’s better to make a list of things that I want, but I won’t buy

"I accidentally spent $ 20,000 from the budget": women talked about their most memorable mistakes in the workplace

I quit my previous job to make herbariums under glass (photo)

I always wanted to go about my business, but where to start? Why the service business is the most attractive for beginners

I was always nervous during the interviews, but a friend suggested how to become self-confident and hear the treasured words

I grow various herbs and get income for them: more about the product and marketing

I learned English in just 6 months, following the golden rules of teaching a foreign language

I hired a person with 3 typos in the resume: the recruiter explained why acting according to the rules is not always appropriate

Sukhankina knows how to save on school uniform: a selection of tips

Bright facts from the life of Brad Pitt, which you may not have heard about

Clarity in communication: 10 ways to become a leader at work when you are not a boss

4 sure signs that colleagues and superiors don't like you

The egg that scored more than 18 million likes on Instagram: this and other ingenious moves that turned out to be just marketing

Grandma never said certain phrases: they push money away

Body language: gaze, posture, position of hands and other non-verbal signals that should be paid attention to during negotiations

Youtube has added new ways to make money. An expert tells how to use them to your advantage

Humor is one of the aspects that is very important when choosing your career.

A young businesswoman told how meditation helped her to succeed and move up the career ladder.

Jeweler, carpenter, seamstress: career development options for introverts

Why pay that kind of money: an unknown rich man bought the best palace in Los Angeles for $ 120 million

For the year I saved up 1378 euros. The method of 52 weeks helped me with this.

Behind the scenes of big business: one day in the life of Tash Perry, Christie's leading auction specialist

A girl from China shared the secret of how to become a top manager at age 18

They paid $ 45 for the first emoticon, now this business brings 500 million a year

5 funny and unusual ways in which people earn extra money in the summer

Forgetfulness and other habits that give out the low emotional intelligence of the interlocutor

Before you get together, ask each other 4 important money questions

A refrigerator ordered over the Internet was too large. The seller promised to pick up, but forgot. And it stands in the middle of the kitchen ...

The less a man earns, the less he does around the house. What science says

When engaging in online business, we must not forget that every post on social networks matters and causes consequences

Engaged in what will turn up: the couple quit a good job to travel around the world

5 activities in your free time that really help to spoil productivity at work

Keep your palms open: what psychological tricks will help you get a job